Suspect's Worst Films Of All Time

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91. Evil Breed

This film was horrible acted, horrible written, horrible edited and horrible directed.
Just noticed this film on here, i made the mistake of buying it based on Jenna Jameson being plastered on the front. Didn't mention her scene was a 5 seconds disembowelment. Thought it was too bad to consider being classed as a film and put on list over on the other thread!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Been thinking of updating this list near the end of the year.....the crap I've seen deems another go around.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Thanks for moving this up the list Suspect, haven't had the chance to view this thread yet. Great (or is it terrible?) stuff. Looking forward to your update.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

First off fantastic idea and interesting list.

Next I'm not ashamed or passive about my love for these two films Alexander and Mothman Prophecies. I beileve both to be extremely good.

The So bad there good goes to Alien vs Predator. I concur we all waited a very long time and what we got was garbage.

The One - A problem with Hollywood over the years is it's inability to transformer asian action films into western hollywood actions films. It's not an actor opr director thing. It's simply an asian thing. John Woo almost didit with Broken Arrow and Face Off but still he held back. Held up against such others as Police Story, The Mission, Once Upona Time in China, The Killer and Hard Boiled and many others They seem rather tame in what I can only call the over indulgence and story insanity of asian cinema. War starring Jet Li and Jason Stratham I beielve to be a lot worse. Have you seen it ?

The Brothers Grimm - It's a grown up fairytale. More of a semi dissapointment rather than a bad film.

Sound of Thunder - I still want to like this.

Speed 2 - That boat does take a long time to crash. defoe cracks me up.

When a Stranger Calls - Okay, I'll say it. I thought it was suspenseful. nothing to special but an overall good suspense.

Wild Wild West "Best part of this film ? salma Hayek's Bare Ass" that's it I've got to rent this.

Rollerball - Oh! this is on my list.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
War starring Jet Li and Jason Stratham I beielve to be a lot worse. Have you seen it ?
I have not, nor did I have any intention of seeing it. Also, with The Expendables coming out soon, there will be no need.

The Brothers Grimm - It's a grown up fairytale. More of a semi dissapointment rather than a bad film.
I was not only disappointed, I thought the film lacked any real charm, heart, drama, suspense, thrills or sense of direction. The set design is great and all, but that doesn't add up to a good movie. Matt Damon is on auto-pilot and it seems that Health Ledger is the only one that is trying.

Rollerball - Oh! this is on my list.
It damn well better be.

Kenny, don't paint your sister.
Great idea, Suspect! I may steal it one day. Quite a few good calls, but there were a lot I haven't seen.

On the subject of Shark Boy and Lava Girl, this came out when I was like ten and I said "that movie that looks sooo dumb."

I HATED Christmas with the Kranks. HATED.

I just laugh whenever I hear the words From Justin to Kelly. Once someone who'd never heard of it asked me about it why it was so awful. I don't have enough talent with words to describe it.
Faith doesn't make things easy, just possible.

Welcome to the human race...
I'm still trying to sort out my own version of this list. It's way harder than it looks, especially when you manage to avoid as much crap as I do.

Son of the Mask

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Outstanding idea Sir

I can see making this list would be harder than making one based on your favorites unless ofcourse you watch allot of trash movies I may also steal your idea at some point in time It would be an idea if we all on mofo had a thread that we could post the crappy movies we have watched recently and have maybe an avoid metre
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

It would be an idea if we all on mofo had a thread that we could post the crappy movies we have watched recently and have maybe an avoid metre
Isn't that just your top 100 thread?

Welcome to the human race...
Outstanding idea Sir

I can see making this list would be harder than making one based on your favorites unless ofcourse you watch allot of trash movies I may also steal your idea at some point in time It would be an idea if we all on mofo had a thread that we could post the crappy movies we have watched recently and have maybe an avoid metre
Well, we kind of already have a thread like that with the Movie Tab, except that's where you post all the movies you've watched recently. Other than that, we've already got a decent handful of "worst movie" threads floating around.

Originally Posted by Pyro
Isn't that just your top 100 thread?
Pyro, you blowhard!

Man, this list brings back some awful memories. Envy and Fear Dot Com were by far the worse though. Then again I've only seen like 10% of these.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I've seen about 30ish. Out of the ones I've seen, yes all are crap with the minor exception of Nutty Professor 2 (I do think that it is somewhat funny) and The Longest Yard (not too horrible).