Superman: The Man of Steel


Here's what I would give the previous films.

Superman: The Movie

Superman II

Superman III

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Superman Returns

Then, after returning, becomes a pseudo-stalker who is depressed because his love interest has moved on.
Why? Just because of the one scene where he uses his x-ray vision to look into Louis Lane's home? Ha, that's funny... since he has used his x-ray vision to check up on loved ones in the comics before.

I disagree completely. A direct update to the Donner film? How so, seeing as how none of the same events take place. I found Singer's more personal look at Supes to be refreshing, and it fits right in after the (real) Donner Cut of Superman II.

Superman Returns

I didn't say IT WAS a direct update, I said almost. The sequence of events and even Lex's plans are nearly identical, i.e.; land development, rescuing Lois in an aircraft and the "safest way to travel" line, you have to admit are all homages to Donner's film, admitted by Singer in many interviews.

...uh the post is up there...

A new superman movie sounds good. But not to get off the subject, I just have a crappy memory regarding the time Superman Returns came out.

At the time, I was working at a GameStop in a Mall . I had a little kid come in wanting to get a refund for a game he bought (i recall it might have been NCAA football, anyway), just because "he didn't like it." Now for those who are not aware of GameStop policy, the only way "new games" can be returned once opened for a full refund is if there is a defect with the disc. This was not the case.

To make a long story short, after the kid complained for a bit that another employee said he could get a refund, the manager ordered me to give this litter pisser his money back and it turned out the little pisser was only returning it to get money to go see Superman Returns with his other little pisser friends.

Sorry for the rant, this is the first thing I that comes to mind to me when someone mentions "Superman Returns".

A system of cells interlinked
I didn't say IT WAS a direct update, I said almost. The sequence of events and even Lex's plans are nearly identical, i.e.; land development, rescuing Lois in an aircraft and the "safest way to travel" line, you have to admit are all homages to Donner's film, admitted by Singer in many interviews.
Oh, the homage is clearly there, in the examples you mentioned and also the entire model town scene, which emulated the finale of Superman. A couple of tips of the cap to the original film don't equate to even almost being an update, to me.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I didnt like Superman Returns but really hope they do this better.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

A system of cells interlinked
Any news on how trashed this franchise is going to get? Is Routh done doing these? Singer is apparently gone, with much of the main cast following.

Routh's profile has him busy through next year, with no Superman title in sight...

Any news on how trashed this franchise is going to get? Is Routh done doing these? Singer is apparently gone, with much of the main cast following.

Routh's profile has him busy through next year, with no Superman title in sight...
Not sure. But he did play a good Superman.

In the Beginning...
Any news on how trashed this franchise is going to get? Is Routh done doing these? Singer is apparently gone, with much of the main cast following.
Is this still a restart? I'm a big proponent of a restart.

Speaking of homages in Returns, I'm partial to the Action Comics #1 cover nod:

Oh, the homage is clearly there, in the examples you mentioned and also the entire model town scene, which emulated the finale of Superman. A couple of tips of the cap to the original film don't equate to even almost being an update, to me.

Well, when the villain's plot is essentially the same, "land development," then I would say the line between homage and remake become rasor thin. There isn't hardly anything in this movie that can quantify it as "original," with the exception of the curious notion of a "Super-son." Had the film's premise not been a gimmick to just re-do the Donner work, it may have been slightly more interesting. The whole concept of Superman getting a wild hair in his ass and leaving Earth for five years , then returning to a planet that "doesn't need him," for me seems a bit pretencious. They never "needed" Superman, but sure as hell was helpful to have him around. I never realized Superheroes had such clingy relationships with their citizens. It's like if a giant asteroid was about to level Metropolis, and Superman flies up to deflect it, all of a sudden someone's just going to say; "Hey, don't do that! Where have you been? Just forget it, you didn't have time for me yesterday, and you still haven't introduced me to your mother!" No, I think he'd hear; "Holy ****! Do something!"

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
No talk on Nolan taking over the franchise? Not as writer or director, but more as an overseer.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

No talk on Nolan taking over the franchise? Not as writer or director, but more as an overseer.
Christopher Nolan Brought on to 'Mentor' New Superman Reboot

A new breaking story seems to indicate that director Christopher Nolan is at the forefront of yet another superhero franchise at Warner Bros. Deadline Hollywood Daily is reporting that Warner Bros. has brought on Christopher Nolan as a "mentor" a new Superman film.

It was said that Nolan's strong ties to the studio were among the top reasons they brought him on board, and they want Nolan to, "ensure The Man Of Steel gets off the ground after a 3 1/2-year hiatus." It was also reported that this new film would not be a sequel to the 2006 film Superman Returns and will be a brand new take on the character. However, it was said that both Superman Returns director Bryan Singer and star Brandon Routh were not totally out of the running concerning the reboot.

