Christian Bale is a meanie?


RIP 2002-2010
Is there something we should know!?!

I use to sound exactly like Katharine Hepburn from On Golden Pond. As in, I use to quote all her lines perfectly, you old pooh!
Keep in mind that both Donald Duck and Katharine Hepburn have very distinctive voices that are easier than average to mimick with the inflections.

Not to knock anyone's ability, but I do believe that is Christian Bale.
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From what I have been told my typing looks exactly like Morgan Freeman's? Just thought I throw that out there
Stallone is my hero!

It doesn't bother me at all. Anger is natural, and the way society tries to make people suppress it is just dead wrong. Anger is natural, suppressing anger is not.
Yes Anger is natural, but how you express it is the important thing I don't think anyone should suppress there anger he was just throwing a tantrum
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

RIP 2002-2010
Are you always this much fun!?!

I was just teasing around with her. I feel sure it is him. Not that I care. I've never been a fan.
No I am not always that fun. I'm usually funer.

hmm I'm all for people venting their anger instead of bottling it up, but also mindful of "important" people throwing their weight around and belittling other people in front of workmates. Let's face it, these people were all working on a set just the same as you might get an open plan office full of people working and if it was you working there would you let a colleague berate someone publically and for quite so long without intervening? I bloody wouldn't.
Egos need a little deflation I think

I am all for calling someone out when they make a mistake, I can bet he ( the Director of Photography I think it was) does not do it again - whatever it was he did. The problem I have with this is a direct threat of kicking his arse. Somewhat disturbing and might be even criminal if pressed. If I told someone where I work that I would kick their ass for any reason I could get into big trouble, he should also, if the other guy felt threatened anyway.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

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I don't see a problem. I probably would've done the same thing, but without the f-word. Of course, that's not to say that there wouldn't be *any* cursing.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I don't see a problem. I probably would've done the same thing, but without the f-word. Of course, that's not to say that there wouldn't be *any* cursing.
How would you feel if you were the person who was being berated? we all make mistakes

I can't believe Christian these days, I mean he hit's his mom and sister and now flips out like an @$$hole on T4 set.

He's a meanie-monkey.

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How would you feel if you were the person who was being berated? we all make mistakes
I find it odd that the only part we're hearing is Bale. How do we know the other guy wasn't making matters worse? We don't.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I could hear the other guy, even if the sound was low. It was obviously recorded over Bale's mike, and the other guy was being very defensive about the whole thing. It was pretty clear this was the first he'd ever heard about this "complaint".
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You ready? You look ready.
I could hear the other guy, even if the sound was low. It was obviously recorded over Bale's mike, and the other guy was being very defensive about the whole thing. It was pretty clear this was the first he'd ever heard about this "complaint".
Yea, I had a feeling it might have been escalated.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
I didn't lose any respect for Bale just because he went Kinski on a member of the crew.
Kinski going Kinski.

Warning: naughty German words with naughty English subtitles.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Well, from working on sets it can be EXTREMELY stressful, especially when you are actually filming a scene, which is what was happening when this rant began. It's my understanding that the D.O.P, who is quite young and inexperienced was moving lights around DURING the take, which was apparently a very emotional part of the film.

This is a big no no is the film world. You set up your lights, lock them off and let the director and actors do their thing. If you want to adjust the light, you do it AFTER the take is done. By what Bale is saying, it seems this wasn't the first time this has happened with him.

I'm not condoning Bale's words/actions, I'm just pointing out the fact that these things DO happen. For christ sake, Kubrick was notorious for flipping out.
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For christ sake, Kubrick was notorious for flipping out.
He may have but I don't care who it is, it isn't right what gives anyone the right to go off at another human like that lots of people work in stressful jobs

lots of people work in stressful jobs
Yep, I can think of numerous other jobs, with a hell of a lot more stress involved. Besides, who even said you had to be at work. I tell you now, if my pay grew to what they can make, I'd have a hell of a lot less stress in life. Damn, I wouldn't even have to do my own hair, and/or make-up anymore. He's more than welcome to try my life out for a week or so, though. Then we'll see who's stressed.

king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies
Wow he is insane. Didn't he like assult his mum or something? I mean if some one gets that angry when some one just walks in their way, how mad would he get if something actually bad happend.
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The best part of that whole thing was that Bale was able to refer to "McG" by that stupid name without losing his stride. And I don't really begrudge the guy because even if he did go way overboard, he was probably right. Still a good actor, even if he is kind of an ass.