Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Bad Santa 2 (2016)

There's plenty of laughs in this but it's nowhere near as good as the first movie. For everything I thought was funny, there was just as much that wasn't. It started out promisingly enough, but at a certain point the nonstop barrage of crude jokes feels forced and redundant. If you don't like crude humor, don't watch this movie. It's always nice to watch Billy Bob and the little guy, while Christina Hendricks and Kathy Baker were fun to watch in supporting roles.

Amelie (2001)

Spooks: The Greater Good. Passable enough movie version of the long-running BBC series. Peter Firth is as good as ever as Harry Pierce, as is Tim McInnerny, also reprising his recurring role from the series in hilariously sleazy fashion (and he has a spectacular scene looking a gun-toting terrorist in the eye and unrepentantly verbally ripping him to shreds). There's no real reason for this to be a film rather than a TV special, though, other than the obvious (money).
Yeah, gotta admit only watched this film because Kit Harington from Game of Thrones stars in it and I wanted to see how good he'd do outside of Jon Snow (not watching Pompeii heard it wasn't good). Kit was alright but the movie was pretty underwhelming in my opinion. Never watched the TV Series or even knew it was based off a TV Series, and I watch a lot of British TV shows.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Gold Diggers of 1933 - an excellent classic thanks to Busby Berkeley's elaborate musical numbers and a very good romance story that changes the bourgeois' views on show girls. Great cast and all fun! A in my book.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Gold Diggers of 1933 - an excellent classic thanks to Busby Berkeley's elaborate musical numbers and a very good romance story that changes the bourgeois' views on show girls. Great cast and all fun! A in my book.
Well hot damn! somebody else appreciates the charm of Ruby Keeler other than myself I love that movie

Spooks(or MI:5 I believe in America) was a brilliant British series, film was decent but not as good as most of the television run, it got to ten series before they finished it.


I had to rewind the film about four times towards the end because I nodded off every time I tried to finish it.

I had to rewind the film about four times towards the end because I nodded off every time I tried to finish it.
Every now and then a movie comes along that would better serve as a torture device than anything resembling entertainment. Add this to the list.

I just really, really hate that movie.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Spooks(or MI:5 I believe in America) was a brilliant British series, film was decent but not as good as most of the television run, it got to ten series before they finished it.


I had to rewind the film about four times towards the end because I nodded off every time I tried to finish it.
I didn't hate it, I have a soft spot for Proyas, but the guy hasn't been on his game for a long time.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Arrival (2016)

This movie rocked my world today. I expected it to be something like Interstellar. Clever on the surface, but not much to cover for it when you dig into it. I went into it with those low expectations, and it turned out to be something very different indeed.

I think that was the intention in a way. I remember the trailer being largely underwhelming. The poster makes it look like just another garden variety alien movie. But then I heard it being praised on the internet. I checked out the RottenTomatoes ratings and that finally compelled me to see it. When you start watching it, you can't help but notice the very dark cinematography, which makes it look kind of cheap, as if it's going to be another one of those sad aliens-came-and-frakked-stuff-up stories.

Then, weird stuff starts happening. The main character starts feeling weird around the alien craft. It's not acknowledged. Then we start seeing some kind of visions involving the main character. They appear to be flashbacks but wouldn't make any sense if they are. That too is not really acknowledged.

The story unfolds in an increasingly non-linear way and only at the end do we learn there's a good reason for that. Might sound pretentious and confusing but it actually works in the movie's favor.

It manages to capture the uncertainty and the strangeness of the situation of aliens landing on this planet. It delves into the thought process of the aliens, as well as the human reaction to it. It approaches the topic at an unexpected angle.

There have been so many alien movies, and yet this one proves that it's still possible to make one and give the audience an experience they haven't had before. Interstellar tried to do something like this and people ended up making jokes about Hans Zimmer falling asleep on his organ. People actually remember Arrival for the right reasons.

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Free Birds (2013)

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. A turkey gets pardoned at thanksgiving by the President (not Donald Trump) and goes to live with the president and his daughter who has a very short attention span and falls to sleep often... the turkey is abducted by another turkey, maybe it's a chicken... anyway these chickens discover a time machine called Steve that happens to be shaped like a egg and is voiced by George Takei... anyway they decide to go back to the first ever thanksgiving and stop the turkey eating tradition from ever happening. There's lot's of fun characters and the story is generous.... the funniest moments came from a rivalry between two alpha chickens that grows into respect and mutual admiration..


Groundhog Day (1993)

Legend in my own mind

A friend had been telling me for a while that he thought that I would like this film but I just didn't think I would.

Finally watched it today and turns out he was right.

Firstly the two leads JK Simmons and Miles Teller are really good in this film.

The music in the film is also a big plus and has led me to deduce that I need more Jazz in my life.

It is a film about loss, drive, sacrifice, learning what is important, overcoming and not giving in to 'bullies' as well as drumming and Jazz.

JK Simmons character evoked feelings of anger and affection and caused me to laugh at the very same time.

A good good film

"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)