We were told that "Bryan or Brandon are not completely out of it yet. But Warner Bros doesn't have a handle yet on it, either. [Producer] Jon Peters is trying to make something happen since he stands to benefit financially. But they [the studio] need to hear a great story that makes sense." Another insider explained to us, "We know what we don't want to do. But we don't know what we want to do. We learned a lot from the last movie, and we want to get it right this time."
Also, David Goyer has left FlashForward to work on Batman 3. While Nolan completes the Leonardo DiCaprio-starrer Inception for a July 16th release, he's also hatched an idea for Warner Bros' third Batman installment. His brother and frequent collaborator Jonathan "Jonah" Nolan, and David Goyer who co-wrote Batman Begins and penned the story for The Dark Knight, are off scripting it.

Click here to read the site's full article..

Source: Movieweb

Chris Nolan Talks Superman Reboot & Batman 3

There has been wildfire reporting about the upcoming DC superhero movies in the last few weeks, with the biggest bit of news being that The Dark Knight team of Chris Nolan, Jonathan Nolan and David Goyer will be bringing us the Superman reboot, which is currently titled The Man of Steel.

While (most) fanboys have been LOVING that news since it broke, people have also been wondering what’s to be done about Batman 3 and how Chris Nolan plans to juggle two superhero properties. Well, Nolan recently broke silence to speak about that very subject (and more), and we have details to share.


Speaking to LA Times Hero Complex, Chris Nolan talked about the Superman reboot:

“It’s very exciting, we have a fantastic story…And we feel we can do it right. We know the milieu, if you will, we know the genre and how to get it done right…A lot of people have approached Superman in a lot of different ways. I only know the way that has worked for us…Each [film] serves to the internal logic of the story. They have nothing to do with each other.”
Apparently, Nolan’s passion for a Superman project arose from a moment when he and David Goyer were (ironically enough) kicking around ideas for Batman 3:

“[David] basically told me, ‘I have this thought about how you would approach Superman…I immediately got it, loved it and thought: That is a way of approaching the story I’ve never seen before that makes it incredibly exciting. I wanted to get Emma and I involved in shepherding the project right away and getting it to the studio and getting it going in an exciting way.”

So is that the route Nolan and Goyer are going with the story? The rumor mill has been hinting as much…unfortunately Nolan (in his usual fashion) isn’t giving up details. He also wouldn’t confirm the rumor that he is consulting on this Superman reboot as a way instilling DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. with the confidence to let Jonathan Nolan direct the film. And no mention of the rumor that Chris will direct a Justice League movie down the line. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.


From the information provided above, we know that the Nolans and Goyer are kicking around ideas for Batman 3 – but how far along are they? Says Nolan:

“My brother is writing a script for me and we’ll wait to see how it turns out…he’s struggling to put it together into the epic story that you want it to be…Without getting into specifics, the key thing that makes the third film a great possibility for us is that we want to finish our story…And in viewing it as the finishing of a story rather than infinitely blowing up the balloon and expanding the story.”

“Viewing it as an ending, that sets you very much on the right track about the appropriate conclusion and the essence of what tale we’re telling. And it hearkens back to that priority of trying to find the reality in these fantastic stories. That’s what we do.”
So there you have it. Other juicy bits of Superman reboot/Batman 3 info buried in the interview:
  • The Superman reboot is currently looking to get underway around 2012 – likely after Nolan has completed his work on Batman 3.
  • The supporting cast from the first two Batman films will be back for Batman 3.
  • No announcement of what Batman villains they’re playing with, although Nolan promises that Mr. Freeze is out of the question.

So there you have it – Nolan has officially established that he is indeed the “Godfather” of DC movie universe. Considering that Marvel has many of its prime properties currently in the wrong hands (Sony, Fox), while DC holds all of its properties and has the talents of guys like The Nolans, Goyer and Martin Campbell (Green Lantern) on their side… This next decade of the new millennium could be the one where DC/WB conquers the superhero movie genre. Marvel’s Avengers project suddenly has some serious contenders to clash with…

Oh well, it all works out great for us super hero movie fans!

Be sure to check out Hero Complex for more of this great interview with Chris Nolan.

Source: Screenrant

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Are they going to get a new Superman? I didn't like the previous one. The obvious choice would be the Smallville guy as his series will probably not be on the air much longer, but they probably will cast someone else.

For the love of God just bring in Brainiac already! Four movies straight of Lex Luthor, and Lex Luthor stand-in character! Give supes a worthy villain, and show us something different.