The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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I've seen all of these but Cabaret - brother, you're in for a treat. But don't watch Come and See. It's a great film but it's soul crushing. You've been warned.
I watched the trailer a couple of times, and it gave me the idea I would be in for a difficult experience. I will still watch it, if just to complete the list.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

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I watched the trailer a couple of times, and it gave me the idea I would be in for a difficult experience. I will still watch it, if just to complete the list.
Difficult doesn't begin to describe it. It was the hardest film to watch on the Ebert list - and that includes Shoah, a 9 hour Holocaust doc! But I'm a completist too, so I hear you.

Here's my top 25 if anyone's interested. The Conversation, Ran, Solaris, Fanny and Alexander and Wings of Desire are the only ones I'm not surprised didn't make it.

1. Amadeus - #50
2. Paris, Texas - #75
3. Stalker - #25
4. Apocalypse Now - #9
5. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - #30
6. Come and See - #54
7. The Last Emperor
8. Sans Soleil
9. Leolo
10. Spirited Away - #39
11. The Godfather - #2
12. Andrei Rublev - #67
13. Shoah
14. The Conversation
15. 2001: A Space Odyssey - #1
16. Raiders of the Lost Ark - #8
17. The Best of Youth
18. Ran
19. Airplane!
20. Seven Samurai - #26
21. Solaris (1972)
22. Aguirre: The Wrath of God
23. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
24. Fanny and Alexander
25. Wings of Desire

Difficult doesn't begin to describe it. It was the hardest film to watch on the Ebert list - and that includes Shoah, a 9 hour Holocaust doc! But I'm a completist too, so I hear you.
Come and See was my no.1.

1. Come and See (1985)

2. The Night of the Hunter (1955)

3. Citizen Kane (1941)

4. Letter Never Sent (1960)

5. Seven Samurai (1954)

6. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

7. I Am Cuba (1964)

8. 12 Angry Men (1957)

9. Three Colours: Blue (1993)

10. Casablanca (1942)

11. The Virgin Spring (1960)

12. The Double Life of Véronique (1991)

13. Stalker (1979)

14. Werckmeister Harmonies (2000)

15. Woman of the Dunes (1964)

16. Tokyo Story (1953)

17. The Conformist (1970)

18. The Innocents (1961)

19. Vertigo (1958)

20. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985)

21. Umberto D. (1952)

22. Underground (1995)

23. Jaws (1975)

24. Raging Bull (1980)

25. A Man Escaped (1956)

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Come and See was my no.1.

1. Come and See (1985)

2. The Night of the Hunter (1955)

3. Citizen Kane (1941)

4. Letter Never Sent (1960)

5. Seven Samurai (1954)

6. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

7. I Am Cuba (1964)

8. 12 Angry Men (1957)

9. Three Colours: Blue (1993)

10. Casablanca (1942)

11. The Virgin Spring (1960)

12. The Double Life of Véronique (1991)

13. Stalker (1979)

14. Werckmeister Harmonies (2000)

15. Woman of the Dunes (1964)

16. Tokyo Story (1953)

17. The Conformist (1970)

18. The Innocents (1961)

19. Vertigo (1958)

20. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985)

21. Umberto D. (1952)

22. Underground (1995)

23. Jaws (1975)

24. Raging Bull (1980)

25. A Man Escaped (1956)
I'm not saying it isn't a great film - it is. I just feel permanently scarred.

This is a great list btw, I seriously considered a lot of these films, especially #14 and #20. Wow.

I've seen 87/100

What I haven't seen:

The Godfather
Once Upon a Time in the West
The Godfather: Part II
The Third Man
Gone With the Wind
Stand By Me
The Apartment
Dazed and Confused
Toy Story

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
So here's my list

1) Dr. Strangelove OHILTSWALTB [N 12]

2) The Godfather [N 2]

3) Blader Runner 2049 [DNF]

4) Brazil [N 100]

5) In Bruges [DNF]

6) The Motorcycle Diaries [DNF]

7) The Godfather Part 2 [N 35]

8) The Great Escape [DNF]

9) The Place Beyond The Pines [DNF]

10) Pather Panchali [DNF]

11) Raging Bull [N 49]

12) Goodfellas [N 3]

13) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [N 92]

14) Manchester By the Sea [DNF]

15) 12 Angry Men [N 22]

16) Citizen Kane [N 10]

17) Memories of Murder [DNF]

18) Princess Mononoke [DNF]

19) Spirited Away [N 39]

20) Life of Pi [DNF]

21) The Pianist [DNF]

22) Dial M for Murder [DNF]

23) The Dark Knight [DNF]

24) Seven [N 29]

25) Whiplash [DNF]
Nice call with Manchester!

