Your favorite movie scenes of all time...


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I ate all your bees.
All Time Favourite Scenes

Terminator 2 - The start when Arnold walks into the pool hall and when he walks out to the 'Bad to the Bone' music. Absolute Classic . The entire chase through the storm drains, especially Arnie's reloading of the shotgun and the Motorcycle Jump. Lastly from Terminator 2 (it is my favourite movie after all) when the T-1000 is chasing them in the Truck and they are in the little Ute, Arnie's shooting the Grenade Launcher, is bumped and loses the Launcher, immediately picks up the M14 Assault Rifle walks over onto the Truck and loads the T-1000 with bullets. The music and the immediate reaction of Arnie make that scene a standout for me.

High Fidelity - Most of the Top 5 lists segments are pure gold and when John Cusack learns of the 'Ian' character.

The Matrix
- Its corny I know but the scene when neo walks into the Building filled with weapons is one of my all-time favs.

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
- When he does the Swing across the rope during the attack on their Sherwood home and when he gets of the arrow that saves Christian Slater towards the end.

Judge Dredd - Bad movie I know but the start of the movie is pretty good, the music is great and when Sly declares himself the law I can't help but have a smile on my face.

Raiders of the Lost Arc
- When Indy is taking the truck over and when he starts to fight the big German man on the airfield and falls to his feet after 1 punch....Gold.

Blade - The start fight scene during the rave is one of the best ever.

Transformers: The Movie
- Alright now you may be asking why I placed this here but its purely because I loved Transformers as a kid and still enjoy watching it from time to time The scene a refer to at the start of the movie when Optimus Prime arrives at Autobot City and declares that 'Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost' and then goes on a super run and fights Megatron. I love Optimus Prime, he's so selfless and honourable, man his death still makes me go all misty.

Other honourable mentions go to Snatch, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Conan, Shanghai Noon, Cliffhanger and many more...I'd be here forever though.
I'm a quitter, I come from a long line of quitters....Its amazing I'm here at all.

Terminator 2 when Arnold came in the hall and took the shot gun out of the rose box and the roses are falling on the ground and he steps on one.

My Top 10 Favorite Movie Scenes Of All Time

  1. Platoon - Sgt. Elias' Death
    Really amazing scene. I pretty much hate Oliver Stone, but Platoon is an uncomparable masterpiece and Elias' Death was perfect.
  2. Leon - Leon's Death In The Hallway
    Simply flawless. The music is eerily beautiful and the expression on Reno's face is just so great. The part where Stansfield slides into the frame is probably my favorite single shot in any film.
  3. The Princess Bride - Inigo & Wesley's Swordfight
    So much fun...
  4. Casablanca - The "We'll Always Have Paris" Scene
    Classic. Bogey is at his best right here.
  5. Jurassic Park - First Appearance of T-Rex
    I know all you true film aficionados will say this is a crap popcorn flick. But when (as an impressionable seven year old boy sitting in the front end of a movie theater) I saw that behemoth bust out of his cage and eat that lawyer... my jaw dropped.
  6. The Empire Strikes Back - The "I Am Your Father" Scene
    The biggest badass in the universe is the father of some scrawny farmerboy? Who'dathunkit.
  7. Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Communicating With The Ship
    The most awe-inspiring thing you'll ever see captured on film. Truly brilliant.
  8. Jaws - Comparing Scars
    A snotty prep kid bonding with a salty sea dog, Quint's magnificent monologue & a genuinely fun musical number - This scene has it all.
  9. Leon - Mathilda & Stansfield In The Bathroom
    Gary Oldman gives the performance of his career in this subtle, five minute scene.
  10. Blade Runner - Roy Batty's Expiration
    Generally, I think this is a woefully overrated flick. But Rutger Hauer's exit will stick with you for quite a while.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

The Boondock Saints - 6 gun shootout.

Magnolia - Frogs falling from the sky.

Dark City - When the city changes.

Goodfellas - Layla

Casino - Baseball Bats.

The Untouchables - Stairwell scene.

Monty Python & The Holy Grail - Charging the Castle

Resrvoir Dogs - Stuck in the middle with you

True Romance - Walken & Hopper

Oldboy -Corridor Fight Scene

Kill Bill - House of Blue Leaves

Clockwork Orange - Singing in the rain

Fellowship of the Ring - Boromir's Death

Taxi Driver - You Talking To Me?

The Big Lebowski - The Ringer

Return of the Jedi - Speeder Bike Chase

Equilbrium - Bale VS Soldiers in hallway

American Pyscho - Phil Collins

25th Hour - F*ck You speech

plus many many more
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Welcome to the human race...
In no particular order...(may contain spoilers)

Walkabout - Jenny Agutter in the pool.

Midnight Cowboy - Rico's death.

Raiders of the Lost Ark - everything!

The Blues Brothers - also everything.

The Shawshank Redemption - Red's final parole hearing.

Taxi Driver - shootout

Glengarry Glen Ross - the second half of the film is one big scene.

Reservoir Dogs - closing shootout and denouement.

This Is Spinal Tap - the live numbers, especially Stonehenge.

Repo Man - final scene

The Warriors - Warriors fight the Baseball Furies, and the final confrontation on the beach

So many, it's tough.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The Green Mile- When Tom Hanks and the other guards question John Coffey about what they shoudl do with him. Tom Hanks and Brutal talk about being afraid of hell for teh first time. From that moment that scenes starts to teh moment John Coffey is executed, no in fact till teh end when the old Paul Edgecombe says this is his curse, I cried.

The Lion King- Simba's died dies saving him, I cried at that as well. I don't know why butmy favourite scenes ar ethe sad ones, ones which have lived with me for an eternity.

