Pre-1930 movies you think others might enjoy


As a companion thread to the preliminary pre-1930s countdown thread this is a repository where people can suggest/recommend films from 1929 or earlier that they think others might enjoy.

For instance one that I believe our very own mark f (apologies if I'm misremembering) drew my attention to was The Beloved Rogue (1927) which I found an enjoyable enough adventure/romp even if it did lapse a little too far into melodrama/farce at times for my taste.

Trouble with a capital "T"
For sure, that's so weird with dead animated bugs that I gotta think people would get a kick out of seeing that. It's damn creative! and short too, oh and public domain so guilt free to download.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Although many short films are easily available now that aren't addressed in them, here are two threads about some of these movies.
Top/Fave/Significant Films of the 1920s
The Silent Film Era
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Funny, I just watched that and was wondering whether you would like it because it's animation and it's weird, or not like it because it's made using dead insects!

I love that in 1912 movies were already referencing movies. But with dead bugs. It's very funny too.

On the animation line there's also Gertie the dinosaur and The Adventures of Prince Achmed

The Passion of Joan of Arc.

While its style could sound off-putting on paper I think it works 100% on screen. It feels so different from anything I’ve seen from that time. Very much ahead of the curve. I would definitely say this is a must. Visually great and the characters feel so very real. There’s something very human about this - obviously because of the brilliant Maria Falconetti.

Sherlock, Jr. A great Buster Keaton film I recently watched for the Classic Comedy Hall of Fame.

For those who haven't seen D.W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation (1915), it is one of the industry's first masterpieces, loaded with innovations. It was also the first film screened at the White House (for Woodrow Wilson).

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I think a lot of modern audiences would find The Thief of Baghdad (1924), entertaining still, hopefully.

A few that spring to mind are Gold Rush, Metropolis, Haxan and The Lost World (which I saw in a theatre on a big screen with a man playing Piano for the soundtrack).

Great movies I saw for the first time in the Silent Era Hall of Fame-Diary of a Lost Girl, Sunrise, Wings, The Big Parade, and The Crowd-all excellent!

I hope everybody is still checking the earlier thread which has a few recs and actual films to watch on this and the subsequent post.
I certainly hope to watch one or more of those links tomorrow

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Early Hitchcock includes The Lodger (1927) which I highly recommend and don't think has been mentioned here yet. Also worth a watch are October 1917 (Ten Days that Shook The World) by Eisenstein, The Epic of Everest and a horror that just missed out on my list A Page of Madness ………

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Missed City Lights by One Year 1931
Just in case this comment confuddles anyone - fillums dated 1930 aren't eligible for this countdown either