Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Jurassic World (2015)

A bit better than I expected. It's got a lot of cliche elements but also some good parts. The ending action scene was very cool I thought and there's numerous nods to the original. Chris Pratt was good also, it's looking like he's well on his way to becoming the next big thing in Hollywood.

Didnt it seem to be like you were watching the other films??? nothing really original.. I mean.. yeah a few tiny things... but it was still the same ol' chase scenes.... and you stupid idiots.. learn not to mess with GENETICS!! The people in the other 3 films never learned either..

Didnt it seem to be like you were watching the other films??? nothing really original.. I mean.. yeah a few tiny things... but it was still the same ol' chase scenes.... and you stupid idiots.. learn not to mess with GENETICS!! The people in the other 3 films never learned either..
Yeah it did. Like I said it did have a lot of cliche elements, but since there aren't too many dinosaur films that come out it still doesn't seem too stale. When (not if...WHEN) they announce multiple sequels it'll definitely get overly stale by the time Jurassic World 3 hits.

Yeah it did. Like I said it did have a lot of cliche elements, but since there aren't too many dinosaur films that come out it still doesn't seem too stale. When (not if...WHEN) they announce multiple sequels it'll definitely get overly stale by the time Jurassic World 3 hits.
Im not sure about seeing the additional sequels unless they come up with something different

I seen San Andreas the same day.. it just felt like watching 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow.. same thing over and over with these films...

Jurassic Park III (USA, 2001, Joe Johnston) -

As stupid as Lost World. In addition, there's no atmosphere and not a single likeable charakter.
I just tried watching this one the other day, couldn't even make it halfway through and it's only 90 minutes.

Master of My Domain
The Exterminating Angel (1963)

I don't trust Raul anymore.

Shame (2011) -

I almost cried at the end, as always, but the interesting thing is I laughed this time (can't remember laughing before on this) during the restaurant and walking scenes with Marianne. An incredible movie about loneliness and desparate craving for love.
I have this movie set to watch in my HD at some point.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Harakiri (1962)

Repeat viewing

Thoughts posted in the 7th Hall of Fame thread
I'm in the middle of this right now.

Jurassic World (2015)

I had absolutely no problem with this movie. I loved the first Jurassic film and liked the 2nd and 3rd one. In fact, the only really unlikable character from the films for me was Tea Leoni in the 3rd film, who spent half the film screaming. I think they made a nod to this in this film when Chris Pratt tells Bryce Dallas Howard to stop screaming so they won't get killed, and she does what he says. Good girl!

Yes, they're messing with genetics again, but to be fair, the character played by B.D. Wong is not telling anyone everything he's putting into the mix, which is a plot point. And, of course there is a greedy corporate person in the mix also. Never a good thing. As far as I could tell, these two people were over Bryce Dallas Howard's pay grade and were not compelled to tell her.

Anyway, back to the movie. It wouldn't be a Jurassic Park movie unless the dinosaurs ran amok, that's why I go to see them. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard were fine in their leading roles and Vincent D'Onofrio was very good in his supporting part. There were no real scary scenes, but lots of great action. When I saw the previews, I thought the scene with Pratt on the motorcycle with the raptors running beside him looked a bit wonky, but it's all explained and he does give them sidelong looks as if he doesn't quite trust them.

And I'm glad that, finally, someone has enough forethought to arm themselves with actual working weapons and shoot at the dinosaurs! In the previous three movies, it seemed like it was all about "dinosaur rights" (blah, blah, blah) and the aim was not to use weapons (by the filmmakers not the characters) so most of the characters didn't have any weapons on them. A prerequisite, methinks. Anyway, a good action-filled two hours.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Anyway, back to the movie. It wouldn't be a Jurassic Park movie unless the dinosaurs ran amok, that's why I go to see them.
This. I have to wonder about the people who are complaining that there's "nothing new" here. What were they expecting? Were the dinosaurs supposed to evolve to the point that they develop or steal weapons and start shooting back at the people? WTF?

It's a fun summer adventure and a special effects driven movie that was always just going to be about dinosaurs running loose on an island and eating people. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm with you guys. Screw good characters. Only hacks like Spielberg get away with that nonsense.
I liked the characters in JW just fine, but characters aren't the reason I watch a Jurassic Park movie.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I liked the characters in JW just fine, but characters aren't the reason I watch a Jurassic Park movie.
That's why people are complaining though. Even the characters are simply hijacked. I'm cool with people loving on it. It was what I expected and I would have skipped it if not for my kids.

A Good Marriage

The premise for the movie seemed good however this was a dull movie with poor acting. I thought this would be a gripping thriller with a bit more action however I received a boring movie with nothing much that happened at all. Even the actors looked bored and very monotone, Joan Allen looked like she just received some face work and still was in the aftermath. The ending was really just the icing on the cake for how bad this movie was, I though ok here we go something might happen here but nope nothing what so ever. Nothing is memorable in the movie besides at how boring it is.

0.5/5 Stars
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

The Lazarus Effect

Sort of a weird movie I guess, labelled as a Horror but really there is like 1 or 2 jump scares. The movie goes into morality and should we be researching into bringing people back to life. To me is seemed more of a sci-fi cross horror, I like Olivia Wilde and this is probably the only good thing this movie had to offer. I think the budget was placed more into getting Olivia than anything else, there was a lot of potential though going into a area that really has not been explored in horror.

1/5 Stars