Elliot Page comes out as transgender


So the person I once had a crush on is now a trans. I watched Juno multiple times, and even found her running adorable in the X-Men movie.

Anyways, happy for him.

Hopefully he doesn't mind the inevitable flood of triggered idiots upset at someone wanting to live his life the way he wants to.

The trick is not minding
Perfect time to make a sequel to Hard Candy.
Hard Candy 2: Even Harder

On a more serious note, I’m glad for him. I have a friend who also has and she has been lucky to have been accepted by her friends and family so warmly.

You ready? You look ready.
Not surprised. Glad to see to them happy.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

This is literally what I thought when I read the thread title.
So the person I once had a crush on is now a trans
Does that retroactively make you gay?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

The first time I ever laid eyes on Ellen Page, she totally set off my gaydar, but apparently it was more complex than that. I'm glad he has gone public about who he is and I wish him only the best.

The first time I ever laid eyes on Ellen Page, she totally set off my gaydar, but apparently it was more complex than that. I'm glad he has gone public about who he is and I wish him only the best.
Does gaydar apply to females? (Aside from the ones with crew cuts, that is?)

My gay friends were male, and I used to enjoy their dissertations on the "female of the species" (i.e. lesbians). My one friend used to say they had nothing in common except their similar activist causes - outside of that, they wanted little to do with each other (which was funny because he had a few lesbian friends - so I guess he was just talking trash).

He tended to have a much greater affinity with straight women.

He did have one good point... about why gay females have their own name.
"Gay and Homosexual" can apply to both males and females, but only females get their own designation. We used to sit around and come up with what gay males should be called - much hilarity ensued!

Let the night air cool you off
Does that retroactively make you gay?
Not retroactively gay. Just gay, because even when Elliot looked like a woman, she was always a man. So, he was always gay.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Does Page act anymore?
Page is in Umbrella Academy and was in the Flatliners remake in 2017. Other than those two notable roles, just independent pictures.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Not retroactively gay. Just gay, because even when Elliot looked like a woman, she was always a man. So, he was always gay.

Honestly though, I still think Juno is cute. So if that makes me gay, then so be it

Not retroactively gay. Just gay, because even when Elliot looked like a woman, she was always a man. So, he was always gay.
Yeah, Elliot was always a man but hardly anyone knew back then, so most people who had a crush on him back then looked at it as crushing on a girl. It's not about Elliot, it's about people's perception of him. So my question is:

Are you gay if you crush on somebody who you think is a girl but then turns out to be a man?

And are you gay if you still have a crush on that somebody after you found out they are a man?

And why would you even stop crushing on that somebody after you found out? And you still can be attracted to somebody's feminine traits, so...

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Are you gay if you crush on somebody who you think is a girl but then turns out to be a man?

And are you gay if you still have a crush on that somebody after you found out they are a man?
I guess you could consider yourself bisexual, but not necessarily even that. You are still attracted to the feminine physique, and considering Elliot looks the same as before it also makes sense to still find him attractive. It does feel a bit odd yes, but I still think of myself as straight.

Great coming out statement by the way. Of course, its great for him, but also the trans community, who have gained someone with that kind of profile who is so tremendously outspoken for them and their rights.

Yeah, Elliot was always a man but hardly anyone knew back then, so most people who had a crush on him back then looked at it as crushing on a girl. It's not about Elliot, it's about people's perception of him. So my question is:

Are you gay if you crush on somebody who you think is a girl but then turns out to be a man?

And are you gay if you still have a crush on that somebody after you found out they are a man?

And why would you even stop crushing on that somebody after you found out? And you still can be attracted to somebody's feminine traits, so...
The joy too of celebrity crushes is that a time capsule will always exist of them in any particular film. I for example dont have a crush on Jessica Alba, but I absolutely do crush on Jessica Alba in Sin City! Plus crushes are crushes. I am absolutely 100% gay and have no desire to ever be in any form of relationship with a man ever. But can I see the appeal of Robert Redford in the Way We Were? Oh my word yes I can!

Will Kristin Stewart be next, I want to know.
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Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Good for him! And I agree in that he'll be a great spokesperson - should he choose to go down that direction - and role model for the community.

He can join my list of Amanda Lepore, Caroline Cossey and Dominique Jackson as my fav trans icons.

You ready? You look ready.
I am tired of the "another white celebrity comes out as something other than straight" news cycle, though. Got people acting like Elliot is the second coming or something.

I couldn't careless how someone rich lives or doesn't live their life, and I am tired of people getting their voices elevated just because they are "x, y, and z".

Elliot has always been outspoken about LGBT rights even when they were closeted, but no one seemed to care until they were gay. Then they spoke about trans rights and no one seemed to care until they were trans.

I wish the media would just stop. I honestly believe the media is responsible for 90% of the world's problems.