The MoFo Top Neo-noir Countdown - Preliminary Thread

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That's one I remember seeing way back in the late 90s, but I don't remember *at all*
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That's one I remember seeing way back in the late 90s, but I don't remember *at all*
It was good! Perhaps a contended for the ballot.


Meant to comment on a couple more, also.

It's funny, I had never seen Red Rock West...except for the last 10 minutes or so. I think I had run across the film back in the 90s while on cable or late night TV, just catching that last section of the movie. Seeing Lara Flynn Boyle, I think I assumed I was catching the end of an episode of Twin Peaks, as I had bailed on the show mid season 2 (like many others) when it first aired, and I think I was just unaware the show had been canceled, and figured I was catching a season 5 episode or something. I recall watching it for a few minutes and then moving on to whatever nonsense I was watching back then. Anyway, as soon as I got that section of the film this time around, everything suddenly became very familiar.

Regardless, I liked the film!

I also re-watched Night Moves, which I had recalled liking when Holden had recommended it years ago here on the boards, but I only vaguely recalled the narrative. Certain scenes had stuck in my mind, but I needed a refresher. Another good one!

I will say, a couple of the scenes in the film had me raising an eyebrow, as a very young Melanie Griffith cavorted around in her birthday suit. Alas, times sure have changed.
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Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Another eligibility query, I'm afraid... Strange Days is tagged as 'tech-noir' on IMDb and tmdb, does this count? Thanks.

Now that I'm happier with my classic noir list, I need to put more time into this one. I originally thought this would be an easier ballot to make, since my memory of neo-noirs is much better than it is with the classics (which unfortunately blur together a bit for me), but since there are so many more films I can nominate for this one, it might actually be harder to narrow down and arrange my ballot.

Definitely looking forward to seeing which films ultimately make the Countdown, as well as discovering which ones I might've voted for had I given myself more than 2 weeks to finalize my ballot haha.

Just sent mine in. Going to send in classic noir now. Can't wait for the countdown(s) to start!
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Another eligibility query, I'm afraid... Strange Days is tagged as 'tech-noir' on IMDb and tmdb, does this count? Thanks.
Yeah, I'd say it counts.

For those who only use IMDB, be warned that "Chinatown" won't come up as Noir. According to the "advanced" search, I've NEVER seen a 'neo-noir'
For IMDB, you need to look under plot keywords (below storyline). "Neo noir" is the very first one.

@Thief I know this is kind of last minute, but I used Wikipedia's list of neo-noir to find films. Can we use this for our validation of our choices? It is pretty comprehensive and includes lots of languages and styles. It would be easier then checking all four of these websites.

@Thief I know this is kind of last minute, but I used Wikipedia's list of neo-noir to find films. Can we use this for our validation of our choices? It is pretty comprehensive and includes lots of languages and styles. It would be easier then checking all four of these websites.
The purpose of using more than one site is precisely to not go by just one source, which is user-editable. By using other sources to back it up, we get ourselves closer to getting films that are "widely" considered as neo-noir than if we were to go by just one single website.

For those who only use IMDB, be warned that "Chinatown" won't come up as Noir. According to the "advanced" search, I've NEVER seen a 'neo-noir'
For IMDB, you need to look under plot keywords (below storyline). "Neo noir" is the very first one.
Exactly. As has been said numerous times, Neo-noir is not included among the "official" genres on IMDb, which is why we're using "Plot keywords" there, along with the validation from at least one other website (Wikipedia, TMDB, Letterboxd).

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
My tip would be to look at letterboxd first because it has links to the IMDb and tmdb pages of each film; makes checking the different websites a lot quicker.

I forgot the opening line.
My votes are in, and they're all triple-checked, verified, certified and guaranteed bona-fide neo-noir films. Let the arguing about what is and what's not neo-noir commence, regardless.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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My votes are in, and they're all triple-checked, verified, certified and guaranteed bona-fide neo-noir films. Let the arguing about what is and what's not neo-noir commence, regardless.
I thought it had already started

With PHOENIX's ballot, we reach 20 ballots! So officially, this neo-noir countdown is no bust