The 2014 MoFie Award Ceremonies


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Thanks so much to all who presented. You have no idea how much of a load that took off me. So Gunslinger, Miss Vicky, Sexy Celebrity, Raul, Swan, Citizen Rules and Neiba; you guys rock!!
I'll remember that the next time you don't let Peter Sellers win +1/-1!

jk, was a pleasure! Count me in next year!

hmmm how often do we talk?? Never... why?
I hope you mean that in a good way... as in, you're so funny, we should talk more

But I dunno, as you say, our paths never seemed to have really crossed on MoFo, even though I've seen a lot of you. I think you frighten me with some of the things you like

I hope you mean that in a good way... as in, you're so funny, we should talk more

But I dunno, as you say, our paths never seemed to have really crossed on MoFo, even though I've seen a lot of you. I think you frighten me with some of the things you like
I think we never cross paths because our taste in films is different... I think you like older films that are not what I enjoy... I do like old films... but you watch what I dont...

I should never frighten anyone here.... I would never hurt anyone on THIS forum!

I think we never cross paths because our taste in films is different... I think you like older films that are not what I enjoy... I do like old films... but you watch what I dont...

I should never frighten anyone here.... I would never hurt anyone on THIS forum!
I like all sorts of films. I'm the chameleon of the movie forums, I'll watch whatever takes my fancy. I must admit, most the films I see you discussing I haven't seen, it's not that I won't watch them, but there are just too many films to see that I have to prioritise certain things, maybe one day I'll post about some f*cked up film (okay, maybe I'm reading to much into the recent 'Cannibal fiasco') I just watched and me and you can finally have a great film discussion!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Sorry I missed the awards but Selma was worth it. I read through all 32 pages and handed out some rep. Congrats to all the winners, I voted for every single one of you. All the winners, nominees, and participants make this my favorite place on the web. Thanks for being here.

Great job Godoggo and Rodent, as usual. You guys are awesome.

I like all sorts of films. I'm the chameleon of the movie forums, I'll watch whatever takes my fancy. I must admit, most the films I see you discussing I haven't seen, it's not that I won't watch them, but there are just too many films to see that I have to prioritise certain things, maybe one day I'll post about some f*cked up film (okay, maybe I'm reading to much into the recent 'Cannibal fiasco') I just watched and me and you can finally have a great film discussion!
Perhaps so... yeah Cannibal was a big controversy here.... dont know why? Everyone could have seen the conversation between me and Sexy about an extreme film to be posted...

Chappie doesn't like the real world
So Captain Spaulding your MoFie wins are up on your achievement post so you can stare at them. Congrats again. New member is a big win and hopefully that means you'll stick around like Guns did.

Master of My Domain
I set a new record for refreshing pages thanks to this thread lol and also harvested around 50 rep which led me to reaching the 1000+ rep milestone. Not only all those stuff, I had a great time congraulating the winners, foolin' around and just having fun.

Because of this I want to thank G-dawg, the one who made this happen, Rodent, who made all the great effects for the thread, and lastly the presenters and everyone who posted on this thread. I'm already excited for next year.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
But I dunno, as you say, our paths never seemed to have really crossed on MoFo
Man MovieGal has no idea how lucky she is. I wish that was the case with the two of us as well.

Man MovieGal has no idea how lucky she is. I wish that was the case with the two of us as well.
You and I?

I can just ignore you for now on... if thats what you want....

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
You and I?

I can just ignore you for now on... if thats what you want....
Oh no absolutely not. I would be delighted to get to know you better. I meant you were lucky not to have had much interaction with Daniel and how I wished that was the case for me as well. Can't stand that guy!

Thanks to everyone who voted for me, nominated me, or in general sent good vibes my way. I tell you, I really needed them today. My grandmother, who already has cancer, was admitted to the hospital today after a serious fall she had that left her with internal bleeding in the head. It looks like she doesn't have much time left. That's why I couldn't be here - my sister and I rushed down to see her to say our goodbyes. While I was there, sitting in the waiting room, I popped on here to see I had won Most Improved MoFo. Seeing all you guys say such nice things about me, it cheered me up a bit. I love you guys so much, don't you forget it.

I was hoping to nab the Thanks for Being My Friend award more than anything, but I am SO happy honeykid won it instead. He deserves it. Been such a tremendous friend to me this past year and has helped me with much of my personal sh*t. Thanks dude. And again, thanks everyone else. Anyway that's my speech.

brb giving out a bunch of rep

Oh, and thank you Godoggo and Rodent for running this thing! You guys did a fantastic job.

ok brb for real now

Oh no absolutely not. I would be delighted to get to know you better. I meant you were lucky not to have had much interaction with Daniel and how I wished that was the case for me as well. Can't stand that guy!
I wouldnt mind talking to everyone here.. getting along with them.. even Citizen Rules and I dont have much in common when it comes to the freaky weird things I watch.. but we do enjoy classics and such...he gave me a movie suggestion recently.