The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh

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You posted 72 times in the Horror Countdown thread, which began on March 17, 2019 and ended on May 16, 2019. So, again, you should know from your own experience that this is how we do things.

@MovieFan1988 I also don't think it's really relevant to compare a forum wide list to a personal countdown. This countdown has almost 100 participants from all over the world with different time zones and have different schedules. Some MoFos don't have time to sign on every day. Some go several days in between. If we do five a day and a someone who is busy misses even 3 days, that's 15 films they're behind on and a have a lot to catch up on, at which point those who are able to keep up will have moved on with their discussions.

A personal countdown will have a much smaller audience and will generate much less discussion.
Makes sense, since I'm new at participating to this countdown thing I might as well just see how it's done, since the list isn't just put out on the first post right away that makes me feel better.

You posted 72 times in the Horror Countdown thread, which began on March 17, 2019 and ended on May 16, 2019. So, again, you should know from your own experience that this is how we do things.

OK, that was months ago, I wasn't as active as I am now, and my mind was occupied by a lot of things before covid. And even then I still felt like it was too much if I recall. I didn't say much about that bevause it was already going on. So before you act more authoritative by lecturing on what I should and shouldn't know, keep in mind that there's no reason to listen to anyone other than the site's head Jedi master on what will remain or change.

OK, that was months ago, I wasn't as active as I am now, and my mind was occupied by a lot of things before covid. And even then I still felt like it was too much if I recall. I didn't say much about that bevause it was already going on. So before you act more authoritative by lecturing on what I should and shouldn't know, keep in mind that there's no reason to listen to anyone other than the site's head Jedi master on what will remain or change.
Listen to who you will, but I'm speaking from over a decade of experience as an active member of this forum, as a participant in most of the countdowns that have happened in that time, and as a host of one of the previous countdowns (Animation). The 2010 All Time List was the first forum wide countdown I participated in. We did two movies a day ten years ago, too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
OK, that was months ago, I wasn't as active as I am now, and my mind was occupied by a lot of things before covid. And even then I still felt like it was too much if I recall. I didn't say much about that bevause it was already going on. So before you act more authoritative by lecturing on what I should and shouldn't know, keep in mind that there's no reason to listen to anyone other than the site's head Jedi master on what will remain or change.
You're right the sole choice about how many movies to reveal each day is up to the host, Yoda.

You're right the sole choice about how many movies to reveal each day is up to the host, Yoda.
Which is why I feel that statements like "it always will be" should only be made by him, ten years of forum activity aside. Experience means nothing when compared to Mr. Big.

No more arguing about people's tone, please, in any direction.

There's not much point in arguing about whether this will literally "always" be the way countdowns are down, either. Obviously that's not technically knowable, and everyone is entitled to their opinion about the likelihood of it changing. They're also entitled to argue (respectfully) for any change they prefer, but that means actually making and responding to arguments, and not insulting or badgering people or just insisting it's better. Anyway, this obviously isn't the kind of thing that can be brought up right before the countdown starts.

No more arguing about people's tone, please, in any direction.

There's not much point in arguing about whether this will literally "always" be the way countdowns are down, either. Obviously that's not technically knowable, and everyone is entitled to their opinion about the likelihood of it changing. They're also entitled to argue (respectfully) for any change they prefer, but that means actually making and responding to arguments, and not insulting or badgering people or just insisting it's better. Anyway, this obviously isn't the kind of thing that can be brought up right before the countdown starts.
Then would you mind if I PM'ed you?

Anyway, to respond to your specific post:

As already noted, I'm the only person who gets to make the final decision on this list. A future list Curator can reveal films at a faster pace if they want: these are community-run, after all. I haven't (and won't) make unilateral decisions for other Curators unless they wanna do something really wacky, if then. This is one of a few reasons, BTW, that I'm not sure it's valid to compare solicited ranked choice voting with just aggregating one-off ratings, like some other sites might do.

The bit about "neglecting the ability to improve" is perplexing to me. Why didn't I just say that upfront? Because I don't think it's an improvement, obviously! What's the point of assuming it's an improvement when that's the very thing being discussed/disputed? Ditto for assuming my refusal to change the rules last-second is being "stubborn" rather than not hearing anything persuasive.

