The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The Wild Bunch
something I wouldn't have guessed at
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I have a Sixth Sense that it might be a good movie...
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Citizen Kane is another movie that I respect more than I like. Like the others, it might have made my list of "best" movies, but it didn't make my list of "favorite" movies.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
If you're interested in Citizen Kane, or just filmmaking in general, there are two things other than the film itself worth your attention:

Has anyone seen the movie RKO 281 (1999), about the making of Citizen Kane, and William Randolph Hearst's efforts to stop it?

Has anyone seen the movie RKO 281 (1999), about the making of Citizen Kane, and William Randolph Hearst's efforts to stop it?
That one and Cradle Will Rock came out right on top of each other. Is that the one with Liev Schreiber?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Has anyone seen the movie RKO 281 (1999), about the making of Citizen Kane, and William Randolph Hearst's efforts to stop it?
That one and Cradle Will Rock came out right on top of each other. Is that the one with Liev Schreiber?

Yes, that's the one with Liev Schreiber. I haven't seen it yet, but I have the DVD.

New guess for the top nine...

9. Apocalypse Now
8. Blade Runner
7. Casablanca
6. Pulp Fiction
5. Raiders of the Lost Ark
4. Jaws
3. GoodFellas
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
1. The Godfather
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

New guess for the top nine...

9. Apocalypse Now
8. Blade Runner
7. Casablanca
6. Pulp Fiction
5. Raiders of the Lost Ark
4. Jaws
3. GoodFellas
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
1. The Godfather
Not enough Hobbit / Harry Potter.

While waiting for number nine, here are a bunch of my ballot choices that did not make it...

  • The Princess Bride (1987)
    This was my one-pointer, which I thought had a more than decent chance of actually making the countdown. I love this movie the way many of the MoFos on this list love The Wizard of Oz. The Ruby Red Slippers made the cut and The Dread Pirate Roberts did not. Too funny and quoteable and iconic not to show it some love. No regrets.
  • The Long Goodbye (1973)
    As some of us discussed earlier in the countdown I knew it was going to be a tough sell for Robert Altman to make the list because as beloved as he is there are not one or two or even three consensus "best" from him. The admiration is spread, even among his most ardent fanbase. Which makes showing on a list like this difficult. For me personally I think Nashville, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, and Short Cuts are his masterpieces, but I voted for my favorite, the one I obsessively rewatch the most. The Long Goodbye was among the first five or six LaserDiscs I ever bought, back in the day, and I have seen it beginning to end well over fifty times. I had to have it on my list, even knowing it probably wasn't gonna make the group list.
  • His Girl Friday (1940)
    Comedies are always tough sells on lists like these. Much like the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences when pressed to name the best of the best, dramas have more perceived gravitas. F that noise, I says. I was reasonably confident Young Frankenstein might make it (it did!), but when thinking about my favorite movies, the ones I joyfully watch over and over and over again, I could not exclude what is in my book the best of all the fast-talking comedies of that period. And ever. Which is no less of an accomplishment than a sweeping drama or a tense genre piece. The last man who tried to bar a brilliant film like this was Archie Leach.
  • After Hours (1985)
    This was another dilemma of the heart. I consciously tried not to double up on any filmmakers on my ballot, spreading my cinematic love and taste a bit. The one filmmaker I had to break my own rule for was Marty Scorsese. My other vote went for the biggie from his filmography that has yet to be revealed, and I could have easily and happily added my points to Taxi Driver or Raging Bull, though I figured neither really needed help. Much like The Long Goodbye I instead went with the Scorsese movie I re-watch the most, that brings me the most joy. And that is the dark comedy of After Hours. Knew going in it had almost no chance of making the countdown but I voted for it all the same. Mohawk this guy!
  • Rushmore (1998)
    Though obviously a much smaller and less revered filmography I knew Wes Anderson had the same problem as Bob Altman. With no one or two clear favorites among fans his support - and thus votes here - would be spread out over four or five or six titles. But I truly adore Rushmore and I'm really looking forward to making the best of it here at Grover Cleveland.
  • In a Lonely Place (1950)
    On a continuing theme of votes I know were wasted, Film Noir is one of my all-time favorite genres. I figured from the classic Noir period maybe one of the two Billy Wilders might make it (Double Indemnity or Sunset Boulevard) and perhaps an outside chance of Out of the Past or The Postman Always Rings Twice. The only of those four to make the cut was Sunset Boulevard. So I knew going in the odds of Nic Ray's In a Lonely Place making it were beyond remote. But again I voted with my heart rather than strategically. I was born when I fell in love with this flick, I die each time it misses out on these kinds of lists, I happily support it anyway and live for a few weeks until the votes are tabulated.
  • La La Land (2016)
    Next up are the three 21st Century movies I voted for. My giddy ga-ga for La La Land is no secret. Believe me, I know you hate it. I could give a crap. I thought it had a slight chance of popping up toward the bottom of the list if there were enough other MoFos with that crazy feeling a-rat-tat-tatting on their hearts. Alas.
  • Amélie (2001)
    This is another romantic movie I am unabashedly goofy for. It made the list last time but another decade out I feared it might have fallen off the collective radar. Apparently it has. But like many of the other movies I am listing here I love it too deeply not to support it with some points. No, I won't stop voting for it. And no, I'm nobody's little weasel.
  • The Social Network (2010)
    I wanted a third title from this century on my ballot. I initially had Malick's The Tree of Life there, but I figured it wouldn't need my help to place. It didn't. After some shuffling I removed Fincher's SE7EN from my ballot (again, I knew it didn't need my help) and settled on The Social Network as my Fincher on the list as well as my third 21st Century pick. And in the process show Aaron Sorkin some love, too. I knew SE7EN and Fight Club would make it easily but past that thought Zodiac might squeak onto the bottom of the list. I put my support behind The Social Network hoping against hope it might pop.
  • Miller's Crossing (1990)
    This is another perfect example of going with my heart rather than a strategy. I could have happily thrown my vote to No Country for Old Men, which is my second-favorite Coen Brothers flick. But I figured that had plenty of support without me. If I had voted for Fargo I'm guessing Fargo might make the list instead of miss the list. But Fargo isn't one of my very favorite among their movies. From the second I heard those ice cubes rattling in the tumbler and Johnny Casper starts his speech about ethics and whacking out a grifter I was in love with Miller's Crossing. It was only their third film but it remains THE Coen Brothers flick for me. It HAD to be on my list. Even though I KNEW it was not gonna make the final call. Ya's fancy pants, all of ya.

