The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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Near Misses (#101 - #110)

101. Frances Ha
102. Call Me By Your Name

103. The Nice Guys -

104. Moneyball -

105. I Am Not Your Negro
106. I Saw the Devil
107. American Hustle -

108. Lady Bird
109. Mommy
110. Predestination[
Haven't seen most of these, I tried Lady Bird but struggled to get very far

Mommy looks very interesting
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Trouble with a capital "T"
Near Misses (#101 - #110)

101. Frances Ha
102. Call Me By Your Name
103. The Nice Guys
104. Moneyball
105. I Am Not Your Negro
106. I Saw the Devil
107. American Hustle
108. Lady Bird
109. Mommy
110. Predestination
One of those was on my ballot at #6. Do you MoFos have any guesses which one of those it was? Let's see how well you know my movie taste.

One of those was on my ballot at #6. Do you MoFos have any guesses which one of those it was? Let's see how well you know my movie taste.
Lady Bird?

Near Misses (#101 - #110)

101. Frances Ha
102. Call Me By Your Name
103. The Nice Guys
107. American Hustle
109. Mommy
I've seen these. Mommy was okay. I really didn't like Frances Ha or American Hustle. I considered The Nice Guys, but ultimately cut it even though it felt weird to not vote for any Russell Crowe movies (it just wasn't his decade).

Call Me By Your Name was my #24. I went back and forth between this and Drive for that position and in the end this one won out, though on a different day it might've gone the other way. It's such a gorgeous movie and kind of a breath of fresh air. It's a shame it didn't make the cut.

Seen: 53/90
My Ballot:
7. Joker (#60)
8. Django Unchained (#27)
9. The Wolf of Wall Street (#11)
11. The Man From Nowhere (#95)
14. Inside Out (#59)
20. Jojo Rabbit (#89)
24. Call Me By Your Name (#102, Near Miss)
25. Kitbull (One Pointer)

Reviews in My 2010s Countdown Preparation Thread

My Most Recent Review For Call Me By Your Name:

Call Me By Your Name (Luca Guadagnino, 2017)

I first watched this film sometime in 2018 and was a little underwhelmed by it. I didn't really have any intention of watching it again but someone picked it for a Hall of Fame I was participating in so I gave it another shot and had a much better time with it. I want to say tonight was my fourth time watching and it has improved a little for me with each viewing.

I don't know if I would go to so far as to say that I truly love this movie, but it does a wonderful job of engrossing me in the story and making me fully invest in Elio's journey of self discovery. Timothée Chalamet did a splendid job of portraying the curiosity, confusion, and longing of a young man coming of age and summoning the courage to pursue what he wants. Armie Hammer is also wonderful in his role of Oliver, a man full of conflict despite his confident and arrogant exterior.

I also really love the look, with its muted colors creating a dream-like quality that fits the doomed love affair perfectly. Italy is often the setting for romance and for good reason. The music too, helps to capture the excitement of love and the heartbreak of loss. But one of the things that I most appreciate about this movie is that the only real enemies here are time and distance. While I appreciate realism in film, I also like film as escapism so it's really refreshing to get a more mainstream gay movie where its characters aren't fighting homophobia or the AIDS crisis. Their battles are just with life and circumstance.

I can't say for sure yet if this will make my ballot, but I suspect that if it doesn't make it, it'll be among the last to get cut.

One of those was on my ballot at #6. Do you MoFos have any guesses which one of those it was? Let's see how well you know my movie taste.

Two of them are on my list.


Of the last four reveals, I've only seen one of them. The Arrival had been on my shortlist for awhile, but it kept getting pushed down until it eventually got the axe. I probably should've given it a rewatch before finalizing my ballot, but I was short on time and happy with the films I voted for, so I didn't bother.

From the near misses, I've seen Call Me By Your Name, The Nice Guys, I Saw the Devil, Mommy, and Predestination. The last three were all on my original shortlist as well, though Predestination was the only one that didn't get cut, and I placed it fairly high on my list at #8.

