Mass shootings at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand


I wish people would smoke more weed. Perhaps there would be a few less of these shootings. Was anyone else mildly surprised that this wasn't in the US somewhere? Many Americans to be sure are learning today (probably Trump included) that New Zealand isn't Australia. So we're learning stuff and that's good.

I wonder if we'll ever learn to stop murdering each other in such large numbers. I've been alive for a few years now and the prospects seem pretty dim. Our lives are getting longer and supposedly better everyday but our quality of LIFE is in a tailspin.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

A system of cells interlinked
I wish people would smoke more weed. Perhaps there would be a few less of these shootings. Was anyone else mildly surprised that this wasn't in the US somewhere?

US ranks 11th overall in mass shootings (as of 2018 anyway), so I guess I would say no. NZ is certainly below that in ranking though, so it is pretty surprising that it happened there.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell


Neither am I a leftist (centrist here/classical liberal), nor did I call you a Nazi. I even added that you were talking about demographic change, minority appeasement, etc. all of which you have cited in your next post that was directed at me.

I just stated that you worded your earlier post in a wrong manner. You, or for that matter anyone else, shouldn't just put a blanket blame on a community (Muslims in this case).

The main issue is the politicians and the regressive left which believes in the lopsided assimilation without asking immigrants to adjust/adopt their ways to their new country-something which is a must. Instead they demand the locals to change their ways substantially. There is bound to be friction, especially when even laws are bended/ignored for the immigrants.

But there are also law abiding immigrants and even Muslims, who believe in adapting and respecting the local culture and laws. Hence, the blanket blame was avoidable. Something which that terrorist did.

And on a sidenote, the media will call him right wing, but by his own admission he isn't. If one reads his manifesto then he is an environmentalist, part socialist and racist.

But there are also law abiding immigrants and even Muslims, who believe in adapting and respecting the local culture and laws.
Even Muslims are law-abiding? Big of you to say so.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

But there are also law abiding immigrants and even Muslims, who believe in adapting and respecting the local culture and laws.
Even Muslims are law-abiding? Big of you to say so.
Said that cause the discussion between me and Cynema was centered around them. This is what happens when you comment on a single post, without taking into account the whole discussion.

Accidently liked your post, while trying to quote. Double Sigh.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't read this thread, and quite frankly I have no intention too. All I know is, it's very sad that this shooting happened

It might be human nature to try and explain such a shocking event by blaming A or B or C, but the ONLY person responsible was the evil bastard shooter.

I wish people would smoke more weed. Perhaps there would be a few less of these shootings. Was anyone else mildly surprised that this wasn't in the US somewhere? Many Americans to be sure are learning today (probably Trump included) that New Zealand isn't Australia. So we're learning stuff and that's good.

I wonder if we'll ever learn to stop murdering each other in such large numbers. I've been alive for a few years now and the prospects seem pretty dim. Our lives are getting longer and supposedly better everyday but our quality of LIFE is in a tailspin.
While I share in your sentiment - weed does not have a universally tranquil effect.

Granted, tranquility and a sense of mellowed-out serenity are among its most common effects for most people, but like most mind or mood-altering drugs, what weed does primarily is lower inhibitions (while for some it has the opposite of effect of increasing feelings of paranoia - such enhanced feelings can also lead one to behave erratically under marijuana's influence).

As with other drugs, weed can simply magnify whatever prevalent feelings a person currently has. If they are prone to violence, weed may indeed tranquilize them, or may just lower their inhibitions and cause them to become more violent - depends on the individual.

Statistics show that many acts of violent crime occur while the perpetrator is high on weed, thus countering the theory that weed universally lessens feelings of violence or the propensity toward it.

Welcome to the human race...
I haven't read this thread, and quite frankly I have no intention too. All I know is, it's very sad that this shooting happened

It might be human nature to try and explain such a shocking event by blaming A or B or C, but the ONLY person responsible was the evil bastard shooter.
I think it's worth asking why he decided to target a mosque and livestream the entire incident, which are definitely factors that distinguish this beyond your standard mass shooting and invite more introspection than a simplistic "shooter was just evil" response.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

US ranks 11th overall in mass shootings (as of 2018 anyway), so I guess I would say no. NZ is certainly below that in ranking though, so it is pretty surprising that it happened there.

Uh... I don't know where you're getting that from. That is totally wrong Mike. Is this the "list" you're talking about?

