Box Office Disappointments


Prince of Persia. Enough said.

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One man for the job but the right man
Prince of Persia. Enough said.
haha.. totally agree wit u on dat 1... i was watchin it online the other night and well... i wasnt entertained thas all i can say... accents get annoying, it was boring, and the story just wasnt all tht... huge disappoint. -_-
Walk one path and one path only... The path of death.

After several decades, what we are given is a Richard Donner love letter wrapped in cheesy sentiments. If it wasn't for overseas box office take, it would have been a true failure. What's worse is X-Men 3 was forsaken for this.

wasnt that bad still made nearly 400 million..

After several decades, what we are given is a Richard Donner love letter wrapped in cheesy sentiments. If it wasn't for overseas box office take, it would have been a true failure. What's worse is X-Men 3 was forsaken for this.
So very true. Singer walking away from X3 to make this rehash hurt on two fronts. At least X3 turned out better than this crap but would've loved to have seen Singer do Phoenix.

Also have to agree with Prince of Persia. That is THE most video game of any movie I've ever seen. And that's NOT a good thing in any way.

Have to mention Waterworld, Catwoman and Titan AE as well.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
The weakest Part of the Donner Superman, I think everyone agrees, was the second half of the film when Lex Luthor shows up in a campy story like what was typical on the Adam West Batman series, and that's what they chose to remake!

How could any rational human being thought that was a good idea? The Smallville series was already airing with a superior conception of Lex Luthor and they ignored it.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I still laugh at the S thing he does with his symbol. It stops the guy for like one second!!
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Keep on Rockin in the Free World

Coming off the Critical and Commercial acclaim of The French Connection and the Excorsist, William Friedkin takes a crack at adapting the french novel "Wages of Fear" (which i think would have been a much better title than Sorcerer)
The story concerns A petty crook (Roy Scheider), a terrorist (Amidou), a corrupt banker (Bruno Cremer) and an enigmatic slime-ball (Franciso Rabal) with no links, all from different corners of the globe.

These are desperate men trapped in a world they want no part of. Cornered, forced to work together despite personal animosity or they will die. The only way out is to take on the suicidal task of transporting explosives to rescue an oil refinery under attack.

I've read that Steve McQueen was interested in the project, but on the condition a part for his wife could be worked in. Whether his name on the Marque would have mattered, whose to say.

After all, the main reason this excellent flick fell between the cracks was it happened to open the same day as the original Star Wars, and was buried.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I don't think Star Wars had anything to do with Wages of Fear laying an egg. A lot of people don't like the movie.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
People can't form an opinion if they dont see the movie.

At the time it was released, it was never released in the Community i lived in. Star Wars was held over for months.

To say that Star Wars had no effect whatsoever is ridiculous imo.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
The Sorcerers probably didn't get to your area because it didn't do well in its opening weeks. Movies didn't go into wide release everywhere at once like now. It received mostly terrible reviews that might have been unfair, but probably influenced the distributor not to make a greater commitment to it when the initial box office was bad.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Will, it came out the same day as StarWars.

for you to suggest that had no impact is ridiculous period.

I'm not making the case it is on the level of Friedkins other works that i love.

What I am saying is, its been flat out ignored. How many times can you recall ever seeing it on TV ?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I'm confused. Star Wars came out May 25, 1977, and Sorcerer came out on June 24, 1977. I saw both films on their respective opening days in large theatres and went back repeatedly to watch both.
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will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Smokey and the Bandit came out two days after Star Wars and it was Burt Reynolds biggest hit.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
The film had the misfortune to open in America on June 24, 1977. It was so anticipated that the week of its release, the lines at Mann's Chinese Theater were around the block. But during that time, a film called "Star Wars" (which had initially been released in only a few theaters across the nation) was put into wide release and the film's blockbuster phenomenon started to take hold. By the second week of the release of "Sorcerer," the crowds in front of Mann's Chinese Theater had completely dissipated to almost nothing. One San Francisco movie house, which had broken box office records when it showed "Star Wars," found its business dwindled to nothing when "Sorcerer" replaced it for a week. In the end, "Sorcerer" only recouped 9 million of its original 21 million dollar budget, making it a financial disaster.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I think that Sorcerer mainly got screwed because (1) the critics resented Friedkin for remaking a French classic, and (2) the audience expected another horror film based on the title.

I guess I also take for granted that I often get to see movies before other areas get them. I'd probably seen Star Wars 10 times before I even saw Sorcerer.

Sex and the City 2 is doing considerably worse than its predecessor. Hopefully that's bad enough to not make a third one.

A system of cells interlinked
So very true. Singer walking away from X3 to make this rehash hurt on two fronts. At least X3 turned out better than this crap but would've loved to have seen Singer do Phoenix.

Also have to agree with Prince of Persia. That is THE most video game of any movie I've ever seen. And that's NOT a good thing in any way.

Have to mention Waterworld, Catwoman and Titan AE as well.
Disagree. Superman Returns is head and shoulders better than X3, which is a complete pile of garbage. Singer's Superman Returns is a bit too long, and a bit too melancholy for a Superman title, but I actually enjoyed the more personal approach to the character. The film is flawed, yes, but it is certainly better than X3!

I do agree that Singer should have finished out the X-men trilogy, though. Discarding the Mutant cure scenario and going full force with The Dark Phoenix Saga with Singer at the helm would have been a MUCH better film than the fan-service fueled X3.

And presenting, the single biggest film let down in my life:

Before I went to The Phantom Menace, Star Wars was the pinnacle of fantasy adventure for me. I had grown up in the 70s with Star Wars sheets and toys, dreaming of adventures with the Jedi - events that had been hinted at in the original films: The Clone Wars, The Jedi Council, The Rise of the Empire... When I read about the prequel films way back in 1991 or 1992 in Rolling Stone magazine, I remember thinking I just would not be able to wait 5 whole years until I got to see these events come to life. I had no doubt in my mind the films would be amazing, it was Star Wars after all, and EVERYTHING Star Wars was just WIN.

I think it was just around the time that Jar Jar got his CGI tongue stuck in the repulsor-lift of the pod racer that I felt my heart actually break right down the middle. Not only was i not liking the new Star Wars movie, it was somehow destroying part of my childhood as I sat there watching it. Still, I kept watching. By the time I left I was in such a bad mood, I canceled all the plans I had for the rest of the evening, left the group of friends I had come with, and drove home to sit in the dark. I was ANGRY and I was SAD.

This is why I feel The Phantom Menace is one of the worst films ever made, if not the worst.
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will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Sex and the City 2 is doing considerably worse than its predecessor. Hopefully that's bad enough to not make a third one.
Did your girlfriend like it?

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
My interpetation of that is there initially were long lines because people wanted to see the movie because of the director' reputation, but the word of mouth was bad once it was seen. Smokey and the Bandit was doing great business and came out just two days later.