There are two others of the remaining five from my list that I am 99.999% sure ain't coming, but just in case I will reveal those after the list is complete.

1. Chinatown (#17)
2. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (#12)
3. Lawrence of Arabia (#15)
8. Once Upon a Time in the West (#31)
10. Singin’ in the Rain (#64)
11. After Hours (DNP)
12. Miller's Crossing (DNP)
13. La La Land (DNP)
14. Amélie (DNP)
15. North by Northwest (#57)
16. Young Frankenstein (#77)
17. The Social Network (DNP)
18. In a Lonely Place (DNP)
19. Brazil (#100)
20. His Girl Friday (DNP)
21. The Long Goodbye (DNP)
22. Rushmore (DNP)
23. Unforgiven (#43)
24. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (#33)
25. The Princess Bride (DNP)

That's a nice write-up, Holden.

I plan on giving some love to the ones that didn't make it from my list as well, but will wait until the Top 10 finishes.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
While waiting for number nine, here are a bunch of my ballot choices that did not make it...
Although it wouldn't happen I thought it would be quite fun to do an all time countdown after this with one kicker, that you can't vote for any film in the top100,

Although it wouldn't happen I thought it would be quite fun to do an all time countdown after this with one kicker, that you can't vote for any film in the top100,
You sound like Trump.
"My movies never made it! I want a revote!"

  • 290 points
  • 20 lists
9. Apocalypse Now


Francis Ford Coppola, 1979


Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Frederic Forrest

We've gone on holiday by mistake
You sound like Trump.
"My movies never made it! I want a revote!"
Nah, just curious, what would it look like if you removed the top 100, although we're going to see that anyway if the full 1000 films get shown.

Like a B track on a music single.

Nah, just curios, what would it look like if you removed the top 100, although we're going to see that anyway if the full 1000 films get shown.

Like a B track on a music single.
Might be easier and quicker to just get Yods to post 101-200

I'd be interested to see that though tbh.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That sound was my tears falling as my Fargo hopes were dashed.

I think Apocalypse Now is really great. I definitely need to see it for a second time. Just bummed Fargo didn't even hit the 100. I really thought it was the most popular Coen.

The Princess Bride (1987)
This was my one-pointer, which I thought had a more than decent chance of actually making the countdown. I love this movie the way many of the MoFos on this list love The Wizard of Oz. The Ruby Red Slippers made the cut and The Dread Pirate Roberts did not. Too funny and quoteable and iconic not to show it some love. No regrets.
Yeah, this is one of the bigger "really thought it might make it"s from my list, too. I had it very high.

That sound was my tears falling as my Fargo hopes were dashed.

I think Apocalypse Now is really great. I definitely need to see it for a second time. Just bummed Fargo didn't even hit the 100. I really thought it was the most popular Coen.
If it's any consolation, it is my favorite Coen, closely followed by The Big Lebowski and No Country for Old Men. Had it at #32 on my list, though.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
If it's any consolation, it is my favorite Coen, closely followed by The Big Lebowski and No Country for Old Men. Had it at #32 on my list, though.
No Country, Barton Fink, and Llewyn Davis are all really close for me but I just love Fargo so much. It started my Coen love.

My Top 10 guesses...
  1. The Godfather
  2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  3. Goodfellas
  4. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  5. Pulp Fiction
  6. Jaws
  7. Casablanca
  8. Citizen Kane
  9. Apocalypse Now
  10. Blade Runner

I attempted to guess ranking as much as I could, but who knows.
Should've stuck with my initial guess. I guess I have to swap Kane and Blade Runner, which will be the next.