While I share in your sentiment - weed does not have a universally tranquil effect.

Granted, tranquility and a sense of mellowed-out serenity are among its most common effects for most people, but like most mind or mood-altering drugs, what weed does primarily is lower inhibitions (while for some it has the opposite of effect of increasing feelings of paranoia - such enhanced feelings can also lead one to behave erratically under marijuana's influence).

As with other drugs, weed can simply magnify whatever prevalent feelings a person currently has. If they are prone to violence, weed may indeed tranquilize them, or may just lower their inhibitions and cause them to become more violent - depends on the individual.

Statistics show that many acts of violent crime occur while the perpetrator is high on weed, thus countering the theory that weed universally lessens feelings of violence or the propensity toward it.

There are no statistics for what you're talking about. It's barely legal enough for some of the smart people to start studying it. That's just something you read somewhere. I think I may have read the same thing awhile back. Really read like anti weed propaganda straight outta Pineapple Express. If weed doesn't make you happy and tranquil then you're either smoking bammer or you're doing it wrong.

Change my mind.

Powdered Water,

I agree with you on calling out Sedai for the rankings about mass shootings. Definitions and data collection seems to vary a bit from source to source, but I'm pretty sure the consensus is that the US is near the top here (in the developed world).

I don't agree with you on the weed stance. Sure, quality may make a difference, but the effects and reactions of each person's body is subjective. I'd say myself included, and this is regardless of whether it's an edible or consumed in it's more traditional form

A system of cells interlinked
Uh... I don't know where you're getting that from. That is totally wrong Mike. Is this the "list" you're talking about?

Fair enough. I stand corrected!

EDIT: I was just reminded by a mutual friend that even your link shows a fair bit of nuance on the issue. So, maybe I am not totally wrong...

Some misguided Indians are actually celebrating the deadly terror attack .
This is disgusting, but hardly a surprise. After Pulawama attack that resulted in 49 deaths, I saw loads of posts by Muslims and Pakistanis on Twitter, facebook, etc celebrating the deaths.
Or Israelis celebrating Palestinian deaths and Palestinians celebrating Israeli deaths. People in Middle east celebrating terrorist attacks in US, UK, etc.

Couple of days ago 32 Christians were killed with their homes and church burned in Nigeria. It wasn’t even reported on most news platforms.

Happens after all terrorist attacks. People behaving disgustingly on the internet is unfortunately the norm now.

Does anyone know if the Muslims in the two New Zealand mosques were mostly Ahmadiyya Muslims because that would make sense why people in places like Pakistan are horrendously celebrating the deaths of fellow Muslims.

Ahmadiyya Muslims were some of the first Muslims to come out and give their support and so on towards the people in New Zealand, was lovely to see.

Weird is relative.
Haven't read much of the thread besides this page, but any shooting is horrifying. If I had kids I'd be terrified every day they're at school... glad I don't have that stress to deal with.
What a sad world it's become. People have to think twice before going out to a bar/nightclub, a concert, the cinema, their place of worship, their school, or even choosing to walk on the sidewalk in a busy city, or during a holiday.

I wish something could be done to catch or prevent potential shooters/mass murderers before it happens...

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Haven't read much of the thread besides this page, but any shooting is horrifying. If I had kids I'd be terrified every day they're at school... glad I don't have that stress to deal with.
What a sad world it's become. People have to think twice before going out to a bar/nightclub, a concert, the cinema, their place of worship, their school, or even choosing to walk on the sidewalk in a busy city, or during a holiday.

I wish something could be done to catch or prevent potential shooters/mass murderers before it happens...

How exactly? How do you get into a determined individuals mind?, they may have no connection to any others with a terror mindset, may have been careful to not leave trail of evidence/indication of what's coming.

Obviously the more these things happen the more the security services/police learn about the indicators but it's terribly difficult.

Welcome to the human race...
Seems like gun control would go a long way towards minimising the risk by removing the actual guns from the equation. Less need to figure out a cause if there is no effect.

Seems like gun control would go a long way towards minimising the risk by removing the actual guns from the equation. Less need to figure out a cause if there is no effect.
This shouldn't (and won't) become a thread on gun control, but worth noting that quite a few of the mass shootings you see in the U.S. happen in places with significant (or even very strict) gun control. As someone who's not a big gun guy, but knows plenty and has thought and talked about this issue a lot, the one thing I'm sure of is that there is no pat solution.