I only saw Predestination a few months ago, when @Citizen Rules nominated it for me in the Personal Recommendations HoF, and I absolutely loved it. Here's what I wrote at the time:

Predestination (2014)
Directed by: Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig
Starring: Ethan Hawke, Sarah Snook, Noah Taylor

Predestination captured my attention right from its opening shots. They were so purposefully framed that I knew paying attention to small details throughout the film would reveal information that a casual viewer might initially miss. I pieced together almost every aspect of the story's “twists” quite early on, but that didn't negatively affect my enjoyment of the film in any way. Instead, I appreciated how well the film makers laid out the groundwork for those major reveals.

The visual style, atmosphere, and tone of the film all worked really well for me. Even without the aforementioned clues for attentive audiences, I would've praised the film's cinematography. The Unmarried Mother's story was rather compelling, and the performances by Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook were quite captivating. I'm not sure why, but I keep forgetting how much I like Ethan Hawke as an actor until I see him on screen again.

Based on the posters I saw before hand, and the brief “action thriller” description I had read, I expected a much different film than the thought-provoking drama Predestination delivered. So ultimately, the biggest twist for me was that it wasn't an action film at all, and I'm perfectly happy with that. If I could change anything, I wish I didn't know the film's title before I saw it, as it does remove some of the initial mystery, but that's practically impossible to do these days.
Seen: 61/90

My List: 12
01. Dredd (2012) - #42
03. The Raid (2011) - #100
04. John Wick (2014) - #48
05. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - #39
06. The Hunt (2012) - #57
08. Predestination (2014) - DNP #110
09. Edge of Tomorrow (2014) - #68
10. The Raid 2 (2014) - #75
14. The Martian (2015) - #82
15. Hereditary (2018) - #96
16. Get Out (2017) - #19
18. What We Do in the Shadows (2014) - #56
20. Cabin in the Woods (2011) - #88

A system of cells interlinked
One of those was on my ballot at #6. Do you MoFos have any guesses which one of those it was? Let's see how well you know my movie taste.

@Citizen Rules - I changed my guess!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Only The Turin Horse made it from my list so far. Another one still might. But that's it.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Near Misses (#101 - #110)

101. Frances Ha
102. Call Me By Your Name
103. The Nice Guys
104. Moneyball
105. I Am Not Your Negro
106. I Saw the Devil
107. American Hustle
108. Lady Bird
109. Mommy
110. Predestination
101. Frances Ha
106. I Saw the Devil
108. Lady Bird
110. Predestination

Not seen
102. Call Me By Your Name
103. The Nice Guys
104. Moneyball
105. I Am Not Your Negro
107. American Hustle

Not heard of
109. Mommy

Huh. Alright, maybe if that dark horse on my ballot doesn't show up in the 111-120, it did manage to get into the top 10 after all. Admittedly, all of my interesting ones have already shown and this one is further down on ballot (though further ahead of my one guaranteed entry).

I haven't seen Wolf of Wall Street, even though it was on my list of movies I was trying to see before the countdown. Generally speaking, movies about rich people being terrible only interest me if at some point someone stabs them in the face.
On the other hand, if it's poor people being terrible they should get their ass kissed.

Near Misses (#101 - #110)

101. Frances Ha
102. Call Me By Your Name
103. The Nice Guys
104. Moneyball
105. I Am Not Your Negro
106. I Saw the Devil
107. American Hustle

108. Lady Bird
109. Mommy
110. Predestination
3 that I voted for

A system of cells interlinked
Only The Turin Horse made it from my list so far. Another one still might. But that's it.
Would The Florida Project have made it if you had seen it in time?

Near Misses (#101 - #110)

101. Frances Ha
102. Call Me By Your Name
103. The Nice Guys
104. Moneyball
105. I Am Not Your Negro
106. I Saw the Devil
107. American Hustle
108. Lady Bird
109. Mommy
110. Predestination

Damn, none of these off my ballot either. Seen six of them though.

