Documentary HOF


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Nominated by Swan

Nominated by Neiba

Nominated by Camo
Available Netflix

Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

I would like to put up the disclaimer DO NOT LOOK UP ANYTHING ABOUT THIS FILM. With it knowing absolutely nothing about it. All I will say about it is that it was the most emotional film experience of my entire life.
Nominated by Nope1172
Available Hulu

Food Inc. (Robert Kenner, 2008)

Nominated by Friendly Mushroom
Available Netflix

Nominated by Thursday Next
Available Netflix

The Imposter

Since my original choice was already picked, I had to go through a few backups and came across this film, The Imposter. Mixing old documentary footage with re-enacted scenes, The Imposter is a twisted tale of lies and deceit. One that will have you scratching your head and wondering how the hell did any of this happen?
Nominated by Usual Suspect
Available Netflix

Nominated by Sane
Available Hulu

Yume to kyôki no ohkoku

Nominated by Guaporense
Available Netflix

Triumph of the Will, recommended by Nostromo (1935, Riefenstahl)

Nominated by Cricket
Available YouTube

Nominated by Seanc
Available ITunes, Vudu, Amazon $3

Nominated by Citizen Rules
Available YouTube

Nominated by SilentVamp
Available on I-Tunes, Vudu, and Amazon for $3

Deadline for lists is Dec. 30

I think I will join this. Will send nom in just a sec; though it will be a while till I start watching the films. I checked several 8th HoF films out from the library already.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I'm in. I've already committed to the 8th general hof, but I'll be watching as many documentaries as possible for the countdown anyway, so I might as well watch the ones nominated here.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
We have eight. Can I get two more. Some good stuff nominated if you planning on doing a list for the countdown.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Two questions for you.

If you like a doc series you are more than welcome to nominate a segment.
So, you are saying that something from TV could be considered for this?

Not that I would necessarily do that this time around (as I know people are interested in participating in the documentary countdown and would prefer feature film documentaries), but if there should ever be another one of these, I have an idea of what I would choose the second time around.

New members are more than welcome
I would, for sure, be able to join after the 16th then?

I can't really say that I could commit to this right now because I have to see what the nominations are. Once I know that, I would know whether or not I would be able to obtain all of the documentaries that are nominated (money really is too tight right now to spend anything extra on any of it, unfortunately). But if all of the films would be doable, then I would probably join if I am allowed to.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

I'll join if you guys want me to, but I've only seen a small number of docs, and I'd like to maximize what I see before the countdown deadline comes. Because of this, I have 2 questions-

1. Could I nominate a documentary I haven't seen yet?

2. If I've already seen one of the nominations, do I have to watch it again? All the docs I have seen, I remember well.

I'll join if you guys want me to, but I've only seen a small number of docs, and I'd like to maximize what I see before the countdown deadline comes. Because of this, I have 2 questions-

1. Could I nominate a documentary I haven't seen yet?

2. If I've already seen one of the nominations, do I have to watch it again? All the docs I have seen, I remember well.
Just like the other hall of fames i think it's up to you if you rewatch. If Swans nom is what i think it is i more than likely wont rewatch as i watched it a few weeks ago.