Here's the list with English titles:

1. The Whispering Star (2015)
2. Sansho the Bailiff (1954)
3. Red Beard (1965)
4. The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer (1961)
5. Pastoral: To Die in the Country (1974)
6. August in the Water (1995)
7. Fe (1994)
8. Cafe Noir (2009)
9. Romancing in Thin Air II (2012)
10. Hanagatami (2017)
11. The Long Darkness (1972)
12. The Road Home (1999)
13. Postman Blues (1997)
14. Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You (2016)
15. Letter From the Mountain (2002)
16. Tokyo Twilight (1957)
17. Dying at a hospital (1993)
18. Hibiscus Town (1986)
19. March Comes In Like Lion (1991)
20. My Sons (1991)
21. Juliet in Love (2000)
22. She Was Like a Wild Chrysanthemum (1955)
23. Happy Hour (2015)
24. 0.5 mm (2014)
25. Lolita Vibrator Torture (1987)
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Here's the list with English titles:

1. The Whispering Star (2015)
2. Sansho the Bailiff (1954)
3. Red Beard (1965)
4. The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer (1961)
5. Pastoral: To Die in the Country (1974)
6. August in the Water (1995)
7. Fe (1994)
8. Cafe Noir (2009)
9. Romancing in Thin Air II (2012)
10. Hanagatami (2017)
11. The Long Darkness (1972)
12. The Road Home (1999)
13. Postman Blues (1997)
14. Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You (2016)
15. Letter From the Mountain (2002)
16. Tokyo Twilight (1957)
17. Dying at a hospital (1993)
18. Hibiscus Town (1986)
19. March Comes In Like Lion (1991)
20. My Sons (1991)
21. Juliet in Love (2000)
22. She Was Like a Wild Chrysanthemum (1955)
23. Happy Hour (2015)
24. 0.5 mm (2014)
25. Lolita Vibrator Torture (1987)
Heh, I've only seen one of those (Sansho the Bailiff).

I'm kinda shocked Sansho the Bailiff didn't make it tbh. But at the same time, I'm not shocked at all. Shame on you, MoFos

The Adventure Starts Here!
My list (which only got to 17 entries--I was a last-minute contributor and completely blanked as I was making up my list)... is MY OWN ALL-TIME FAVORITE MOVIES.

I did not in any way try to list what I thought OTHER people would categorize as good films. Frankly, the thought never really occurred to me. I just started typing a list of my favoritey-favorite movies.

If that choice skewed any of the results, then SO BE IT. But I somehow managed to choose a few that are actually on the general 100 list. That was clearly just a coincidence.

NOTE: Inception is nowhere on my list. That was clearly an oversight on my part.

1. Young Frankenstein
2. The Producers (1968)
3. Arsenic and Old Lace
4. The Big Chill
5. Wonder Boys
6. Broadcast News
7. The Elephant Man
8. Blazing Saddles
9. Raising Arizona
10. Bringing Up Baby
11. It's a Wonderful Life
12. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
13. National Lampoon's Vacation
14. Spaceballs
15. Les Miserables (with Hugh Jackman)
16. Chicago
17. The Godfather

A system of cells interlinked
Here are a few films that just missed my list, with a few of them camping out on the rough drafts for a while, before being ultimately cut.

Brooklyn (2015)
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001)
Out of the Past (1947)
The Big Sleep (1946)
The Revenant (2015)
12 Monkeys (1995)
Three Colours: Blue (1993)
Ran (1985)

I chuckle as I look at this list, when I look at some of the films that did make my list. It's not my taste that is bad, it's my decision making!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
100/100 seen. May not seem much to some of you mofos but it’s the first time I have hit all seen before list was over. Shoot, I printed up the AFI 100 in ’94 to watch them all and I still have half a dozen to see.

