The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

→ in

A rare case where the remake is better.

Yeah, but they brought in the big guns with "George C. Scott."

I love Gladiator and a revisit is definitely in order.

Sideways is a fine movie and I get it that the people in it (especially Giamatti) are wine snobs, but his line about hating Merlot just doesn't resonate as funny with me. I mean, okay, you hate it, but why? It just feels like a line thrown out there with nothing to hang it on. But other than that, I enjoyed it. Love Giamatti but it didn't help that the leading man was my least favorite character. Neither movie made my list.

#5. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 63
#8. Unbreakable 62
#10. Million Dollar Baby 57
#22. Fantastic Mr. Fox 70
#20. Iron Man 83
#21 Finding Nemo 44
#23. The Descent 80
#25. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 76
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I forgot the opening line.
40. Gladiator : I finally sat down and watched Gladiator from start to finish, the way it was intended, just because this countdown was on it's way. It was one of those movies I'd seen in large chunks, in no particular order. When it came out, I was going through something of an obsession with the 1976 BBC production of I, Claudius, and the brilliance of that had always put me off watching the more spectacle-oriented Gladiator. Seeing it with new eyes, I could appreciate the performance by Joaquin Phoenix especially - and of course the shiny costumes, sets and sheer pageantry of Ridley Scott's film. I had special reason to enjoy the inclusion of Derek Jacobi in the cast. I've never been a great fan of Russel Crowe though, but I like him on the odd occasion as in the part he plays in The Nice Guys. So, considering that, and the fact it lacks the cerebral goodness of that other Roman epic, I consider Gladiator just an 'okay' movie and it was never going to seriously challenge for a place on my list. It shines it's brightest during battle scenes, or when Joaquin's poison emperor gets really nasty in that casual way he does.

39. Sideways : The first time I watched Sideways I didn't get what the fuss was all about - and there was a fuss when it came out. That's changed for me big time - years later while giving it another chance it gave me more pleasure than perhaps any other second viewing of a film I've ever had. Maybe it came from looking at Alexander Payne's work as a whole (though, I still can't bring myself to watch Downsizing.) Payne seems fascinated with small men living small lives, and with Miles (Paul Giamatti) and Jack (Thomas Haden Church) he found a couple of these guys to play off of each other and increase the melancholy madness that inhabits a lot of his films. Maybe it was the addition of a few years to my lifespan that had me relating to these characters - or maybe it was just that my expectations had been lowered to such an extent after my first viewing - but apart from laughing there was much that dug deeper, and it was a road trip that I never wanted to let up. I've always liked Paul Giamatti - I kind of see him like the Bud Cort that didn't go and wreck his entire career, but embraced the daggy type of character he often plays. I really took Sideways to heart - and it made my list at #17.

Films I've seen : 50
Films that have been on my radar : 6
Films I've never even heard of : 6

Films from my list : 11

#39 - My #17 - Sideways (2004)
#43 - My #2 - Adaptation (2002)
#49 - My #8 - Dancer in the Dark (2000)
#51 - My #6 - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
#56 - My #20 - In Bruges (2008)
#59 - My #16 - The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
#66 - My #9 - A Serious Man (2009)
#71 - My #23 - Snatch (2000)
#78 - My #13 - The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (2005)
#84 - My #21 - The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
One pointer - World's Greatest Dad (2009)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

You know his name
You can't beat his hand
Bitter enemies
Traveling the land

Obsessed, determined
You can hit him in the balls
And he'll throw them again
Catch them as they falls
Guessing one of the LOTR films.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I like Before Sunset, but it's not my favorite movie of the trilogy, and it didn't make my list. However if the first movie had been eligible, that probably would have made my list.

I haven't seen The Lives of Others.

I watched Gladiator a while back for a HoF or movie tournament here, but I didn't like it. I watched it again for this countdown, (because it aired on one of the cable movie channels), but my opinion didn't change.

Sideways is another movie that I had previously watched for a HoF or movie tournament here that I thought was okay, but I didn't really understand the hype for it. I rewatched it for this countdown, and I liked it more this time, but it still didn't make my list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Sideways was a perfectly fine film with four interesting characters. But it didn't make my top 25.

Gladiator, on the other hand, just made the cut at #25. Originally, my plan when doing the list involved the film Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai which made most of its money in 2010 (I use BOM and The Numbers when compiling my lists of films that came out for what year). Was disconcerted when I couldn't put it on the list for this countdown, so I bumped everything, replaced it with another film and thought I was done. Nope. I was one film short. So I looked at the films that just missed out, made an executive call and the Ridley Scott film snuck in. What would have made my #25? You'll have to wait until the end since its day isn't going to come here.

