Rate The Last Movie You Saw


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A symphony of light and shadow, Othello is one of the most visually striking films I've seen so far this month. The narrative is a bit rushed and incoherent at times. I'm sure that was mainly the fault of the studio interfering, but still something to keep in mind. Overall, a good film - and another solid directorial effort from Welles, but I wouldn't quite call it great.

Finished here. It's been fun.

The Clowns

My 16th Fellini flick. It ain't no 10-5+3.5, but it's good...real good.

Finished here. It's been fun.

The Day The Clown Cried

JK, Lol. Didn't actually see it.

# Gotcha

Hannah and Her Sisters, Woody Allen
Classic Woody. Exactly what you'd expect from him, masterfully crafted and delivered. I'll never get tired of his New York shots.

Sling Blade, Billy Bob Thornton
Well I reckon I liked it mmmhmmh. A little predictable perhaps mhmh but whatever. I reckon I'll have to watch Shine now to see why Geoffrey Rush won the best actor oscar and not BBT mmmhmmh.
Cinema Italiano.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Dead of Night (1974)

Young soldier named Andy is shot and presumably killed whilst fighting in the Vietnam War. Echoing the story of 'The Monkey's Paw', the mother is shown rather bizaarely wishing and believing him home. Not even the dreaded doorstep call advising that he had actually been killed can deter her thoughts of his homecoming.However everything changes when he does in fact return home in the middle of the night, except this Andy is a lot different to the one that left.

Dead of Night is quite cheesy in parts although it does carry a heavy metaphor of the emotional trauma war can bring, especially the war in Vietnam in this case. Low-budget, depressing and bleak, it does work well as both an anti-war movie and a horror flick if you can get past some of the over-the-top acting.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

When there are so many films like this one it takes something special to make it standout, and it fails to deliver. It's just another ghost story about an old house with a troubled past and a unsuspecting new tenant that gets caught up in the ghostly goings on.

The setting and atmosphere are fine. The problem is the film is just boring and not scary enough. The back story of the house would have made for an interesting and scary plot, if only it had been implemented better. The twist ending is the highlight. This is one of those films you can watch once and then loose interest. There are very few haunted house films that hold the viewers interest over multiple viewings. The scares have to be perfectly timed and an unnerving and dark atmosphere has to maintained throughout. The Conjuring is one of the very few modern horror films which has achieved this.

Wouldn't have been half as good without the Tarantino script. This ultra-violent and quirky thriller is synonymous for its larger than life main characters Alabama and Clarence - a prostitute and a oddball nerd with an Elvis obsession.

Without these colorful characters, not to mention Dennis Hopper's stella performance, this film would have been destined for the annals of action film mediocrity.

United 93.

I love this film because it portrays what horror the Americans went through on that fatal flight.

Gets me everytime I watch it.


Black Mass (2015)

Johnny Depp is back. The cast was great. My biggest fear going in was Benedict Cumberbatch. He is one of my favorite actors but a British dude playing a Boston Senator? Surprisingly his accent wasn't the worst in the movie, and by the end I actually appreciated him. Joel Edgerton is fantastic in this movie and almost stole the show from Johnny Depp for me. The scene between Bulger and Connolly's wife is one of the most spine chilling scenes I've seen in a long time in a film. The weakest people in the film I'd say are Dakota Johnson and Adam Scott. I'll give Scott kudos for trying I just didn't buy into his character and Dakota Johnson I swear wasn't even trying to do an accent, halfway through the first scene she is in she just gives up.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The Missing Picture (2013)

I watched this on Christine's recommendation here, which I recommend you read instead of me trying to describe it.

^ Just excruciating to sit through. Most of it was like sitting through two hours of someone scraping their nails down a blackboard... Urgh.

12 BILLION DOLLARS found in a secret location in Wyoming

Finished here. It's been fun.

Hard to be a God

filled with piss and sh*t and vomit and piss and vomit - and then some more sh*t; throw in some dirt, savagery, and brutality and you have you have Hard to be a God. My, what an atmospheric film this is. Andrei Rublev mixed with Gummo would be a sort of apt summary of the movie. It was tough to get through, I won't deny it, but I'm glad I did watch it. This is a science-fiction art-house horror film. Easily the filthiest and most grotesque film I've ever seen.