Hello everyone


Hi everyone, I'm Dave. I have just signed up, I was looking for somewhere to talk about movies.

I'm not too much of a movie buff which may sound strange (as I've joined a movie forum!) but I do want to watch more films and thought this would be a great place to see what other people watch and what they recommend.

As you can probably guess from my username, I'm a big fan of the Jurassic World films.

Looking forward to having a look around


Trouble with a capital "T"
Hey Dave, think I'll call ya JW, it's easier to remember WELCOME to MOFO

So what type of movies are you hoping to learn about and watch? Let us know. MoFos (that's what we call ourselves) are a great source of recommendations.

JW is fine by me, I shall call you CR

There are a lot of well known classic films I haven't seen that I feel I should have! I have never watched Lord of the Rings for example, or Pulp Fiction or the Godfather so I feel I should check those out. I wouldn't mind watching some Alfred Hitchcock as well as I do enjoy the horror genre. I love the Bond films, but I haven't watched seen any of the older films for years. I have rewatched the Daniel Craig ones a few times.

There's no genres I dislike as such, but I do love a good action film or a horror/thriller.

I'm not too much of a movie buff which may sound strange (as I've joined a movie forum!)
It doesn't sound strange at all. If you said "I'm not too much of a movie fan," we might wonder why you're here.

It feels a little weird seeing you call Lord of the Rings "classic" but I guess it's almost 20 years old now. Besides Jurassic World and Bond, what movies do you like?

Oh good, then do I have some movie musical recommendations for you
I do like a musical from time to time, I liked Burlesque. I look forward to hearing your recommendations

It doesn't sound strange at all. If you said "I'm not too much of a movie fan," we might wonder why you're here.

It feels a little weird seeing you call Lord of the Rings "classic" but I guess it's almost 20 years old now. Besides Jurassic World and Bond, what movies do you like?
Hi Miss Vicky some of my favourite films are from the horror/thriller genre - I loved the effect of The Blair Witch Project, it seems to be a film that polarises opinion. Some of my friends loved it, others really didn't like it. But it's one of those films that really creeped me out and stayed with me. I thought the tension and unease was built up nicely and it was the fact it was all psychological and left to your imagination that really scared me. I also love The Shining and Hereditary which came out last year and really took me by surprise how much I liked it.

Other favourite films include Hot Fuzz, Shaun of The Dead, Speed, Taken, Se7en, Nightcrawler and Brokeback Mountain. A big Jake Gyllenhaal fan too!


I like most everything except American Comedy. Can recommend all types of stuff...

Welcome aboard, Dave...looking forward to hear what you might want to say and I'm sure there are a lot of folks here who can recommend some films for you. You taste in films seems to be far from mine, so I think I'm going to let others around here help you with some recs.

I also love The Shining and Hereditary which came out last year and really took me by surprise how much I liked it.
Do you plan on watching "Doctor Sleep" and/or "Midsommar"?

I'm excited for "Midsommar"!

I also love The Shining and Hereditary which came out last year and really took me by surprise how much I liked it.
Do you plan on watching "Doctor Sleep" and/or "Midsommar"?

I'm excited for "Midsommar"!
Yes I'm planning on watching Midsommar, I saw the trailer for it the other day and it looks great. I'm really excited for it! I think I'll plan a cinema trip for it.

Thank you for all the welcomes

A system of cells interlinked
Hello and welcome!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

La La Land comes to mind.
OMG, you like musicals? We musical lovers are a dying breed and there's not a lot of us around here. Based on the fact that you liked Burlesque, I would like to recommend 1979's All that Jazz, 1980's Fame, 1979's Hair, and 2005's Rent. If you like any of those, let me know and I might recommend some more for you. And I second Citzen's recommendation of La La Land.