Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer (1961)

The final film in this over 9 hour long epic trilogy again follows the character of Kaji. The first half of this film is kind of a dark survival adventure, and I absolutely loved it. The second half is terrific as well, but I started to feel it's length. That's pretty much how I felt about the whole trilogy. All three are great films and well worth watching, but not quite personal favorites.

Cricket, do you know how many 60's films you have seen?
I think it was less than 100 before the last several months. I'm going to count up what I've watched since when I turn my list in.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think it was less than 100 before the last several months. I'm going to count up what I've watched since when I turn my list in.
I think I have watched right around 50 for the list because I am at 63 total. Your a boss. Well, 50 in the past year. I am sure some were before the list officially started.

The Man Who Woud Be King (1975)

Great film in every aspect and in my humble opinion, it also features Connery's best acting performance. He's fantastic in this.
John Huston is a master and this is the kind of picture he was best at. He's definitely one of the greatest ever when it comes to making on-location adventures (and period pieces) with rich content (and also simply one of the best directors of all time, period). His camera is so fluent and unforced, while always remaining extremely focused. This is one of my favorite films of his (from what I've seen so far).

This great movie could easily make my next top 100 list. I loved it! It's an instant new favorite!

Double Feature at the theatre today....

Jurassic World
(2015, USA)
Directed by

San Andreas
(2015, USA)
Directed by

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Really glad I re-watched this. I thought it was fine fifteen years ago but I really liked it a lot more this time. There are some exceptional scenes in this film. My favorite has to be when Ben asks Mrs. Robinson to hold off on the sex and talk to him. The conflict escalates quickly and lasts throughout the rest of the film. I really love the sterile look of this film and the camera work overall is spectacular. I loved the music of course and the ending is one of the greats. My big problem with the film is still Elaine's motivations. This is a girl that has everything going for her, run from the stalker. It is a small gripe though. The Graduate will become part of my viewing rotation and earn some points from me in the 60's countdown.

Visually this is the complete opposite of The Graduate. We are shown the grimy side of NY by some very grimy characters. The relationship of Joe and Ratso is key and both sad and hilarious to watch unfold. That and the performances are where the film shine. Voight and Hoffman are both fantastic. Again the music and ending are major highlights of the film.

Cold in July (2014)

This is a southern noir/crime/thriller with three very good performances from Don Johnson, Sam Shepard, and Michael C. Hall. It has tension, a couple of nice twists, and a bit of a seedy side. It's definitely my kind of movie and I completely enjoyed it. The only problem-it's not very memorable.

Jrs, thanks for reminding me of Wes Craven's New Nightmare. I still need to see that one.
MovieGal, thanks for that pic of Alexandra Daddario from San Andreas. It seems to be the go-to pic of her from the film. Anyway, I like it a lot!

I checked out one on cable that turns out I'd seen the last part of. It's called Prowl (2010) and it's a decent little horror flick. A group of post-teen friends hitch a ride in the trailer of a semi truck and soon find out they are in a load of trouble with certain creatures of the night hunting them. Although low-budgeted, the movie makes up for it with decent acting and a twist ending that I didn't see coming the first time around. The lead actress, Courtney Hope, is good and very cute IMO, which doesn't hurt. It's not in-your-face scary but it's a bit tense and has good action. I'd recommend it, even if you like horror just a little bit.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Jurassic World

(2015, USA)
Directed by
I didn't know '6/10' was a director.

Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)

I think it was Gatsby who recently stated that although he liked it, the constant singing stopped it from getting a higher score. I completely agree with this. Like Gats, I do like musicals, although I havn't seen enough of them, but I did find the uninterrupted singing especially with no dancing a bit too much for my taste. It was a great story with a fantastic ending, superbly acted and is probably one of the most beautifully filmed movie ive seen.

If it had no singing, the magic of the film woulnd't exist. It was written as if it was to spoken but instead it was sung. No rhyme, no defined melody... The moment they are together it's the first moment when you have a defined melody, rhyme and metric lyrics. And then that theme comes from time to time to remember that moment even if they are far away. That's the main power of this movie and that's why I rate it so high exactly because it's sung.

Kidnapped (2010)

A married couple and their 18 year old daughter are having their first night in their nice new home, when three masked intruders burst inside with robbery on their minds. Of course, things do not go well. This movie is very well made; terrific direction and fine acting. It uses only twelve long takes which makes it feel like you're watching it in real time. It also uses the split screen very well. This is a very intense and upsetting movie. There is not a single light moment in it's entirety, and the ending is not a happy one. This movie is an excellent inclusion into the home invasion subgenre, and was a great recommendation to me by MovieGal.

Care for some gopher?
I really like this one, as well.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Care for some gopher?
Jurassic Park III (USA, 2001, Joe Johnston) -

As stupid as Lost World. In addition, there's no atmosphere and not a single likeable charakter.

Jurassic World (2015)

A bit better than I expected. It's got a lot of cliche elements but also some good parts. The ending action scene was very cool I thought and there's numerous nods to the original. Chris Pratt was good also, it's looking like he's well on his way to becoming the next big thing in Hollywood.