1.Magnolia (74) My favorite PTA, my favorite film…until I rewatch The Master, which should have been here.
2.The Tree Of Life (62) Better every time, especially for my soul.
3.Once Upon A Time In The West (31) Perfect storytelling on every level.
4.Annie Hall (-) I guess Woody got canceled on mofo too. All his best impulses on display in, by far, his best.
5.Pulp Fiction (5) Love Basterds but this is THE Tarantino.
6.Rushmore (-) I was hoping it had a chance on the back end. Love the Wes Anderson sensibility.
7.Persona (45) I think this is the movie that taught me I don’t have to “get” it. I never stop thinking about this film.
8.Le Cercle Rouge (-) Really didn’t expect it to make the cut, but it should have, because it influenced every crime film you love.
9.The Godfather (2) There are two movies on my list that define cinema visually for me, and that I think the word masterpiece applies to. Stay tuned.
10.Goodfellas (3) Super cool to see this shoe-in make it so high.
11.Lawrence Of Arabia (15) They don’t make them like…you get the point.
12.The Long Goodbye (-) Didn’t plan on this one showing. No Altman love is a shame.
13.The Magnificent Ambersons (-) The Welles cinephiles are afraid to love because they may get haunted.
14.The Social Network (-) Thought this had enough love to make it. Holds up amazingly well. I love it more every time.
15.Anatomy Of A Murder (-) My favorite Stewart. Underrated flick.
16.The Apartment (84) MacLaine is adorable. Never liked Lemmon more.
17.Rear Window (40) A couple Hitch could have made my list, but I think this is my fave.
18.Vivre Sa Vie (-) Godard probably a little too niche for this kind of list. I’m not his biggest fan but this one has been a favorite since my first watch. Probably my favorite female performance ever
19.One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (33) One of my most watched of my 25. Started my love for Nicholson and 70’s flicks way back when.
20.Rocky (59) It’s greatness has been overshadowed by the sequels. THE underdog movie.
21.Star Wars (78) I refuse to use the new title because I’m an old coot these days.
22.Solaris (-) Favorite Tarkovsky, Stalker is close. Very spiritual director, probably only second to Malick.
23.Fargo (-) Was super shocked this didn’t make the cut. I put it this low because I thought it was a lock. My bad.
24.Children Of Paradise (-) See The Godfather. This was watched a lot around mofo a few years back and got a ton of love. Not enough apparently.
25.A Man For All Seasons (-) Planned on this being a one pointer. You heathen mofos didn’t disappoint.

Here's the list with English titles:

12. The Road Home (1999)
I was quickly scrolling the page back up to the top and for just a second I thought you had not Zhang Yimou's The Road Home on your list but instead the Patrick Swayze "classic" Road House (1989). That would have delighted me endlessly, like catching French chef Joël Robuchon orgasmically chowing down on a McRib.

"Pain don't hurt."
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

rbrayer's Avatar
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My list (which only got to 17 entries--I was a last-minute contributor and completely blanked as I was making up my list)... is MY OWN ALL-TIME FAVORITE MOVIES.

I did not in any way try to list what I thought OTHER people would categorize as good films. Frankly, the thought never really occurred to me. I just started typing a list of my favoritey-favorite movies.

If that choice skewed any of the results, then SO BE IT. But I somehow managed to choose a few that are actually on the general 100 list. That was clearly just a coincidence.

NOTE: Inception is nowhere on my list. That was clearly an oversight on my part.

1. Young Frankenstein
2. The Producers (1968)
3. Arsenic and Old Lace
4. The Big Chill
5. Wonder Boys
6. Broadcast News
7. The Elephant Man
8. Blazing Saddles
9. Raising Arizona
10. Bringing Up Baby
11. It's a Wonderful Life
12. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
13. National Lampoon's Vacation
14. Spaceballs
15. Les Miserables (with Hugh Jackman)
16. Chicago
17. The Godfather
Nice list. Seen 15 and loved them (especially Broadcast News and Bringing Up Baby)