Better Call Saul...whatcha think?


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Yeah watch the whole thing 90's Ace. Not that many episodes and none are particularly weak.
If it's good enough I just might do that; since it's early enough in the season I won't have to spend too many hours catching up.
Season is over but it was only ten episodes.

I honesty was a little disappointed overall with this show.

It had seriously many flaws, though 2-3 episodes were really great. Rest was either good enough or just a little mediocre, and the show was generally all over the place. Hopefully the second season will be better...

Registered User
It's not as good as breaking bad, but the characters Saul and Mike are really entertaining

Watched all the episodes now and enjoyed it. I'm glad they included the laconic Mike in the series, his back story added another dimension to the plot.

I finally got around to watching the first season last week, and I was hooked big time 3 episodes in, and then the show just seemed to lose focus and meander. I enjoyed it, but it was a very inconsistent season, with a terrible season finale. But obviously it has a lot of potential moving forward, and I do enjoy following the character of Saul.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Registered User
Not sure if I'll watch this religiously as much as I like Breaking Bad; I think I'll focus more on Empire and The Blacklist - but I'm still open to including a 3rd show in my watch list.

If not I'll probably still grab an episode of this from time to time.

Finally watched episode 3 . Glad to see these are on Netflix. I should be able to knock em' down fast enough to enjoy season 2 in something that resembles real time.

It's tough watching this, knowing how Jimmy's gonna end up, but still rooting for him to keep his life together. Sadface.

Also, anyone else wondering about his daughter-in-law, with the bullet thing? Is she imagining it out of grief and fear, or stringing him along? I lean towards the former, but I'm not sure.

I have to be honest, season 1 was just not good. There was like three solid episodes and then Mike... uh, and one of those solid episodes was centered on Mike... So yeah. A part from that it was a mess with uninteresting characters, except for those we knew, and unresolved plotlines or simply plotlines that went nowhere or took too long to get going. I also think people are afraid to criticize or afraid to admit that the show isn't great, since it's the "breaking bad" universe or whatever.

I'll probably see the first 3 episodes or so of season 2, but if nothing catches me I'm not gonna bother finishing it...

The Adventure Starts Here!
I have to be honest, season 1 was just not good. There was like three solid episodes and then Mike... uh, and one of those solid episodes was centered on Mike... So yeah. A part from that it was a mess with uninteresting characters, except for those we knew, and unresolved plotlines or simply plotlines that went nowhere or took too long to get going. I also think people are afraid to criticize or afraid to admit that the show isn't great, since it's the "breaking bad" universe or whatever.

I'll probably see the first 3 episodes or so of season 2, but if nothing catches me I'm not gonna bother finishing it...
See, I'm LOVING this series, and I started out with completely the opposite expectations. Meaning, I had NONE. I fully expected this spinoff to suck eggs. Sure, I adored Saul Goodman on Breaking Bad. Who didn't? But I just assumed this spinoff was just a cheap way to cash in on a fun character in a popular series.

I assumed I would NOT like it. I was pleasantly surprised. I am thoroughly enjoying watching Jimmy McGill creep ever so slowly from a (mostly) good guy toward the sheister we know he becomes. I'm rooting for Jimmy, even knowing already where he will end up. I wish it was different, but even knowing his future hasn't tarnished how I feel about learning his past.

The complexity of characters works so well here. Jimmy is nuanced -- ultimately a situational-ethics guy, but yet we root for him. Kim Wexler is a good, solid attorney who really likes our Jimmy, but we now see her resolve crumbling a little as Chuck tells her some of Jimmy's past. You can see it in her eyes as she listens that this rings true to her own experience with Jimmy.

And even the folks most typically gunning for Bad Guy status (Chuck, Howard) aren't always so bad. They are strangely principled. Even though we know Chuck is talking to Kim in the wee hours of the morning because he's trying to undermine the relationship Kim has with Jimmy, we can see his reasoning quite clearly. As charming as Jimmy is, he *does* struggle with attorney ethics... in ways Kim does not. Chuck is merely appealing to her better nature.

The same thing with Howard. He's not a completely bad guy. He's got right on his side. So does Cliff at Davis & Main.

So what do we do with these good-and-bad characters, including Jimmy? We watch it play out, fascinated with all the steps inching us slowly from Jimmy to Saul. It's like a train wreck in ultra-slow-motion.

BTW, watching Mike's slow exposure to Tuco and his thugs and relatives is a ton of fun, too. Seeing Salamanca again (and hearing him talk!) was incredibly entertaining at this stage in the story.

I'm enjoying both parts of this series... seeing how both Jimmy and Mike's stories got to where we first see them in Breaking Bad.

I don't see the characters as simplistic or undeveloped. I don't see the plotlines that way, either. Perhaps you are just not paying enough attention. There is plenty going on to keep us entertained.

My two cents.

Whoooooa! Season 2 is much better than 1, at least so far. Ive just finished episode 4. Great scene between Mike and Tuco, and am glad theyre spending at least equal time with Mike as imo Bob Odenkirk is good, but not Brian Cranston good. Meaning it cant be a one man show to pull it off.

I hope and expect them to introduce Gus, and Im sure itll even be better. Growing strong as time goes on, just like Breaking Bad did.

You know who I think is sneaking up on me and Im enjoying as a character? Howard! Hes like a robot, a Stepford Lawyer, and then hes not & does something quite human/cool.
Im about to start S02E08....

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
You know who I think is sneaking up on me and Im enjoying as a character? Howard! Hes like a robot, a Stepford Lawyer, and then hes not & does something quite human/cool.
Im about to start S02E08....

I hope season 2 hits Netflix soon. I really enjoyed season 1 but missed season 2 while it was airing.

I didn't even know about this. I'm going to start it this week.
Season 1 is....ok. No Breaking Bad by any means, but season 2 is great.

I hope season 2 hits Netflix soon. I really enjoyed season 1 but missed season 2 while it was airing.
Same. Its noticably better.

WARNING: spoilers below
Im really enjoying Mikes dance with the mexican cartel. It shows Hector before the stroke (that actors been around forever just like Jonathan Banks, wouldnt be surprised thats how he got the job). and how Mike was loathe to kill....still had alot of cop left in him.

Even the dynamic between Chuck & Jimmy has improved now that the "cats out of the bag" in regards to Chucks true feelings about him.

Rhea Seahorn deserved an emmy nomination for her work this season.

Halfway done with S02E09, only one more to go.