Terminator: Dark Fate


I have to admit linda hamilton looks badass with that hair style, i like her a lot, and after giving terminator genisys a rewatch today, i have to say, the movie lacks any kind of dread that T1 and T2 had, it is just that the director i am happy to say is not competent enough to make a decent entry, it just lacks the punch and dread felt when the first scene of T2 comes to mind, u feel that there is evil shape shifting robot coming to get you and not john connor, it is just the difference btw having james cameron direct or having alan taylor directing.... simple as that. T2 is the movie that stood time and was ahead of it s time by far, could be released today and still be relevant, that s how good T2 is

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

James Cameron wasn't kidding when he said that this new Terminator will be about women empowerment. There's more Sarah Connor to this movie than the T-800. It looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger is more in a supporting role.

They should have just named this movie Sarah Connor.

I don't know what to make of it yet, especially with the T-800 being an old bearded Arnold.

A system of cells interlinked
Well ****, it's about time. It's been forever since we had a film focused on the empowerment of women, Mr. Cameron. Since that very issue is the first thing I look for in films about killer cyborgs from the future, this should hit the spot. While I appreciated the subtle themes of empowerment in T2, I would prefer to get the issue crammed down my throat, with maybe 3 or 4 characters speaking directly to the camera to let me know 1) how awesome women are and 2) that I am an *******. Say, even better, how about you come to the showing and sit right next to me and at just the right moment, you can apply a blow torch to my balls, finally putting me out of my masculine misery.

Ok, I know, I know...

Seriously though, I will most likely see this, as i am a sucker for most of the Terminator flicks.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I laughed out loud when I read, about Cameron, that his mother was in the army and would take rifles apart in their kitchen. How much more on the nose can you be?

Anyway, cautiously optimistic.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Unoriginality...Hollywood is thy name.

I'm so sick of the endless sequels, prequels and reboots that make up far too much of the new releases. No wonder there's little creativity coming out of mainstream American film maker's these days. It's all about meta data mining and targeting movie projects that have the most projected profits possible. Not that movie making in the past was all about art, but geez! if I want popcorn for entertainment I'll just stick a fork in the microwave.

Feeling the same vibes as others on here...
I thought this was meant to be original?
A new start for the Terminator series?

Cameron harping on about how this will reset the Terminator timeline and correct the mistakes made by T3 to T5 to the TV series... This "new" Terminator looks like a cross between the John Connor Terminator from Gensys, and the TX-whatever from Terminator 3.
Crossed with generic sci-fi Matrix style action and silly camera angles and chop-socky choreography.

Just like T3-T5 and the TV series already were.

Just looks like a rehash of all the other Terminators... which is what all the other Terminators already were. Already.


And again.

Welcome to the human race...
Cautious optimism is about what this film deserves, especially when it looks like it's pulling concepts from the more recent sequels (Gabriel Luna's Terminator looks like the nanobot-filled one from Genisys, Mackenzie Davis's Terminator seems like a human-Terminator hybrid like Marcus from Salvation, etc.) Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out the Arnold we see isn't actually a Terminator.

Besides, of course this trailer shows a lot of Sarah Connor. She's the hero of the franchise. It's not like you complain that the franchise should be called Ellen Ripley instead of Alien.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

A system of cells interlinked
Cautious optimism is about what this film deserves, especially when it looks like it's pulling concepts from the more recent sequels (Gabriel Luna's Terminator looks like the nanobot-filled one from Genisys, Mackenzie Davis's Terminator seems like a human-Terminator hybrid like Marcus from Salvation, etc.) Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out the Arnold we see isn't actually a Terminator.

Besides, of course this trailer shows a lot of Sarah Connor. She's the hero of the franchise. It's not like you complain that the franchise should be called Ellen Ripley instead of Alien.

All kidding aside, I am glad to see Connor return.

Welcome to the human race...
In what capacity, I wonder - especially if the focus is on a whole new target/protector duo with Sarah seemingly along for the ride.

The real question is where John is in all of this. Easy enough to assume that he died in between movies like Sarah did in T3 and that's why there's a new character being targeted, but maybe after spoiling that reveal in Genisys they're probably going to avoid mentioning him altogether.

Surprised to see a certain someone hasn't weighed in on this.

Ok, let's sum this up...

A Terminator crossed with nano-bots and human DNA... just like the John Connor Terminator from Terminator Gensys and in Terminator Salvation...

... but with liquid metal just like we already saw in T2...

... and looks like a cross of Terminator with Liquid Metal... just like we already saw in T3...

... but also a Terminator crossed with human DNA, just like Terminator Salvation... but there's a female Terminator as well... just like we already saw in T3...

... and also a female Terminator... which we have already seen in T3 and the TV series...

With Sarah Connor involved as a badass female protagonist, just like Terminator 2.

But Sarah might actually be a human-Terminator hybrid... just like Terminator Salvation... and the John Connor Terminator we already saw in Gensys.

But apparently this, according to Cameron... is new.

The second one ended on a definite note. There was no need for a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and a TV series and plans for 13 more new trilogies with spin-offs and side stories, and then another trilogy and a follow up TV series in 2030... then a reboot in 2045.

There are only 2 Terminator movies.

Welcome to the human race...
At this rate, they should make a prequel trilogy about a Terminator who gets sent back in time not to kill anyone but to go about ensuring Skynet's creation...

...as I typed that, I realised that that already happened in Genisys.

That first minute looked like a spoof. Has some decent action scenes here and there, but altogether it's pretty lackluster. Also, got some serious Fury Road and Alien vibes. Maybe that's just me.