To answer Maximus's question, yes, I was entertained by this mix of action and almost operatic drama dealing with the fall and rise of Maximus (Russell Crowe) and the beef he has with newly appointed emperor Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix). Some solid supporting acting going on here as well (I was taken by Djimon Hounsou's Juba). It definitely earned a spot on my list, even if it came about it the long way.

My List:
6. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
9. Million Dollar Baby
11. Spider-Man 2
13. Brokeback Mountain
14. Finding Nemo
21. Chicago
22. The Wrestler
25. Gladiator

Honorable Mentions:
Remember the Titans

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

You know his name
You can't beat his hand
Bitter enemies
Traveling the land

Obsessed, determined
You can hit him in the balls
And he'll throw them again
Catch them as they falls
Casino Royale and The Return of the King?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Spider-Man 2 is one of the best superhero movies ever made.

Unbreakable is one of the best superhero movies ever made.

Neither on my list.

Gladiator and Sideways are two very good movies. Saw the latter in theatres with my friend and two random old people. Laughed a lot.

I watched the Before series for the first time this year and while I enjoyed all three, Before Sunset was my favourite.

I love Nic Cage and Adaptation is one of his best films.

Finding Nemo is another Pixar movie I really like, but did not make my list.

A Serious Man....overrated.

I've come to like In Bruges more on repeat viewings and I really like Collateral.

Mystic River is a tough watch sometimes, but a rewarding one.

POTC is pure fun and spectacle. One of the last great movie blockbusters before they became a 'product of consumer wants' if that makes any sense.

Crouching Tiger has one of my favourite fight scenes in any film. So well choreographed and a fight that actually helps tell a story.

Only one movie from my list has popped up since I last popped in. This makes me think my #24 will NOT make this list. Which is a shame because it's a hilarious film that can stand toe to toe with the likes of The Matrix.

As for the one movie that did make it, that would be my #14.

Sin City.

I can't say too much praise for the sequel, but the first Sin City really nails the comic book / noir feel that it does so with a talented cast and a visual flair that might look hokey at times (Marv swimming for example) but still fits within the world created.

I saw this in theatres and was instantly taken with it. Repeat viewings and it still holds up. The page for page recreation might make the pace of the film feel a bit rushed at times, but it's an enjoyable ride in a city that I wish had more stories to tell...more interesting stories than what we got in the sequel.

Seen 47.

14. Sin City (2005)
20. Battle Royale (2000)
25. American Psycho (2000)
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm shocked Casino Royale will have made it this high, although I'm very happy about it.
The confidence on this guy. What a mofo.

A system of cells interlinked
Return of the King fits, what with the hand of Sauron etc.

Not seeing the Casino Royale connections here, but can't think of another film to list instead...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The confidence on this guy. What a mofo.
I'll give him super props for a misleading clue if that's NOT it.

I could see the other being something like Two Towers. Up is my official weak guess though. I can't see it showing already.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Return of the King fits, what with the hand of Sauron etc.

Not seeing the Casino Royale connections here, but can't think of another film to list instead...
The hand and balls reference.

164 points, 12 lists
The Prestige

Christopher Nolan, 2006


Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson


176 points, 11 lists
Casino Royale

Martin Campbell, 2006


Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Judi Dench


A system of cells interlinked
Ha, how did I miss The Prestige! All makes sense now...

The more I watch The Prestige, the more I think it just may be Nolan at his best. Seeing what happens in his more recent films, when he fails to use restraint and somehow manages to get lost in his own narrative, The Prestige comes across as his most well-balanced film. Still very much character driven, but with enough twists, turns, and complexity to keep the viewer thinking.

The Prestige was my #13

Quite surprised to see Casino Royale this high on the list. No points from me on that one, as Craig has always sort of rubbed me the wrong way as Bond.

Hint breakdown!...

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

You know his name (Bond, James Bond... and a reference to Cornell's theme song)
You can't beat his hand (reference to poker)
Bitter enemies (could apply to Bond and Le Chiffre? but mostly to Angier and Borden on The Prestige)
Traveling the land (both films feature a lot of traveling)

Obsessed, determined (Angier and Borden are obsessed and determined, but you could say the same about Bond)
You can hit him in the balls (obvious reference to Bond's torture scene)
And he'll throw them again (a bit more vague reference to the trick where Angier...)
Catch them as they falls (throws a ball and catches it on the other door. Is it Angier?)

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