The Resident Bitch's New Top 100 Favorite Films

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Good stuff. I like all these to varying degrees. Gladiator is my fave of the bunch and was on my last 100 list.

Even rauldc14 and I agree on Gladiator and we're opposites on just about everything else.
Nah, it's a good one, just not a personal favorite. It has been forever, however.

Joaquin Phoenix though?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Miss Vicky, Great job on your countdown! It was a fun list to follow, nice presentation and organization too.

Of the movies that I've seen, I liked most all of them and I got a few ideas for future movies too.

My stats: I seen 36 movies on your countdown and there were only 3 that I didn't like. So that's a pretty good ratio

Alright number 1, I flat out did not like Her. Spike Jonze and Kaufman just do not work for me. And I admit I have not seen Up or Mary and Max. Now I love the crap out of Gladiator, I have ever since I saw it in the theaters. And I did see Quills since it is your favorite movie, and I liked it quite a bit.

Excellent list Miss Vicky!

Love Ratatouille. I've been feeling like rewatching this in a long time. One of my favorite Pixar's. I LOVED it last time I saw it. If it holds up, this will be another shared favorite. Her is definitely a favorite; you probably remember my HoF 5-popcorn write-up... like you, I loved Mary and Max and probably for the same reasons. Such a good and unique film. And I love stop-motion. Up is as close to a favorite as it gets. I love it, kinda adore it, but it's almost not quite up there. A weird movie for me, bu definitely one I rank VERY high. Gladiator I hadn't seen in years until a recent revisit. Unfortunately, I was interrupted and didn't finish. Liked it still up until I stopped watching though... Quills you recommended me a LONG time ago. I haven't forgotten you know. I just haven't been getting to it yet...

AMAZING finish, MV. Loved following the list! Good work.

Seen: 61/100

Grats on the list - quite a few I rate fairly highly on there

I thought I posted here earlier, but I guess I forgot to hit send. I enjoyed following this list, and really liked the way it was presented.

There are a few films high on your list that I haven't seen (Hedwig, Quills), but seeing you post about them (in this thread and in others) has convinced me to give them a shot when I get the chance haha.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I like Her a lot. I wouldn't call it a favorite movie, but it's a very good movie.

I liked Mary and Max., but it's not really something that I've had the desire to watch again.

It took me a while to appreciate Up, but it gets better each time I watch it.

Congratulations on finishing your list. Great job.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Congrats on finishing your list, MV. I loved the presentation of it, even if the films left a little to be desired.

I've seen 55 of the 100, but that's to be expected considering the amount of cartoons on here. Despite that, it's really nice to see a new list from you.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Congrats on finishing your list Victoria. There have been a lot of films since I last posted so I won't go through them all, not just now anyway. Once again you've featured a number of films I also love (How to Train Your Dragon, Breakfast Club, Wall-e, Eternal Sunshine etc) and a number that I like/really like (Despicable Me, Surf's Up, Over the Hedge, Being John Malkovich, Ratatouille, Up, Hedwig and the Angry Inch etc). There are a few that I used to love but which have just slipped below such a billing now; including the Johnny Depp double of Pirates of the Caribbean and Edward Scissorhands. And there are also a group of films that I do like but want to revisit to check how much; Dances With Wolves, Perfect World, Zodiac etc for example.

Oh and as with Brother Bear, Lilo & Stitch is another film I only really tried due to your love for it and enjoyed it. Though I think I love the Stitch character more than the film itself.

Will go and add this to the master list of top 100 lists right now