
I'm happy in the one way...no, two ways that count. Maybe three. I'm the queen of strange jobs and "almost " projects. So much so it's a joke that might actually happen.

I disagree that you lie to yourself if you're happy. Finding things to be happy about it almost how people process anything bad that happens to them. I could tell you how I process odd luck, like the blessings in disguise, but I've been wanting to create a Blessing In Disguise thread for a while now. Just haven't done it yet.

Ugh, I can't explain more without sounding like a lunatic.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

A system of cells interlinked
I came in here to post the Cohen song, but SC already posted it...

So here is a cover of it!

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I'm the queen of strange jobs
One of those jobs would make you laugh out loud.

Okay! I was just seeing what kind of reaction I could get out of people (again).

I'm trying to tap into something here. I don't know what. Something!
There is something to tap into here, so your quest is not in vain. I deal with this all the time. I'm adept in this.

I'm already looking forward to it.
Will do at cock's fart tomorrow.

We're all lunatics!
Superheroes. We're all superheroes.

I have it almost like a dream, but I still want more. I wonder if it's because I'm greedy, or something else. I have a perfect life right now, but I'm more and more convinced that I want to share it with someone. But my expectations are too high, my biases too strong. I feel that what I truly want is simply out of reach. And I still have doubts. Doubts that my perfect life will deteriorate. Fear that it will not work again. Just not enough chances compared to too many requirements. And I contemplate it, ponder on these mysteries of the world, but see no resolution.

In the meantime I'm living my perfect life hanging to it tightly. I'm constantly thinking about taking a step in the dark, but how high is the possiblity of a pitfall just before me? How likely is it that one step forward will cost me five steps backward? Life doesn't suck. Not for me. I've been very lucky. I've had it good and plenty. But you cannot get water out of stone. You can't have everything. You can't win life. In the end we all are losers in the cold infinite of space.

I have a perfect life, but is perfection really what I need?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

A system of cells interlinked
Know what I dreamt last night?

I dreamt that @LordSlaytan left me a post comment and then called me on the phone.

He had been lurking on the forum this whole time, but never wanted to post.

He seemed different to me now, in the dream.

I miss @LordSlaytan. He was a fun guy.
Wow, Haven't see his name on the forums in a while. I wonder what happened to him. Would be cool to see him and also Caity again.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
[IMG]via Imgflip Meme Generator[/IMG]

People don’t understand how in touch with God I really am.

I have always been a God seeker. It’s just my years of exploring and trying to find God have led me down some strange paths and made me the person I am today. I’ve always had a religious/spiritual side to myself and to everything that I do. I found God and God was absurd. But still God.
God says you've got to do the best you can...
and work out twice a day...
don't ask me why He said it...
because I already forgot!

In all seriousness, that's good. I hope you don't mind me teasing. It's just so fun to tease, and you usually take it in stride (which is cool).

Anyway, I think life is great. By which I do not mean "everything is awesome." I mean life, in and of itself, is good. That we exist is good. I'm glad we do, I'm glad you do. I hope you can be glad about that, too. A crappy day is better than no day.

I know a person who had a drinking problem. He would ask me sometimes about my life and I would answer honestly, telling about the good and the bad. He never seemed to hear the negative because he would repeat the positive things as if to say, "but you have a really good life."

I think he believed other people had happy lives while he did not. I don't think he was able to see that life is a mix of good and bad. Sometimes we have to appreciate the small, positive things and sometimes we can be one of the small, positive things for someone else.

I’ve realized lately that I CAN’T be something I’m not.

Like, people may wish that I could be more serious on here. Well, the fact is, I CAN’T. And if I can, then, surprise!

I can’t totally change the output of Sexy Celebrity. I’ve had many, many years being who I am. I grew up a certain way and this is who I am. I can’t change myself. If I change, I couldn’t help it. Our choices in life are all surprises to us. Every day is a mystery. I’m powerless in being me. And I should just forgive myself for everything that I’ve done because in a way, I couldn’t help it.

I can’t be something I’m not. I’m me - no matter how scary or sad that may be. I play out based on so many factors in my life that I had no control over. I’m really, truly here for some kind of purpose, I guess. I don’t believe we can actually control what happens next. I’ve gotta be me... until I die. I’m me forever.
I know what you are tho... a teaser! :P