Best of 2006 so far...


Originally Posted by nebbit
I thought it was a pointless story that didn't need to be told. I thought the script was boring and below average.

The way I look at it, I don't see why a movie is so great that says "Look at how well all these junkies lives are going...let's watch them all head downhill and feel sorry for them"

I just thought it may be the worst movie I've ever seen.

I know, like, showing compassion for human beings who abuse drugs is insane! What would Jesus do? I'll tell you, what: he'd tell those fu*kers to get a hold of themselves while telling everybody around them not to feel sorry for them.

Try a heapin' helpin' of empathy, sometime. It's deee-licious and faaan-tastic.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally Posted by BobbyB
The way I look at it, I don't see why a movie is so great that says "Look at how well all these junkies lives are going...let's watch them all head downhill and feel sorry for them"
You are entitled to your opinion i always feel sorry for junkies there life is usually hell, drugs turn people into liars, cheats and thieves, i dislike movies that make out drugs to be fun and i found this movie frightening and realistic not all movies are about nice things
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No, no, no, no, Holden & Nebbs. You're missing what I'm saying.

I know it's sad, but I don't think a movie should be made out of watching a bunch of people pushing off and having a good time and then watching their supply disappear and so they do anything and all end out miserable. I just don't think it makes a good movie.

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Originally Posted by BobbyB
No, no, no, no, Holden & Nebbs. You're missing what I'm saying.

I know it's sad, but I don't think a movie should be made out of watching a bunch of people pushing off and having a good time and then watching their supply disappear and so they do anything and all end out miserable. I just don't think it makes a good movie.
I found the movie to be compelling, haunting and brilliant. It single handidly changed my friends life forever.

I take it you're not a fan of any drug film then?
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This is the only film I've ever watched that focused mainly on drug use, so I don't know.

I just thought it was mind numbingly boring and didn't have the least bit of emotional connection to it.

A system of cells interlinked
Requiem for a Dream is a powerful, top notch film, IMO. The score is fantastic, the editing is creative and interesting, and Ellen Burstyn gives an incredible performance. I found the subject matter quite interesting, actually. Worst movie you have ever seen? I don't see how you can justify that, on a technical level, anyway. Really, I think it affected you in a way that made you feel uncomfortable, hence your aversion to the film... which is totally understandable. As I said, it's powerful stuff...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

No, I can guarantee it wasn't too much for me. You really have no idea how bored I was.

Everyone was telling me "Oh, it's so rough. It's tough to watch" and then I put it in and didn't have a hard time watching it at all. I just thought it sucked.

Registered User
the best of 2006 so far for me is, Lady In The Water.

next year however, i believe it's going to be David Lynch's, INLAND EMPIRE

no doubt.
"I Love Seeing People Recover From Darkness" - David Lynch

Lucky Number Slevin had a pretty cool premise and the ending actually blew me away.
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Kool Aid Man
My favorite movie of this year was Accepted and my least favorite was Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Beginning
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My favorite movie of the year so far is The Prestige. I'm a fan of dark films and the leading actors were excellent with their roles. First time I saw it, I didn't exactly know the pretty much obvious secret. In my second viewing, I laughed at how stupid I was but, I loved the film even more then the first showing.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

i cant really decide which was my absolute favorite this year, i did have high hopes for superman returns and x-men the last stand but they didn't really make it to my favorites, at the moment the only favorite i can think of is Clerks 2 just because i love kevin smiths films unless i can think of something else or something new comes out before the new year thats the movie im going with

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I really enjoyed Superman Returns - some of the scenes in it were just absolutely sick! Cant wait to pick it up on DVD pretty soon, with all the special features and everything.

Originally Posted by BobbyB
This is the only film I've ever watched that focused mainly on drug use, so I don't know.

I just thought it was mind numbingly boring and didn't have the least bit of emotional connection to it.
maybe give a few more "drug abuse" movies a try...perhaps the problem is not with the movie, but the genre in general...

I'd recommend these:
Spun 2002
Trainspotting 1996
Another Day In Paradise 1998
The Salton Sea 2002
Drugstore Cowboy 1989
DVD Collection


I would have to choose The Departed for the best of movie of 2006 so far. I enjoyed Thank You For Smoking alot as well. But nothing I have seen this year besides has wowed me. The closest movie to wowing me this year would be The Departed. And why does everyone think so highly of V For Vendetta? I thought that movie was OK at best.
"All the confusion of my life... has been a reflection of myself! Myself as I am, not as I'd like to be." - Guido, 8 1/2

Originally Posted by BobbyB
No, no, no, no, Holden & Nebbs. You're missing what I'm saying.

I know it's sad, but I don't think a movie should be made out of watching a bunch of people pushing off and having a good time and then watching their supply disappear and so they do anything and all end out miserable. I just don't think it makes a good movie.
Requiem For A Dream is a very good movie. Could it have been better? Yes, much better. I won't deny it; the script wasn't good and neither was the character arc of all 4 characters. The editing on the other hand was great, as well as technical aspects of the film. The lighting was good, the blocking was good, and the production designing was good.

Although nothing has been spectacular i really enjoyed these five films

Pirates 2, Inside Man, The Prestige, Borat, Talledaga Nights