Not a big Sci-Fi fan but thought Arrival was excellent.

I didn't quite love Wolf of Wall Street as much the last time I saw it but it was still a blast, fun people to spend some time with

5. The Shape of Water (#52)
20. Wolf of Wall Street (#11)
21. Certified Copy (#84)
22. Knives Out (#74)
24. Inside Llewyn Davis (#22)

I didn't think it would make the top 100, but Predestination was my #2. Glad to see it landed at least in "honorable mention" range. I think it's really great. I think about it a lot, I love the characters as they move through their different alliances and conflicts with each other. And for me it hits the right place of giving you just enough mechanics of the "science" where there's wiggle room for whatever happens and it all just feels plausible enough. I think Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook are both outstanding. It's also incredibly rewarding to rewatch. "I miss you dreadfully." *shivers*

I Am Not Your Negro was my #8, and honestly it's another one I didn't think even had a chance and I'm pleased it at least made it within range, so to speak. I think it's a very compelling documentary that makes the wise choice of letting Baldwin's voice completely dominate it with only minimal context needed to orient a viewer not familiar with the history at play. Baldwin is a hypnotic speaker, and his gift with language plays with some tension against the urgency of the issues he's addressing. It's painful how relevant some of his arguments about race and sexuality continue to be so many years later.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Near Misses (#101 - #110)

101. Frances Ha
102. Call Me By Your Name
103. The Nice Guys
104. Moneyball
105. I Am Not Your Negro
106. I Saw the Devil
107. American Hustle
108. Lady Bird
109. Mommy
110. Predestination
Point totals? Curious how many more points I needed to give some of these to make it.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Near Misses (#101 - #110)

101. Frances Ha
+ (73/100) (my #74)
102. Call Me By Your Name
+ (72/100) (my #76)
103. The Nice Guys
104. Moneyball
+ (53/100)
105. I Am Not Your Negro
106. I Saw the Devil
107. American Hustle
+ (63/100)
108. Lady Bird
- (79/100) (my #47)
109. Mommy
110. Predestination


I'm so disappointed that Lady Bird couldn't make it. It was one of my cuts.

"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

16. It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012, Don Hertzfeldt) 213 points

Not seen. Thought World of Tomorrow was decent so I'd imagine I'd enjoy this about the same.

15. Phantom Thread (2017, Paul Thomas Anderson) 232 points

Great film that I think could become a true favourite in the future. I want to rewatch this again with my brother who hasn't seen it.

14. The Florida Project (2017, Sean Baker) 238 points

Not seen. Have it recorded though so will get to soon. Heard great stuff from people who have similar taste, so this ranking reaffirms my high expectations.

13. The Master (2012, Paul Thomas Anderson) 239 points

Amazing film. Really blew me away when I watched it and I wrote about it quite extensively when I first saw it. Just checked my initial review and it's a lot of rambling and not well written but full of enthusiasm.

This would have been on my list but for some reason, I left it out (this and Inside Llewyn Davis were my two shocking omissions). I also would have had Inherent Vice on my list if I checked it properly.

12. Arrival (2016, Denis Villeneuve) 256 points

Very good film, possibly great. I've only seen it once so should get to it again but I like simple philosophical time-travel films that are executed well like La Jetee. I actually didn't include any Villenueve films on my list although I like all of his from the decade.

11. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013, Martin Scorsese) 261 points

Very good film, lots of fun. I don't have too much to say. I think maybe I'm slightly harsh on the film because it's the type of film a lot of people in real life seem to over idolise.

75/90 seen.

None of mine in 101-110. Disappointed Rango didn't even make it there.

I've got two films coming up in the top ten. Hope one of them can win it but I very much doubt it.

Paddington 2?

*hard stare
I know right. I thought it was better than Citizen Kane?
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."