What are you doing at this very moment?


Thinking i should lie down as I have eaten tooooo much
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

The People's Republic of Clogher
The black suit got another airing yesterday...

Even on sunny days graveyards are interminably cold places. I'd have made a really wimpy Goth, come to think of it.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Just remembering this time when I was drunk and some guy on the street called me a mofo. I stopped and asked him if he is also a mofo because I really am a mofo. He didn'tknow what I was talking about so I tried to explain. I was really drunk...it was too funny!

Anyway, I am getting ready for class.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I'm on Spring break (I'm a teacher) and I'm procastinating -- I need to clean around the house, I still have a few papers to grade, and I need to make a dental appointment. So I'm looking around the net, and anyway, I found this... isn't it adorable?

The black suit got another airing yesterday...

Even on sunny days graveyards are interminably cold places. I'd have made a really wimpy Goth, come to think of it.
Again... ... sounds like you're having the same kind of year I did last year...

I had to dress like a Goth not too long ago and actually kinda liked it... walked right by a few people I know and they didn't know me...

Just remembering this time when I was drunk and some guy on the street called me a mofo. I stopped and asked him if he is also a mofo because I really am a mofo. He didn'tknow what I was talking about so I tried to explain. I was really drunk...it was too funny!
Great story Gummie Girl...

anyway, I found this... isn't it adorable?
Very cute...

Just got finished washing pollen off my jeep... not that it will do much good this time of the year...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Welcome to the human race...
Taking from a break from my newly-acquired copy of Duke Nukem 64 - it's a decent game but I'm finding it near impossible without a guide...

The People's Republic of Clogher
Again... ... sounds like you're having the same kind of year I did last year...
It's weird, definitely. They were all my granny's generation but she's still not the only one still trucking - her 'little' brother (his wife was one of the funerals) is a mere 89. The lady who's service I went to on Wednesday was 94 and my gran's eldest sister.

She was a great laugh right up until the end and slipped away quietly. Which was most unlike her.

I had to dress like a Goth not too long ago and actually kinda liked it... walked right by a few people I know and they didn't know me...
Don't tell me. You're working undercover trying to smash a ring of eyeliner smugglers?

Anyway - I didn't feel this was appropriate to put with my last post but my TV had also expired so the experience of HD in the living room had to be brought forward by a few months. The upscaling DVD player also works pretty well, not Blu Ray/HDDVD quality but a definite improvement.

Don't tell me. You're working undercover trying to smash a ring of eyeliner smugglers?
They can keep the black eyes... made mine itch...

Anyway - I didn't feel this was appropriate to put with my last post but my TV had also expired so the experience of HD in the living room had to be brought forward by a few months. The upscaling DVD player also works pretty well, not Blu Ray/HDDVD quality but a definite improvement.

I was checking out HD TVs last night... they're nice and exactly what I need in my very limited space....

The People's Republic of Clogher
Yep, I don't have a massive living room (and certainly don't have massive funds) so I plumped for a 32". The old TV was a 28" so it's appreciably bigger.

The PS3 now makes a lot more sense as a movie player too - my one BD Disc (the Blade Runner 5 disc thingie) looks stunning at last.

Listening to Scrubs while typing out what im doing. Also talking to people on msn, whilst lying on my bed.
"Why pay a dollar for a bookmark? Why not use the dollar for a bookmark?"
Steven Spielberg

Trying to locate my 17 year old daughter who told me she was staying at her girlfriends house last night. Well come to find out she missed work this morning and spent the night at her boyfriends house.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Trying to locate my 17 year old daughter who told me she was staying at her girlfriends house last night. Well come to find out she missed work this morning and spent the night at her boyfriends house.

Oh dear.... wonder why I have the feeling she is in mega trouble...


Trying to locate my 17 year old daughter who told me she was staying at her girlfriends house last night. Well come to find out she missed work this morning and spent the night at her boyfriends house.
Someone is going to be grounded