Why only a B+ or A-


Ya know those movies that you love, but yet they did not make your "A" list? It kinda makes me mad when a movie is a B+. I would almost rather see a "C" movie (Almost). What movies do you love yet they lack that one or two things that makes them fall short of a perfect A?

Here are a couple of mine:

The Island
In my opinion this was a great Summer movie. it had action and suspense and many other things on the check list of "A" movies. It did however lack a strong leading role. Not that Ewan McGregor did not do a good job, he did, just not great. I think if someone else were cast here it would have made it an A movie for me.

The Money Pit
This movie came so close to being an A movie for me, I truly love it and have seen it many times. I just cant put it up there into the A class though it come so very close. The reason why: Shelley Long. Well not really her as much as the lines she was given. Most of it was perfect, but it lacked a little something. Very hard to explain, but if she would have had a bit more solid script I would have given it an A.

So what are you guys B+ movies and why did they not get an A?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Gangs of New York.

Lots to like about this - Daniel Day Lewis as a psychopathic gang leader, ultraviolent fight scenes set to music, sets, costumes, even parts of the story.

But then there's Leonardo di Caprio and the lame ending.

Eating you Since 1984
Bad Boys II - flawed logic and unrealistic turn of events

Army of Darkness - do i really need to explain this one?

Terminator 3 - does not live up to T2 in terms of, action, direction and acting...

Game over man..Game over!
1- Alien vs. Predator--This movie had potential, what happened? B+

2- Return Of The Jedi- Damn Ewoks! A-
Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

I got for good luck my black tooth.
Alien Vs. Predator gets a B+ ? Yowza!!
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."

Game over man..Game over!
Originally Posted by Strummer521
Alien Vs. Predator gets a B+ ? Yowza!!
I was so looking foward to this movie after reading the books, I guess I was expecting a great movie.

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by got2envy
I was so looking foward to this movie after reading the books, I guess I was expecting a great movie.
I give it a D+ at best. Terrible film, IMO. I'll watch Ridley Scott's Alien any day instead..

B+ for me.....

Bringing out the Dead - I like the film a great deal, but it doesn't make it into the "holy ****" catagory Marty usually resides in...

Lost Highway
- I love this film, but it's a tad too obtuse, even for Lynch. Add the fact that I can't get a decent copy, and we are ijn B+ land... Yeah, I'll just watch Mulholland Drive when I want to get Lynched...

Pale Rider - Falls more in the B catagory than B+ for me, due to the heavy handed messages. Still a great watch though..
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Eating you Since 1984
Originally Posted by got2envy
1- Alien vs. Predator--This movie had potential, what happened? B+
I hope you meant D+

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Alien Vs. Predator gets a B+ ? Yowza!!
Me too
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

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Proud Member of the Soprano Family
Originally Posted by Thursday Next

Gangs of New York.

Lots to like about this - Daniel Day Lewis as a psychopathic gang leader, ultraviolent fight scenes set to music, sets, costumes, even parts of the story.

But then there's Leonardo di Caprio and the lame ending.
"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans a nice Chianti."

Originally Posted by Sedai
Pale Rider - Falls more in the B catagory than B+ for me, due to the heavy handed messages. Still a great watch though..
This one gets a B+ from me also, although for different reasons. The heavy handed messages you refer too are actually one of the reasons I loved it. The pace is a little off to me, not during the whole film, just parts. I am sure the pace was meant to be a little off in the first place, but it is a wondeful movie never-the-less.

Dick Tracy
(d. Warren Beatty - 1990)

I grew up loving Beatty's film. The set/art/makeup direction is the best you'll ever see, it's well shot, well written and the acting matched the atmosphere flawlessly. But I could never award it more than an A - because of the very disappointing final 15 minutes.

Game over man..Game over!
[quote=Sedai]I give it a D+ at best. Terrible film, IMO. I'll watch Ridley Scott's Alien any day instead..

B+ for me.....

All right, all right the chick was annoying come to think of it... Speaking of terrible films i just saw XXX : State Of The Union barf.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut is one of the biggies on my list of Almost Great. I want to love it so much, but I just can’t…not completely…not like so many other of Kubrick’s films. I want to adore it because it was the master’s last film. It nearly breaks my heart that I cannot bring myself to cherish it like the others. Yet, I still do…even though there are things about it that downright annoy me. I can’t stand the actor hitting on Nicole at the beginning. His mannerism, voice, and look all make me grit my teeth. To say I was disappointed with Kidman’s overall lack of screen time, would be an understatement, and the fact that 80% of Cruise’s dialogue is him repeating what other people say in a form of a question. “Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Am I feeling Uncomfortable? Yes, I am feeling uncomfortable. Heh-heh.” ~~Grghph~~ He drove me nuts, I’m tellin’ ya’! However, there’s a lot that really appeals to me. The way that the look of the film screams Kubrick, a director I will always respect and admire. It looks beautiful. Nearly every scene is full of eye candy waiting for the right viewer to engorge themselves on it. The score is one of the most beautiful and addictive I’ve ever heard. I listened to the end credits alone, over and over again for days…that’s no exaggeration, and the story itself reaches near greatness as told by Kubrick…so close.

It’s frustrating that I can’t give it an A+, let alone an A-

Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick, 1999) B+
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut is one of the biggies on my list of Almost Great. I want to love it so much, but I just can’t…not completely…not like so many other of Kubrick’s films. I want to adore it because it was the master’s last film. It nearly breaks my heart that I cannot bring myself to cherish it like the others. Yet, I still do…even though there are things about it that downright annoy me. I can’t stand the actor hitting on Nicole at the beginning. His mannerism, voice, and look all make me grit my teeth. To say I was disappointed with Kidman’s overall lack of screen time, would be an understatement, and the fact that 80% of Cruise’s dialogue is him repeating what other people say in a form of a question. “Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Am I feeling Uncomfortable? Yes, I am feeling uncomfortable. Heh-heh.” ~~Grghph~~ He drove me nuts, I’m tellin’ ya’! However, there’s a lot that really appeals to me. The way that the look of the film screams Kubrick, a director I will always respect and admire. It looks beautiful. Nearly every scene is full of eye candy waiting for the right viewer to engorge themselves on it. The score is one of the most beautiful and addictive I’ve ever heard. I listened to the end credits alone, over and over again for days…that’s no exaggeration, and the story itself reaches near greatness as told by Kubrick…so close.

It’s frustrating that I can’t give it an A+, let alone an A-

Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick, 1999) B+
That damn Piano, I still hear it in my sleep.
I wanted a little more Kidman myself outta this one, But it actually does get an A from me....almost an A+, but not quite.

Usual Suspect.. Why Videodrome...why? WHY?!

well anyways, Alien Versus PRedator... i had been reading the comic books for almost 10 years (since i was 6) and then the movie came out,and i had to love it, but from an objective point of view... it sucked.
"Long Live The New Flesh!" Max Renn (Videodrome)

"There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence." Alex (A Clockwork Orange)

Man of La Movies
Originally Posted by got2envy
1- Alien vs. Predator--This movie had potential, what happened? B+
It was just missing something that would have made it great....what was it?




That movie blew hardcore...it was one long action/special effects sequence.
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Can we try with real bullets now?
The Aviator
Gangs of New York

The second half of both movies just didn't do it for me I still love Scorsese, though
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