The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Films: Countdown

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I bet I've seen more movies from this list than from the Animated Countdown list.
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Top 100 Action Movie Countdown (2015): List | Thread
"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
This thread was fun.

I think everyone would agree that there were moments when you thought "How did that movie make the list?" and "How did this movie not make the list?" and "How did Movie X beat Movie Z"?

Some factors that help explain the list:
  1. Differences in what is considered science fiction (This wasn't helped by IMDB, which I learned has inconsistencies in what it labels science fiction...)
  2. Differences in what is considered a good movie.
  3. Some of us (myself included) somehow forgot about certain titles (although this may say something about how much we really feel about those movies...)
  4. Nostalgia.
  5. Memory loss (ie. I haven't seen the movie in 30 years, but I remembered liking it a lot... and in inverse: I just saw a movie recently, and because it's fresh in my head, I favor it over a movie I saw 30 years ago... )
  6. Some members didn't include sequels (or prequels), preferring instead to put the first in a series (I made this mistake with the Action Movie Countdown.)

In the Prediction Game, I guessed the majority of the top 10 right, but I got the movies in the wrong order - I made the mistake of putting them in the order that the AFI put them in. I should've put more thought into it.

I've made a little list of the movies I haven't seen and hopefully I will get to watch most of them.

Thanks Nope!

Here's my list!

1. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
2. Donnie Darko (2001)
3. The Matrix (1999)
4. The Face of Another (1966)
5. The Man from Earth (2007)
6. Open Your Eyes (Abre Los Ojos) (1997)
7. The Prestige (2006)
8. Blade Runner (1982)
9. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
10. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
11. Inception (2010)
12. Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
13. Children of Men (2006)
14. Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
15. A Matter of Life and Death (1946)
16. Paprika (2006)
17. eXistenZ (1999)
18. Alphaville (1965)
19. Interstellar (2014)
20. WALL·E (2008)
21. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
22. About Time (2013)
23. Planet of the Apes (1968)
24. Arrival (2016)
25. The Abyss (1989)
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
My List:
A Scanner Darkly

The themes and obsessions of Philip K. Dick resonate with me, and thus this was the third adaptation of his to make my list (along with Total Recall and Blade Runner), plus World on a Wire, which very much has a Philip K. Dick feel to it. I knew this one had pretty much no chance, and it’s certainly not hardcore science fiction, but I really like it and wanted to include it. The novel was quite autobiographical, as Philip K. Dick himself dealt with drug abuse while living with a bunch of drug addicts he couldn’t always trust, but the interesting aspect of the story is how one’s identity can become splintered, even to the point of not recognizing yourself on video. The rotoscoped animation is great.
Own this and watch it quite often. Not really sure why I didn't add this to list but very happy to see it AND to see some love for it.
I've read about half the book, NEED to finish it and they kept rather close to it in most respects and there's always a moment of sadness reading the names at the end of the movie and what happened to them.
Great movie.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Just noticed the full list you posted, thanks. Damn i was the only Melancholia or Eraserhead voter. I get Eraserhead but Melancholia is a surprise. Nice to see 2046 and Alphaville nearly make it, the latter wasn't far from my list.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Just noticed the full list you posted, thanks. Damn i was the only Melancholia or Eraserhead voter. I get Eraserhead but Melancholia is a surprise. Nice to see 2046 and Alphaville nearly make it, the latter wasn't far from my list.
I would have had Melancholia very high. That surprises me as well.

Just noticed the full list you posted, thanks. Damn i was the only Melancholia or Eraserhead voter. I get Eraserhead but Melancholia is a surprise. Nice to see 2046 and Alphaville nearly make it, the latter wasn't far from my list.
I would have had Melancholia very high. That surprises me as well.
Hmm... Melancholia is a film I thought had some nice effects, interesting concepts and good acting, but overall I just didn't like it that much, compared to some of Lars von Trier's other films like Dogville, or the films of the similarly-bleak director Michael Haneke. Yes, one expects a film by von Trier to be bleak, but in Melancholia the bleakness seemed a little excessive to me, and it didn't that seem there was as much of a point to it as in other von Trier or Haneke films.

Longer than usual, in this case; fairly busy this weekend and I need to rewrite some code to make sure we preserve all these images. So maybe next week?
What images do you mean? The ones in the thread's posts?

Hmm... Melancholia is a film I thought had some nice effects, interesting concepts and good acting, but overall I just didn't like it that much, compared to some of Lars von Trier's other films like Dogville, or the films of the similarly-bleak director Michael Haneke. Yes, one expects a film by von Trier to be bleak, but in Melancholia the bleakness seemed a little excessive to me, and it didn't that seem there was as much of a point to it as in other von Trier or Haneke films.
Yeah we don't see eye to eye on Von Trier then. I tried to watch Dogville and couldn't sit through it, i didn't finish it so i don't have a proper opinion but from what i watched i didn't like it. I found Melancholia very beautiful and i didn't think it was as bleak as say Dancer In The Dark.or Amour since you brought up Haneke; thought Amour was very well made and acted but that's a film i'd call excessively bleak.

