A new Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie?


We all know that Buffy was by far one of the best shows in history. But does anyone think they will release a movie before the actors get too old and saggy of a BTVS? I sure hope so. Btw, Cordelia is about 40 years old now...so they better do it soon!

This doesn't belong in the Movie Reviews forum, because you're not, well, reviewing a movie. In the future, please take the necessary time to determine where a thread goes before posting it.

(moved to Upcoming Movies & Sequels)

Oopsies...I was prarie dogging in and out of the review and general chat section. My Bad :P

A system of cells interlinked
I am pretty sure SMG has already stated she just wouldn't do it. Otherwise, I think they would have tried to get one produced shortly after the show wrapped.

As for Cordelia, since she left the cast way back in Season III, I doubt they would have her join the cast. C Carpenter and J Whedon don't speak anymore, anyway, rumor has it.

I felt the end of Season 7 sort of wrapped things up for good, killing off a couple of mainstays, and imbuing all the woman with slayer qualities. Sunnydale is gone, and I, for one, don't care about the Hell Mouth in Cleveland!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

But does anyone think they will release a movie before the actors get too old and saggy of a BTVS?
Nope, they aren't ever going to do a movie. More's the pity. And if they did make one now, would you really want to see it? Sure, it would still be nice to see the gang again but they are as you mentioned quite bit older and there is just no way they would be able to capture the old magic of the show. I say let this dog lie.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Heh, you obviously haven't done a google-image search on Charisma Carpenter- saggy she is not.

But yeah, what Sedai said. Felt the last episode of Buffy was a great send-off, wrapping everything up in a wholly satisfying way.

The series continues in comic book form...as does Angel...I've been reading them and they are great!

I do like the way the show ended it up but I love this show too much to sit here and say I wouldn't love a new movie. Even if they only made a movie continuing certain characters I wouldn't mind. If you can't get SMG why not a Faith movie? Giles? Spike? Hell I'l even take an Illyria movie.

I remember reading somewhere recently although I can't recall where that Whedon said if the whole cast agreed on it he would consider writing a movie continuation and disregard the season 8 cannon from the comics.

Season 8 has been interesting but its nothing special and In my mind no big loss to the overall Buffy storyline.
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

I miss that show, too. But I have to agree with the majority here and say that the show went out on a high and tied up loose ends. A film version would just come across as nostalgic and an attempt to revive the remaining cast members careers. It was an outstanding show and I would like such a memory to remain...

Angel on the other hand could still do with a big screen treatment. The ended the series on an ambigious note and has the potential for an epic cinematic experience. But the longer they wait (it's been 4 years since the show ended), the harder it'll be.

Here's a sample of what the buffy crew would like like nowadays. They have changed quite a bit, but I would still like some kind of reunion episode.
Click image for larger version

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Hmmm...then again

Well...never know?

Never, ever know?

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I miss that show, too. But I have to agree with the majority here and say that the show went out on a high and tied up loose ends. A film version would just come across as nostalgic and an attempt to revive the remaining cast members careers. It was an outstanding show and I would like such a memory to remain...

Angel on the other hand could still do with a big screen treatment. The ended the series on an ambigious note and has the potential for an epic cinematic experience. But the longer they wait (it's been 4 years since the show ended), the harder it'll be.
I totally agree! Buffy they need to leave alone, but I think an Angel movie would be great -- they never really ended it.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Actually season eight of Buffy has/is being done via comic book. Buffy even gets some girl on girl action. So I hear . . . I'll get a copy of that one someday.

Currently my fav comics in the season have had to do with my fav slayer, Faith!

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Yep, I'm not a huge fan of any comics BUT I want to know what happens!

The Angel comic was unreadable IMO. It really saddens me because Spike was on it! The issue is just chaos to my mind. WTF?