The 2014 MoFie Award Ceremonies


Alright Godoggo, I wanna know man. How many votes did I actually get? Was it like, a close 7th place or what!? Where am I at? Or was my nomination just an inside joke from the start? I KNEW IT!

I need to know so I can DESTROY JayDee in the coming months and all up until the next Mofie Awards!

Keeping your grandma and all your family in my thoughts, Swan.

I just lost my grandmother in 2014. Really tough thing to deal with. I'm really sorry.
Thanks, I appreciate it. It is definitely tough. I nearly broke down and cried when I walked in, she looked terrible. But, all you can do in these situations is try and stay positive, as practically impossible as it might seem. I feel it's the right time for her to go, and I think she thinks so too.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Swan, I'm sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I went through something similar with my Grandmother back when I was in my teens, and I wouldn't wish something like that on my worst enemy. It's a terrible feeling just knowing that time is running out, and there's a feeling of helplessness because there's nothing that anyone can do about it.

Just try to remember all the good times you had with her when you were younger. My family spent a lot of time just sitting and talking about all the fun we had over the years. That's what got me through it.

Catching up on everything I didn't get to comment on:

Mark F was my vote for Most Helpful. Anytime someone has a question about a movie or asks for recommendations, Mark is there to assist. I've PM'd him a few times in the past with specific questions, and he's always helpful with his responses, either writing me a response or pointing me to a thread or post that will help me out. Yoda would've been my second choice, since he's extremely helpful with all questions relating to the forum as a whole.

Even though I was nominated for Ray of Sunshine, I voted for Christine instead of myself. Every single post she makes is cheerful and encouraging. Someone posts a picture of themselves, she's there to compliment the person's looks. Someone posts a review, she's there to say "good job." I'm happy she won.

Not surprisingly, Sexy Celebrity was my vote for Thanks for Being My Friend. Everyone sees the bath posts and whatnot, but he and I have actually been private messaging back and forth quite a bit over the last few months. Some of our messages are as long as JayDee's reviews. I've come to view him as a true friend. If something is bothering me, if I need to talk to somebody, I feel better knowing that he's there to listen. However, I'm not surprised that honeykid won, since he tends to go out of his way to make every new member feel welcome.

Nostromo was my vote for Best Avatar. The Invisible Man avatar would be cool even if it didn't move, but the fact that it actually rocks back and forth puts it over the top. It's the coolest avatar on here, which is fitting, since Nostromo is one of our coolest members.

I voted Sexy Celebrity for Most Controversial. Guap and 90sAce are both more deserving, but they're controversial in the sense that I actually dislike them, whereas SC is a fun controversial, if that makes any sense. Plus I just like voting for my baby. Besides, I'll be surprised if 90sAce is still around a few months from now, and Guap is always just a Miyazaki diss away from hate-quitting, so I think these awards should go to members who are more fully committed to the forum.

I thought Overachiever had already been handed out, but obviously I got that confused with Good Sport. Regardless, Godoggo was my vote for both.

If I had to be Stranded on an Island with someone, of course I want it to be the love of my life (SC). He could bathe me in the ocean every day! I guess Miss Vicky and Gunslinger are fun co-champions, though. I'm already picturing the two of them in an X-rated version of Gilligan's Island.

I was just happy to be nominated for Best Reviewer. I voted for JayDee because he deserved it the most. I know from experience that it takes a long damn time to write long, in-depth reviews. I feel exhausted after doing so, which is why I go long periods of time without reviewing anything. Yet JayDee churns out these novella-sized reviews with regularity. I'm in awe of him, to be honest.

Master of Movies was easy: Mark F. I've never known anyone with such an exhaustive knowledge of cinema. The man has seen EVERYTHING. I mean, he watched more movies last year than I've watched in my entire life! It boggles my mind. I'd do anything just to have 1/18th of his familiarity and knowledge of movies.

I'm very surprised by honeykid winning Funniest MoFo. I think he deserved to be nominated. He's made me laugh in the past, but I personally find SC, Swan, and Cricket far funnier. I think Cricket could win this award in a landslide if he cracked jokes more often. His perverted sense of humor really appeals to me, but unlike Swan and SC, he doesn't try to be funny quite as often. Swan is bit of a comic genius. I very nearly voted for him, despite my allegiance to SC, but I had to go with Sexy Celebrity. I literally laugh-out-loud several times a day when reading SC's posts. I know how badly he wanted this award, and I fear that some may have voted for Honeykid just to get a rise out of SC, because people like to poke SC with a stick and watch him get worked up for their own amusement. I laugh sometimes just reading the name of a thread SC has created, let alone the contents of the threads themselves. In many ways I feel that SC is the mascot of the forum, doing back-flips and shooting himself from a cannon just to get people to smile or laugh. Maybe people think that he tries too hard, but I guarantee that Movie Forums would be a much duller place without his constant presence. I like Honeykid, but take away the smilies and the majority of his "jokes" disappear. SC has a right to feel to feel robbed.

but I had to go with Sexy Celebrity. I literally laugh-out-loud several times a day when reading SC's posts. I know how badly he wanted this award, and I fear that some may have voted for Honeykid just to get a rise out of SC, because people like to poke SC with a stick and watch him get worked up for their own amusement. I laugh sometimes just reading the name of a thread SC has created, let alone the contents of the threads themselves. In many ways I feel that SC is the mascot of the forum, doing back-flips and shooting himself from a cannon just to get people to smile or laugh. Maybe people think that he tries too hard, but I guarantee that Movie Forums would be a much duller place without his constant presence. I like Honeykid, but take away the smilies and the majority of his "jokes" disappear. SC has a right to feel to feel robbed.
Thank you, Captain Spaulding.