Just noticed the full list you posted, thanks. Damn i was the only Melancholia or Eraserhead voter. I get Eraserhead but Melancholia is a surprise. Nice to see 2046 and Alphaville nearly make it, the latter wasn't far from my list.
Melancholia would have been very high on my list, but IMDb doesn't list it as sci-fi so I didn't think of it.

Longer than usual, in this case; fairly busy this weekend and I need to rewrite some code to make sure we preserve all these images. So maybe next week?
What images do you mean? The ones in the thread's posts?
Yep. The ones for the official countdown posts.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I almost put Cube down on my list. I really should have, it might have made the list then!!!!

But then maybe I wouldn't have gotten 25/25!!!!!! Who knows!!!!! What a world!!!!
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I almost put Cube down on my list. I really should have, it might have made the list then!!!!

But then maybe I wouldn't have gotten 25/25!!!!!! Who knows!!!!! What a world!!!!
I had your back... I think.

I'm too embarrassed to post my list.

I had your back... I think.

I'm too embarrassed to post my list.
Hey, I posted my trainwreck of a list. Go for it!
It can't be worse than other people putting a whole bunch of non-sci-fi films on theirs!

Hey, I posted my trainwreck of a list. Go for it!
It can't be worse than other people putting a whole bunch of non-sci-fi films on theirs!
I'll do a sci-fi list in more grandiose fashion sometime down the line, but:

1. Brazil (1985)
2. Stalker (1979)
3. Accion Mutante (1993)
4. Until the End of the World (1991)
5. Alien (1979)
6. Blade Runner (1982)
7. Escape from New York (1981)
8. Videodrome (1983)
9. Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future (1985)
10. Kin Dza Dza (1986)
11. Total Recall (1990)
12. The Thing (1982)
13. Hardware (1990)
14. Demolition Man (1993)
15. The Zero Theorem (2013)
16. One Point O (2004)
17. Avalon (2001)
18. Forbidden Planet (1956)
19. Aliens (1986)
20. Metropolis (2001)
21. A Scanner Darkly (2006)
22. eXistenZ (1999)
23. Cube (1997)
24. Visitor of a Museum (1989)
25. O-Bi, O-Ba: The End of Civilization (1985)

There are some huge omissions that I'm kicking myself for, and I put some movies higher just to give them more points.

Since the countdown is over I will list my list publically and I may do my own 100 sci fi countdown but not for a little while yet.

1 Star Wars A New Hope
2 ET
3 Star Trek 2 The Wrath Of Khan
4 Blade Runner
5 Alien
6 Predator
7 Terminator 2 Judgement Day
8 Planet Of The Apes Original Version
9 Men In Black
10 The Fifth Element
11 Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens
12 Independence Day
13 Avengers
14 Guardians Of The Galaxy
15 The Island
16 Transformers
17 Superman 2
18 Jurassic Park
19 2001 A Space Odessey
20 Robocop
21 Demoltion Man
22 Galaxy Quest
23 Avatar
24 Pacific Rim
25 Short Circuit

My apologies I miscounted how many of the 25 movies was in the countdown from my list.

Too be fair I kinda am surprised Tranformers 1 which I liked quiet a bit did not make the 100 but Demolition Man can. I like both movies fine but really both are very cheesy films but hey im an 80s child so its the genre close too my heart. While Transformers is a modern thing. I guess its hard to escape the random cheesy films. Now Pacific Rim and The Island in my opinion were solid films to consider ever though should have used Terminator and Superman 1 but i didnt and well cant change the past can only live with the results.

2001: A Space Odyssey

(1968, Stanley Kubrick)

*headdesk* Would have preferred Blade Runner. Both are overrated as hell, but at least Blade Runner didn't bore me to tears.

My list:

1. Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977)
2. Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
3. Back to the Future Part II (1989)
4. Back to the Future (1985)
5. Metropolis (1927)

6. Tron (1982)
7. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
8. Appleseed (2004)
9. Dark City (1998)
10. The Matrix (1999)
11. Aliens (1986)
12. Inception (2010)
13. Strange Days (1995)

14. Pitch Black (2000)
15. Demolition Man (1993)
16. Johnny Mnemonic (1995)
17. Iron Man (2008)

18. Dredd (2012)
19. Looker (1981)
20. Kingsglaive (2016)
21. Appleseed: Alpha (2014)
22. Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones (2002)
23. The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

24. Ghostbusters (1984)
25. Sunshine (2007)

Since the countdown is over I will list my list publically and I may do my own 100 sci fi countdown but not for a little while yet.
Is that allowed? I wasn't able to submit a list being a new member so I put together an Top 100 alternate Sci-Fi picks that didn't make the list. So I'm thinking about doing that.