Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Care for some gopher?
Mary and Max - 7/10

Loved this film from the very beginning.
Love this movie, too. I would say it's almost flawless.

A Bullet for the General (1966)

I'm not much of a fan of Spaghetti Westerns, but I thought this was one of the best I've seen outside of the No Name trilogy.

Interesting. Going to give this a try one day.

Mary and Max - 7/10 (thanks Swan and Samoan Lawyer!)

Loved this film from the very beginning. About two very lonely people with no friends over a span of about 20 years. I'd definitely see a remake if it was made as a film (this is anime).
"I've noticed the more we doubt, the more we cling to a false lucidity, in hope of rationalizing what feelings have made murky." - Contempt

Interesting. Going to give this a try one day.
It's an excellent film and is in my top ten. Watched it for the first time last year and instantly fell in love.

However, it's not anime. Not even close.

Mary and Max is anime.
Miss Vicky loves Mary and Max.
Ergo, Miss Vicky loves anime.

Mary and Max is anime.
Miss Vicky loves Mary and Max.
Ergo, Miss Vicky loves anime.

Yes, because apparently now the term anime encompasses stop motion animation from Australia.

Dead Snow (2009)

A group of twenty something's take a wintry vacation in a secluded cabin, only to encounter a troop of angry Nazi zombies. This movie is a lot of fun for horror fans, and I hope to watch the sequel tonight.

Blue Ruin (2013)

Very well made independent revenge thriller. I really like these kinds of movies and could watch them all day.

Loved it, it is not a revenge thriller though...
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

Rocco & His Brothers (1960) - Luchino Visconti

A great first half but not a very good film...too much melodrama spoiled it for me. The more it ran, the worse it became and the fact that Alain Delon couldn't act (he had the appearance though), didn't help the proceedings either...

6 out of 10

Blue Ruin (2013)

Very well made independent revenge thriller. I really like these kinds of movies and could watch them all day.

Glad you loved it cricket!

Mary and Max is anime.
Miss Vicky loves Mary and Max.
Ergo, Miss Vicky loves anime.

Yes, because apparently now the term anime encompasses stop motion animation from Australia.
Just waiting for Guap to jump in with a lenghty paragraph on the origin of the word anime, and how it covers every corner of the animation genre if you understand the true meaning and purpose of said word etc etc etc

When a Woman Ascends the Stairs (1960) - Mikio Naruse

Heard about this one quite a lot before and it does deliver. Slowly but surely it gets to the point. My first Mikio Naruse and it was worth watching. Hideko Takamine was perfectly fitted for the role...she looked beautiful and she did a wonderful performance as well...

8.5 out of 10

I had that and a couple of other Naruse films recorded, and my mum deleted them I'll get round to watching them eventually though, he looks great.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Loved it, it is not a revenge thriller though...
Interesting. Why would you not call Blue Ruin a revenge thriller?

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Shadows - 6/10 - Third time watching.. First time I thought it was ok, second time I loved it, last night I didn't think of it as much. It's probably the first independent film, it's very different for 1959, but it's kinda murky.. There are some great lines, but I guess this was an improvisation. I think every film after this had a script that was closely followed, but Cassavetes wouldn't say where to stand, or how to do this or that, so it would appear more natural.

The Innocents, Jack Clayton.

Well I'm really impressed. A great mix between a classic haunted mansion movie and a more psychological thriller ā la Polanski. There's everything, from a huge villa to creepy toys to dead people who maybe are not so dead to apparently cute children. Some scenes have an impressive way to build tension, and even tho Clayton perhaps doesn't use the house itself as well as he could have (except for the huge garden and its sounds), he surely does a great job at moving his characters around it. The only thing which I found a little annoying was Kerr's performance, with her constant melodramatic voice tone.
Being a big fan of studio logos and how they are presented in movies, I loved this one. The movie starts on a black screen with the creepy theme song playing, and then the 20th Century Fox logo silently appears on screen without its usual music. Great way to set the atmosphere from the very beginning.

EDIT: from imdb
The film opens with a creepy song written by Paul Dehn and Georges Auric sung over a black screen for about 45 seconds before the 20th Century Fox logo appears. In some cinemas, the projectionists assumed this was a mistake on the print and edited the film so it began with the appearance of the Fox logo.

Cinema Italiano.

Looks like I have to add Blue Ruin to my list. Read the synopsis and looks like it may be good.

One thing I love about this site is I get good recommendations on movies I never heard of and probably would not have seen. Thanks!