Yes, I was feeling pretty bummed about this and I even tried to hijack Honeykid's moment by getting right to JayDee's "Best Reviewer" award -- though I ran into a technical difficulty that ruined the moment -- or should I say it made the moment even worse.

But I've come to terms with it.

How? Well, I realized what kind of audience I've been playing to all along.

Half of these people wanna be stranded on a desert island with Miss Vicky.

Oh, Swan I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope the best for you and your family. Keep your head up, and I'm glad we could all make you a little happier on top of these tough events.

I have lost both my grandparents from both my father and mother's side, to alchohol. And no, they aren't dead, but the fact that knowing they are alive but you can't see them is even worse, to me at least. I miss them, but when I think about the awful situations I've experienced when they are "in that state" I'd rather not be with them... So it's for the better, but still it isn't fun.

And when you are celebrating Christmases and Birthdays with only your parents and your sister you really feel the need for more company...

But just stay strong Swan and I hope we can keep on making you happy cause you certainly make us happy!

I fear that some may have voted for Honeykid just to get a rise out of SC, because people like to poke SC with a stick and watch him get worked up for their own amusement. SC has a right to feel to feel robbed.
I don't think that's true at all. You have to remember that the two of them tied and both won the award last year - which was the first annual MoFies. A lot of people, myself included, genuinely appreciate honeykid's sense of humor, which is why he earned so many votes both years. I think it's a much deserved win.

Sexy can be very funny sometimes, but all too often he's more obnoxious than amusing. He tends to fixate on things and keep dragging up the same "joke" over and over again. I think that may have been his downfall.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I see people are posting there voting list, so here's mine.
I did not vote for myself

Episode 2: Best New MoFo

Episode 3: Best Thread
The Chill Club ~ Rauld

Episode 4: Best Post
Guap's Quitting Post

Episode V: Best Game
Fifth Hall of Fame

Episode 6: Best Username
Friendly Mushroom

Episode 7: Smartest MoFo
Mark F.

Episode 8: Most Improved MoFo

Episode 9: Most Creative MoFo
Sexy Celebrity

Episode 10: Good Sport

Episode 11: We Like You! Please Post More

Episode 12: Most Helpful MoFo

Episode 13: Ray Of Sunshine

Episode 15: Best Avatar
Nostromo~ rocking invisible man

Episode 16: Sees A Pot, Has To Stir It. Most Controversial
90's Ace

Episode 17: Geez! Get A Room Already! Best MoFo Couple
Sexy Celebrity & Captain Spaulding

Episode 18: MoFo Overachiever

Episode 19: MoFo You'd Most Like To Be Stranded On An Island With

Episode 20: Funniest MoFo

Episode 21: Best Movie Reviewer

Episode 22: Master Of Movies
Mark F.

Yes, Sexy Celebrity I voted for your twice

I mentioned my votes as the show went along, but:

2 - Best New MoFo

Captain Spaulding

3 - Best Thread

The Chill Club ~ Rauld

4 - Best Post

Nostromo's Sexy Grinch Post

5 - Best Game

Survivor 2

6 - Best Username

The Sci-Fi Slob

7 - Smartest MoFo

Daniel M.

8 - Most Improved


9 - Most Creative

Sexy Celebrity

10 - Good Sport


11 - Please Post More

Hit Girl

12 - Most Helpful

The Rodent

13 - Ray of Sunshine


14 - Thank You For Being My Friend

Sexy Celebrity

15 - Best Avatar

The Rodent~ Various R avatars

16 - Most Controversial

Sexy Celebrity

17 - Best MoFo Couple

Sexy Celebrity & Captain Spaulding

18 - MoFo Overachiever

Sexy Celebrity

19 - Stranded on a Desert Island


20 - Funniest MoFo

Sexy Celebrity

21 - Best Reviewer


22 - Master of Movies


14 - Thank You For Being My Friend

Sexy Celebrity
See? You've made me laugh again already.

I think Harry Lime and Holden Pike are both very funny and they didn't even get nominated.

But... you don't see them as much as you see someone like me.

Or honeykid.......

Here was mine

Episode 2: Best New MoFo
Citizen Rules

Episode 3: Best Thread
The Chill Club ~ Rauld

Episode 4: Best Post
Christine's Nicolas Cage post

Episode V: Best Game
A Trillion Things Mofos Love

Episode 6: Best Username
Friendly Mushroom

Episode 7: Smartest MoFo

Episode 8: Most Improved MoFo

Episode 9: Most Creative MoFo
Sexy Celebrity

Episode 10: Good Sport

Episode 11: We Like You! Please Post More

Episode 12: Most Helpful MoFo

Episode 13: Ray Of Sunshine

Episode 14: Thank You For Being My Friend

Episode 15: Best Avatar
The Rodent~ Various R avatars

Episode 16: Sees A Pot, Has To Stir It. Most Controversial MoFo
Sci-Fi Slob

Episode 17: Geez! Get A Room Already! Best MoFo Couple
Jiraffejustin & Swan

Episode 18: MoFo Overachiever
Sexy Celebrity

Episode 19: MoFo You'd Most Like To Be Stranded On An Island With

Episode 20: Funniest MoFo
Sexy celebrity

Episode 21: Best Movie Reviewer

Episode 22: Master Of Movies
Mr. Minio

By the way, my little jab at honeykid's victory isn't just me standing up for my man, it's also the subtle beginning of my upcoming campaign for MOST CONTROVERSIAL MOFO OF 2015!

The most important thing that happened during this ceremony was me and SC getting engaged. There should be more hoopla about this forum-changing development. Somebody pop some champagne! Congratulate us!