Best Horror Satire


You have been Juged!!!!
Almost all Zombie movies work thinks to Ramero. Shaun of the Dead sort of works but it's pushing it. It's a parody of the Ramero film's but still a jab at society.
"in the end it's only cornflakes."

I am sorry my gramer pissed so many of you off or confused any of you, but that's not the point. It's satire not parody or spoof. For an example, I don't know. Look at the movie's I posted, most are political in nature some are just cultural observations. That's what I ment, not the best horror comedy all though a lot of the time they are still very funny. Sorry to be so vague.
I was wondering why you had They Live, and The Dead Zone on your list. I haven't seen the others that you listed, but those two are not spoofs. Now I get it.

You have been Juged!!!!
How are they live and the dead zone spoofs. They are extreamly political which makes them way satires.

How are they live and the dead zone spoofs. They are extreamly political which makes them way satires.
I said they aren't spoofs. I thought that you were implying they were, at the start of this thread.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Shaun of the Dead

Idle Hands


Snakes on a Plane

Return of the Living Dead
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I am Jack's sense of overused quote
This is a really cool thread.

I have to go with Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I suppose I am pushing the definition of "horror" a tad though....
"What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present." - T.S. Eliot

Welcome to the human race...
I was wondering why you had They Live, and The Dead Zone on your list. I haven't seen the others that you listed, but those two are by far spoofs. Now I get it.
Haven't seen Dead Zone, but I am a fan of They Live and I count it as legitimate satire (although maybe not so much horror). It pays out on consumerism, politics and the modern person. How can you mistake it for spoof?

And as for my favourites - I toss up between Dawn of the Dead and They Live. And maybe the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre (it satirises poor families :P )
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

You have been Juged!!!!
Again people horror spoofs are not horror satire. I should not have put the day the earth stood still, it's a satire but not horror at all my b. When I put horror satire I ment a horror film that's also a satire not saterizing horror again my b. So please stop with the screams and slither and sh*t please. I can see your argumet for they live not being horror but close enough it's John Carpenter and I think part's were ment to be scary.

I was wondering why you had They Live, and The Dead Zone on your list. I haven't seen the others that you listed, but those two are not spoofs. Now I get it.
I said they aren't spoofs. I thought that you were implying they were, at the start of this thread.
Haven't seen Dead Zone, but I am a fan of They Live and I count it as legitimate satire (although maybe not so much horror). It pays out on consumerism, politics and the modern person. How can you mistake it for spoof?
Sorry I missed this for so long . . .

Maybe I should have worded this differently. When I said that they are 'by far' spoofs. I mean that they are no where near being a spoof. I know that they are not spoofs. I thought that the one who made this thread thought that they were. If you read the entire thread, you will see that this has gone rather back and forth, the whole satire, spoof deal.

Scream defo but the first ones was by far the best and my favourite. It is still one of the most original horror films around.

You have been Juged!!!!
scream is a spoof not a satire. What in hell would it be satirizing but horror movies them self which is a spoof. This is not the best horror spoof thread, if you would like that make it.

A system of cells interlinked
Scream is satire.

Satire (from Latin satira, "medley, dish of colourful fruits") is a technique used in drama, fiction, journalism, and occasionally in poetry, the graphic arts, the performing arts and other media. Although satire is usually witty, and often very funny, the purpose of satire is not primarily humour but criticism of an event, an individual or a group in a clever manner.

Countless references all over the place on how Scream is indeed a satire.

"Despite the dialogue's flirtation with self-awareness and satire, the gore here is brutal and intense" - CommonSenseMedia

Quality aside, Scream was intended as a satire and should be viewed as such, as were it's sequels" - Movieweb

"Scream is a refreshing satire of the ever-cliched slasher horror film genre, bringing new life into it." - Yahoo Movies

and on, and on, and on....

Scream is pretty witty, satirizing horror and the media itself. You should watch it sometime.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

You have been Juged!!!!
Again someting satirizing a ganra it self is a spoof. This is not for spoofs. Scream is a spoof in slasher flicks and scary movie is a spoof on scream.

A system of cells interlinked

I guess you mean genre. The point of contention isn't whether or not Scream is a spoof, as it clearly is, but it is ALSO satire. As dozens of resources clearly state.

Here, let me quote...well, you!

"Again someting satirizing a ganra it self is a spoof. This is not for spoofs. Scream is a spoof in slasher flicks and scary movie is a spoof on scream."

Excellent, we agree. It's satire. Glad you agree!

Scream = Spoof & Satire.

Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine
Shaun of the Dead and Gremlins
"Walk down the right back alley in Sin City and you can find anything..."

You have been Juged!!!!
I am not going to fight with someone over the internet because that is gay but I do not agree with you. I do not care how many sources you come up with. A spoof is a spoof and a satire is a satire. You can be either or not also. Quoting reviews is quoting opinions for the most part and my opinion is it is only a spoof. I believe calling Scream a satire is giving it two much credit. Whatever if you want to post it post it, I don't care. Just stop crying about it. At the end of the day I started this thread for selfish resons and that's to find other movies I might like(also to help other find good movies they might have over looked), so excuse me for wanting to see more than the same five over and over and trying to get people to think a little.

Shaun of the Dead

Also the remake of the wicker man with nicholas cage was fricking hilarious in my opinon. "Sacrificing me will not save your honey"!!!!!
Comment is free but facts are sacred

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Shawn of the Dead was great.

Slither was good too.

Ginger Snaps was awesome.

Grimlin is cool....