I've given my reasons, and I think they make sense. I'll expound on them a bit:

What people like about these is the way we honor the films, and the lists sit there for years (in this case, a solid decade!) for others to find and check off. It's a long-term thing, and taking the time to put the spotlight on each great film, so the members who chose it can talk about why it's there, is the whole idea. Doing that rapid-fire is anathema to the whole idea. And I'm not sure just wanting to know sooner is the kind of thing that actually makes anyone happier. God knows I can relate to curiosity, but I think it's a bit like wanting to know how a magic trick is done: I don't think it makes things any more enjoyable.

It's fine if you disagree, if you simply want to know faster (that's the only argument I've been able to suss out so far: that some people are just curious and want to know faster). Hopefully you can at least see how either decision "costs" something, and has an upside and a downside to it. And hopefully you can see how the upside I've chosen is very much in line with what these lists mean to us, collectively. If not, hey, that's okay.

The trick is not minding
2 reveals a day should also be understood that the person doing the reveal often has other responsibilities outside of the countdown and with the holidays upon us, time does become relevant.

With all due respect, I see no reason to change something that's been working fine for ten years.

And even 3 films a day adds up quickly for those who are only able to log in a couple of times a week. I think 2 films a day is the sweet spot. It allows time for discussion and builds anticipation. Plus we only do a couple of countdowns a year, and since they take months of preparation it's not really feasible to increase that number, so why rush the reveal?

Trouble with a capital "T"
...As already noted, I'm the only person who gets to make the final decision on this list. A future list Curator can reveal films at a faster pace if they want: these are community-run, after all. I haven't (and won't) make unilateral decisions for other Curators unless they wanna do something really wacky, if then. This is one of a few reasons, BTW, that I'm not sure it's valid to compare solicited ranked choice voting with just aggregating one-off ratings, like some other sites might do...
That's good to know.

Interesting discussion from an owner/business perspective, I'll share my thoughts about it in the near future. But right now all I want is to see #100 and #99.

@Yoda - Two reveals a day like you stated no problem, I like when things are a slow pace with these lists, it brings in the anticipation on what the next two movies will be, all the time and effort why rush it in a few days.

Interesting discussion from an owner/business perspective, I'll share my thoughts about it in the near future. But right now all I want is to see #100 and #99.
Terminator 1 #100 and #99 is Terminator 2 lol, hopefully not though they deserve to be in the top 50 atleast

This... happens... on... every... official... MoFo... list...

I went through the Comics with 4 per day due to the low list count... and even then some moaned that it wasn't fast enough

I'm happy with 2 a day.
It's a tried, tested, successful format... no reason to change it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I went through the Comics with 4 per day due to the low list count... and even then some moaned that it wasn't fast enough
Stop the presses! Someone had done a countdown differently than 2 per day...Interesting

Stop the presses! Someone had done a countdown differently than 2 per day...Interesting

That was down to the low list count tbh.
We only had 35 people enter.

We managed to scrape in I think it was 110 or 120 movies altogether. Which is kinda poor if you want to get a full-on Top 100.
It also meant places 100-50 had like, 1 vote per movie... their respective positions were simply down to where they appeared on their respective lists.

It's why if you look at the Comics List on the MoFo page, it's actually only a Top 50. Discussed it with Yods beforehand that though we were revealing a "Top 100" on the threads... but the official list on MoFo's List Section, would have to be cut to a Top 50.

So I hammered the list out 4 per day... so we could get to the meat of the list at 50-01 quicker.

There was a couple who still moaned it still wasn't fast enough

Trouble with a capital "T"

That was down to the low list count tbh.
We only had 35 people enter.

We managed to scrape in I think it was 110 or 120 movies altogether. Which is kinda poor if you want to get a full-on Top 100.
It also meant places 100-50 had like, 1 vote per movie... their respective positions were simply down to where they appeared on their respective lists.

It's why if you look at the Comics List on the MoFo page, it's actually only a Top 50. Discussed it with Yods beforehand that though we were revealing a "Top 100" on the threads... but the official list on MoFo's List Section, would have to be cut to a Top 50.

So I hammered the list out 4 per day... so we could get to the meat of the list at 50-01 quicker.

There was a couple who still moaned it still wasn't fast enough
I hear ya bro You should get your Photoshop working and you could do another Countdown someday I know! A LOT of work!

Ah the problem I got these days is also Word.
I don't have access to Excel or Photoshop atm.

Need to sort it, but they're just so damned expensive.