Are the Alien sequels in jeopardy?


From what I've heard, those shorts he's making are all about body-dysmorphia as well.

If Blomkamp's Alien movie ever gets made, no matter if it's good or not, it'll go into my annals along with Ghostbusters (2016) and the entire Twilight series.

I still think that I need to check out these shorts he's been putting online before I pass too much more judgment on him, but yeah, I'm afraid to revisit District 9 for fear of it not holding up. The one-director-per-film concept is a cool one in theory, but it's always a gamble.

They're really something. I still believe in his hands the Alien franchise can make a real comeback. If these shorts are anything to go by, it shows he still very much has the talent and vision.

Looks like they might actually go forward with the reboot. It would take place years after the original Alien series with an entirely new cast (hopefully new director as well).

Prattle aside, those images and the possible backstory just makes me wish Scott would've checked his ego at the door and let Blomkamp take the wheel. Real shame.

This might just do nobody any good.
Sharlto Copley vs a Xenomorph could’a been fun. I’d actually be down with another Alien movie as long as it drops all human characters and is just David as space Hannibal vs Walter and filled innuendos.

Who will stop the burgle?

I consider myself an average joe (dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge) movie fan. The first two films were a good watch, even without unpacking all the other stuff.

These last two movies haven't been fun. I like Aliens, so I need to try to... Good movies shouldn't make you try, because you can't piece together 20 different things for it to make sense.

I really like Prometheus now, after I read a hour of redditt.

So Im just going to quote the beginning of the review I did for Alien Covenant here since it explains how I feel about this whole fleshing out the Alien universe theyve been trying to do:

"Im a massive fan of both Alien and Aliens so Ive always expected a lot from every other Alien inspired movie or sequel and probably because of that I have found them all to be disappointing at best (although some just sucked outright with no help from being compared to masterpieces). I was expecting no more with this one [Alien Covenant] but I do think it works pretty well, it just doesn’t have the tension magic of the first one or the epic awesomeness of the second. It does seem to tie a lot of the Prometheus mess together with the original Alien series in a way that almost works, or works enough. Although frankly, I don’t know that I need answers and lineages and a real thorough fleshing out of the Alien universe that we seem to insist on having here now (nor, while Im at it, do I need my Aliens and my Predators injected into the same universe to fight each other and if you think that was a good idea you need to either grow the **** up or learn somehow that two cool things in a bad movie does NOT equal a good movie, it equals a movie that is not only bad but undermines the value of those two cool things as well). I don’t think Alien was ever meant to be fleshed out. I think it was meant to be taken on face value as the masterful monster movie that it was and not complicated by trying to understand what ancient people crash landed the derelict space ship on LV-426 and why and where the Aliens first came from and EXACTLY how they were made… It was a simple beautiful dark terrifying sci-fi monster movie where the historical or genetic background of the props is NOT necessary to know to appreciate the wonderful terror of the film! Knowing the answers cheapens it in a way and makes it much smaller then it felt in the original films. We certainly didn’t need to dissect Geiger’s wonderful daring macabre art work in a way that made it more than the brilliant art masquerading as organicish set pieces that it was.

But I digress…"
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Am I the only one who likes Prometheus? I actually think it's better than the first Alien, which I think is overrated. Aliens is still the best one though I think probably. But have only seen those three.

كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
Covenant sucks. They need to stop this "franchise" thing... Just let the damn movies alone.
"Saw" is coming back, this franchise had a beautiful start with the first one, and a lot of fu***ng bad sequels.
But... yeah U$$$
The Alien case is the same as Saw, except the first Alien was actually.....good

It's a shame they slaughtered it but then it's been dead since '86 anyway
Still kicking and it hurts.

كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
Actually Prometheus was an enormous step in the right direction for world building but there where problems with the execution and Scott didn't bother to push it further enough and bold.....

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
They deserve to be in jeopardy, because the last one was a sign that they need to stop making Alien movies. I don't care if it's Scott, Blommkamp or even ****ing Martin Scorsese. We have enough of them. Ridley Scott especially needs to focus his eye on other projects. I know how talented of a director he is.

guys what do u think about the theory that there is a species above the engineers, called the "alphas" and that the original ship from alien is more organic than the one in prometheus, how about the theory that the alphas found a black box that contained the liquid goo. and they went on to test it on a moon they named: lv223, when they found that the goo is very dangerous .
this is all before the engineers came through?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
"Saw" is coming back, this franchise had a beautiful start with the first one, and a lot of fu***ng bad sequels.
But... yeah U$$$

Oh good god! Where did this idea of franchises even come from. Just go away!!! Theyre like a plague of locusts.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I kind of liked Prometheus, but I haven't seen the latest movie.
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I am the Watcher in the Night
I actually quite liked Covenant and I went in with the worse expectations lol

It is the best Alien movie since the sequel, but I guess it did not fair well at the box office.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

I actually quite liked Covenant and I went in with the worse expectations lol

It is the best Alien movie since the sequel, but I guess it did not fair well at the box office.
it didnt fair well because people dont know what they want, they will critisize anything they find they didnt like in the film just for the sake of it, alien covenant is a rrally good film and it ties up the mess left by prometheus uneven story

I am the Watcher in the Night
it didnt fair well because people dont know what they want, they will critisize anything they find they didnt like in the film just for the sake of it, alien covenant is a rrally good film and it ties up the mess left by prometheus uneven story
I think Prometheus left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. It did for me certainly, and then all the mixed messages surrounding it and the story.

So its expected audiences would keep away.

A system of cells interlinked
Both Terminator and Alien are Disney movies now?

Cinema is doomed!
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