The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Tomorrow's hint:

One is obscene and yet heard
The other strong but unsound

Only one's science is sweet
But in the end both hit the ground
1st part - Cuckoo's Nest or Clockwork
2nd part - Space Odyssey or Gravity
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

Haven't seen Fight Club and am not sure if I want to because by now, the ending's been spoiled for me by certain people I've known. No Country For Old Men is an absolute classic that I love but I didn't place it on my list for some stupid reason.

19.The Searchers #97
1.To Kill a Mockingbird #85
25.Die Hard #63

Have seen 37 of 50
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Yeah, sure, we all talk to ourselves.
But, just how many of us, just stop and listen? I mean, really really listen.
Ya know?

Fight Club was a sad cut from my list. It IS a strong member of the Countless Rewatch List. The ones ya know back to front and quote the sh#t out of with f@ckin glee, each and every time.
I continually relish delving into this film, into its splintered spiral into "reaching bottom", "kicking and screaming the whole way".
Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter's performances, along with the remaining Cast are beyond top-notch.
It is sooo easy to go on and on about the technical/visual, literal crash through the looking glass, that this Fincher film is, but --
there are the first two rules of Fight Club to consider. . .

Should you ever ponder the options of what to do when you find a sizable amount of cash beside a bloodied corpse. . . No Country For Old Men is happy to oblige.
There is very little of Coen Bros I do NOT fully enjoy or just simply love.
Having seen NCFOM only twice it does rest in the higher midsection, bordering on the all-time favorites. Though I'm sure a few more rewatches will help it along quite nicely.
Or I can just flip a coin. . .

Movies Watched 37 out of 50 (74%)
2. Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid (#81)
23. Metropolis (1927) #73
25. Cyrano de Bergerac (1950) One Pointer

Rectification List
Day of the Jackal (1973) One Pointer
To Kill A Mockingbird (#85) *rewatch*
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Haven't seen Fight Club and am not sure if I want to because by now, the ending's been spoiled for me by certain people I've known. No Country For Old Men is an absolute classic that I love but I didn't place it on my list for some stupid reason.

19. The Searchers #97
1. To Kill a Mockingbird #85
25. Die Hard #63

Have seen 37 of 50
To me, knowing the twist does not diminish the ride.

Haven't seen Fight Club and am not sure if I want to because by now, the ending's been spoiled for me by certain people I've known.
Fight Club (1999) is good even if you know the twist.
Fight Club was a sad cut from my list. It IS a strong member of the Countless Rewatch List. The ones ya know back to front and quote the sh#t out of with f@ckin glee, each and every time.
I continually relish delving into this film, into its splintered spiral into "reaching bottom", "kicking and screaming the whole way".
I watched Fight Club for this countdown because it used to be one of my favourite movies early to mid 2000s. It didn't make the cut, but it's still an awesome movie.

Yeah Fight Club is fun whether you know the twist or not.

If someone's spoiled the ending for you, give it a go anyways.
You'll prob find it fun to watch and see in retrospect, how the movie unfolds, and what else there is about the movie that people loved.

Spoiler alert... there's honestly more to Fight Club than just the ending.
It's not a Shyamalan movie

The trick is not minding
Here's a list of the four directors with more than one entry and their films.

  • Billy Wilder: The Apartment (84), Sunset Boulevard (53)
  • James Cameron: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (71), The Terminator (56)
  • Paul Thomas Anderson: Magnolia (74), There Will Be Blood (60)
  • Steven Spielberg: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (89), Saving Private Ryan (83)
For Wilder, Double Indemnity will undoubtedly appear. Maybe Some Like it Hot? The long weekend?
I think PTA is finished. Can’t see any other film making it.
Spielberg has Schindler’s List, Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark all in the running for an appearance.
Cameron has Aliens.
Kubrick should have a few appear, joining them. Same with Kurosawa and possibly Fellini (La Dolce Vita possibly?)
Hitchcock has at least 4 more films that could easily appear. More likely two, however.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Fight Club is okayish. It's totally overrated but an okay watch.

No Country for Old Men is a little bit better. I'm not a fan but at least it's a better film cinema-wise.

PS: Happy New Year. It's 00:15 here and I'm a no-life. Doing a movie marathon and visiting this thread when most people have fun!!!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is likely one of them, and I'm getting Clockwork Orange vibes too.

Wait, in the end both hit the ground? That's not a Thelma and Louise give away, is it?

People are having fun?
"Fun? Is that what we're here for? FUN?!"

Trying to find a gif of Dr Pinderschloss clouting Fester in Addams Family...

While Fight Club rates pretty high on the Movies I Never Want Quoted To Me list, it's got a lot to like. And I think some forget how funny it can be. Plus, it also has Helena Bonham Carter, so it's got that going for it too. I'm not nearly angry enough for it anymore though. So definitely didn't make my list

I really love No Country. I chose another Coen Brothers for my list, but it would likely have been the runner up choice. This movie pulls off the wonderful balancing act of being a tremendously tense thriller and remaining at all times mysterious and oblique.

Much of its greatness surely has to do with the source material. Cormac McCarthy is just about the only writer in the last thirty years worth an ounce of syrup. The Coens do his violent lyricism justice.

Tomorrow's hint:

One is obscene and yet heard
The other strong but unsound

Only one's science is sweet
But in the end both hit the ground
I'm reading sweet science as a boxing film. I'm gonna guess Raging Bull.
And I'm thinking the other one is Gravity.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I didn't like Fight Club the first time I watched it. Then I ended up loving it on my second go and it was my top Fincher film for a while. Now...I would put Se7en, Social Network and Zodiac all above it. It's still a well-made movie, but Fincher has done better.

No Country For Old Men, I took my wife to see in theatres. Man...what a bad year that was for taking my wife to see movies. She hated There Will Be Blood and she hated this one too. I of course loved it and ranked it in Top 5 Coens....but not ranked on my list. Neither film did actually.

As for other Coens....I literally just watched Miller's Crossing for the first time last night. Loved it. Top 5 Coens for me too.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

"Fun? Is that what we're here for? FUN?!"

Trying to find a gif of Dr Pinderschloss clouting Fester in Addams Family...
F is for fire that burns down the whole town!
I is for uranium...