The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The Kings, When Aragon says to the Hobbits that they bow to no one.

You're only as healthy as you feel
Here is my list:

Taxi Driver: You talkin to me
The Godfather : when the horse's head in the bed
Raging Bull: All fight scenes in the movie
The Deer Hunter: The Deer hunting scenes
From here to Eternity: the last scene in the movie when clift dies
Psycho: the shower scene
the wizerd of Oz : Iam milting scene

That's enough i guess
What Do You think of your self ??!

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Lance McCool
My Top 10 Favorite Movie Scenes Of All Time

  1. Platoon - Sgt. Elias' Death
    Really amazing scene. I pretty much hate Oliver Stone, but Platoon is an uncomparable masterpiece and Elias' Death was perfect.
  2. Leon - Leon's Death In The Hallway
    Simply flawless. The music is eerily beautiful and the expression on Reno's face is just so great. The part where Stansfield slides into the frame is probably my favorite single shot in any film.
  3. The Princess Bride - Inigo & Wesley's Swordfight
    So much fun...
  4. Casablanca - The "We'll Always Have Paris" Scene
    Classic. Bogey is at his best right here.
  5. Jurassic Park - First Appearance of T-Rex
    I know all you true film aficionados will say this is a crap popcorn flick. But when (as an impressionable seven year old boy sitting in the front end of a movie theater) I saw that behemoth bust out of his cage and eat that lawyer... my jaw dropped.
  6. The Empire Strikes Back - The "I Am Your Father" Scene
    The biggest badass in the universe is the father of some scrawny farmerboy? Who'dathunkit.
  7. Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Communicating With The Ship
    The most awe-inspiring thing you'll ever see captured on film. Truly brilliant.
  8. Jaws - Comparing Scars
    A snotty prep kid bonding with a salty sea dog, Quint's magnificent monologue & a genuinely fun musical number - This scene has it all.
  9. Leon - Mathilda & Stansfield In The Bathroom
    Gary Oldman gives the performance of his career in this subtle, five minute scene.
  10. Blade Runner - Roy Batty's Expiration
    Generally, I think this is a woefully overrated flick. But Rutger Hauer's exit will stick with you for quite a while.
Blade Runner is woefully overrated?


Regardless, I love all your picks, save Platoon, and Elias' death. That scene is heavy handed, overly melodramatic, and manipulative (I hate slo-mo). I would have liked to see what happened to these men without the overly apparent direction getting in the way.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by Movie_Freak768
Ravenous- Cliff Jumping into a tree falling down a hill and into a hole(Probably best stunt in a film)
Finally someone agrees with me. I love that scene so much.
James Sparrow's Rented Reviews!

The Reaping 7/10
Transformers 8.5/10
Flight of the Living Dead 6/10
The Invisible 6/10
Return to House on Haunted Hill 1/10
Planet Terror 8/10
A Mighty Heart 7/10

Welcome to the human race...
Also, had to have the lighthouse scene in Battle Royale. Saw that yesterday and it has to be one of the better scenes in the film.

Originally Posted by Robert DeNiro
Psycho: the shower scene
And dont forget the scene where Norman attacks the PI immediately followed by that freaky camera work as he falls down the stairs.

You're only as healthy as you feel
Originally Posted by Escape
And dont forget the scene where Norman attacks the PI immediately followed by that freaky camera work as he falls down the stairs.

Oh yah! you're right that was really freaky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Princess Bride-My name is Inigo Montoya you killed my Father prepare to die scene.

I have three more after tonight. All from Peter Jackson's new King Kong. But for those who haven't seen it, I won't post them.
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

Taxi Driver - when Travis is narriting as he is working out and leanrs the best way to use his gun

Halloween - when Myers gets up after being stabbed in the eye and the chest. that scene is when you truley see he is a monster

The Shining - alot from this movie but probobly the scene when Wendy looks at the play that Jack has been working on the whole movie and reads the classic words "all work and no play makes jack adull boy"

The Warriors - the baseball furies chase and fight

there are tons more great scenes that I don't really feel like listing right now
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Welcome to the human race...
Recently watched A Better Tomorrow 2 and I just have to say that the final shootout is one of the greatest shootouts I've ever seen.

In The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring The Scene between Aragorn(Viggo Mortensen) and Boromir(Sean Bean) after Boromir has been shot up by arrows and about to die is so wonderful.

In the LOTR: The Return Of The king when Aragorn introduces all the hobbits and they go to bow to him and he says you bow to no one.

Cyrano's Avatar
Registered User
Very early in this thread someone posted the opening of Naussica. I really agree.


The Searchers--The final shot--framed through the doorway-- where Ethan (John Wayne) turns his back and walks out allowing the family he reunited to be together. He himself is so scarred by hate and loss that he is unable to join in the moment.

The Great Dictator--Chaplin as Adenoid Hinkel does a remarkable ballet with a balloon globe. He dreams of the world as his toy. He tries to embrace it at the end of the dance, and his medals pop the balloon. He is left with nothing.

The Two Towers--Bernard Hill as Theoden discusses Theodred's death with Gandalf. "A father should not have to bury his son."

The Godfather, Part II--Fredo is standing behind Michael at the strip club in Havana. Someone asks him how he found the place and Fredo says, "Johnny Ola told me about it." Michael realizes that Fredo has betrayed him and has been lying about not knowing Hyman Roth's people. While the inane strip club conversation goes on behind him, we see Michael silently come to grips with the necessity of ordering his own brother's execution.
"I am too strong to war with mortal men! Bring me giants!"