The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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62. Yellow Submarine - Voting Stats

Total Points: 98
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
9 Votes: Two 6th Place (20 pts. each), 11th Place (15 pts.), 14th Place (12 pts.), 15th Place (11 pts.), 17th Place (9 pts.), 21st Place (5 pts.), 22nd Place (4 pts.), 24th Place (2 pts.)

* * *

61. Despicable Me - Voting Stats

Total Points: 102
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
7 Votes: 4th Place (22 pts.), 6th Place (20 pts.), Two 10th Place (16 pts. each), 11th Place (15 pts.), 19th Place (7 pts.), 20th Place (6 pts.)

Too many average animated films on this list tbh. But then again, we are not even in Top 50. Still it bothers me when some commercial popcorn flicks gets a higher place than some really thoughtful and unique ones.

Anyways, a Top 100 is quite a lot and most people who are not a fan of animation will most likely put commercial movies high as that is what they have seen. I'm not too mad though, my nr. 1 is a commercial movie though well respected (and to me, amazing).

"Commercial" and "thoughtful and unique" are not mutually exclusive. Also, I'd say your ballot is pretty well peppered with commercial films. Just my opinion.

When I first saw the ads for Despicable Me, I thought it looked stupid. I'm not a fan of the voice cast, I thought the minions looked really weird, and it was from a then unknown animation studio. I think I ended up seeing it anyway because a friend wanted to, but when I saw it all my prejudices against it went out the window.

It is really, really funny and the story and interaction between Gru and the girls is really touching. I even find the girls cute - especially Agnes. And the ending of the film brings tears every time.

Unfortunately, none of the studio's other efforts have come even close - I turned off Hop a few minutes in, I nearly walked out of the theater when I saw The Lorax and really should have, and I liked Despicable Me 2 but didn't love it. Still this first effort is very much worthy of this list and I voted for it at number 11.

This is weird. I watched Yellow Submarine specifically for this list and I was sure I put it in my top ten, but looking at my list now, I can not see it. No idea how that happened.

Despicable Me is okay, overrated for me although I can see why it has such an appeal to some people.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Too many average animated films on this list tbh. But then again, we are not even in Top 50. Still it bothers me when some commercial popcorn flicks gets a higher place than some really thoughtful and unique ones.
You must be referencing Yellow Submarine here.

Anyway like a lot of the list thus far I put Despicable Me in the I saw it when I was too old and it wasn't meant for me category. However with the amount of these types of films that are showing up and the way you guys talk about them, that doesn't seem to be the case. Plus there are a few animations made in the last few years that did make my list. I don't know what the answer is, but I do know when I watched Despicable Me, Kung Fu Panda, and a few recent Disney that showed up they just were not for me. Re-watches not needed because boy oh boy have I re-watched most of these.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Top 25 Animated
1. Will make it, top 5
2. Will make it, top 25
3. Will make it, top 5
4. Will make it, top 50
5. Will make it, top 25
6. Will make it, top 50
7. Will make it
8. Better make it
9. Will make it
10. Brave Little Toaster
11. Will make it
12. Will make it
13. Will make it
14. Will make it
15. Sadly, will not make it
16. Will make it, top 50
17. Will make it
18. Will make it
19. Shrek 2
20. Will make it
21. Won't make it
22. Will make it
23. No chance
24. No chance
25. No chance

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Just about love both, but still didn't vote for them. I really wanted to vote for Yellow Submarine but couldn't find a place for it. The first time I saw it was at the theatre on a double bill with Head! I was 12 years old so I wasn't sure what I was seeing, but since I was already a rabid Beatles and Monkees fan, I was fine with it.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page


Yellow Submarine was 17 on my list!

Despicable Me is also very good
but didn't make my list.

The sequel gets a
for me. Funnier than the first but story wise inferior to the first.

"Commercial" and "thoughtful and unique" are not mutually exclusive. Also, I'd say your ballot is pretty well peppered with commercial films. Just my opinion.
It is indeed. And that's why I backed up my opinion by mentioning even my number 1 choice is a commercial film.

As I said, we are not even in the Top 50, this is pretty much what I expected in the back of my mind, so it's not a true complain, it just slightly bothers me that's all.

The Plague Dogs was my #6 and to be honest I'm disappointed and a little shocked it didn't at least make it into the Top 50. Maybe it was a bit slow at times and completely and totally grim, but I think overall it was very well done. The ending destroys you and throughout the movie I felt the unfairness of their plight almost physically. Very memorable characters and scenes. I listened to the ending song on repeat for a week. I am very happy that I was able to watch this movie and I owe it all to this list, so I guess that's pretty great.

Kung Fu Panda and Despicable Me were average for me. Despicable Me was very quotable and I do love the characters though. I'm getting extremely interested in seeing the Top 50.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I think what Meditation means is that the back half of this list looks like the comic book list, things just thrown on there that are questionable calls to be on there. Things that not many care for but a handful do so that's why they've made it. Not a bunch of stuff that people said "hey, that's awesome, but it couldn't squeeze onto my list". The top 50 will be much stronger and will not have any unworthy selections.

I think what Meditation means is that the back half of this list looks like the comic book list, things just thrown on there that are questionable calls to be on there. Things that not many care for but a handful do so that's why they've made it. Not a bunch of stuff that people said "hey, that's awesome, but it couldn't squeeze onto my list". The top 50 will be much stronger and will not have any unworthy selections.
No, the bottom half of this list looks like every MoFo list ever. Not just the Comic Book list, but ALL of them. The sixties list is will not be different. The seventies list wasn't any different.

In fact, this list had the second highest number of voters of any of the MoFo lists, beaten only by the Seventies List. So it's actually a greater representation of the collective tastes of this board than nearly all of the others are by simple virtue of the level of participation it received, making each and every entry entirely "worthy."

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Despicable Me was my #10. I liked the idea that it was about a slightly rubbish super villain who adopts these kids for his nefarious plot but ends up really becoming their dad. It was done in a fun and not overly sentimental way which worked really well, with plenty of funny lines and moments. The minions are fun, too, and very unique. I think they got the tone just right. My favourite part is when he takes on the unfair fairground stall proprietor.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Despicable Me was #4 on my list. The movie has a fun story, and a unique character with Steve Carrell's Gru. I think the Minions are some of the funniest animated characters ever. Anyone who hasn't seen them should definitely see this movie, and then watch some of the short Minion animations on YouTube.

Yellow Submarine is a fun movie, but it didn't make my list. The music is great, but the story just isn't good enough for me to include it on my list.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I wanted to watch Despicable Me but ran out of time.

You should definitely see both Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2. The first movie has a better story, but the second one focuses more on the Minions, so it's more fun.

There are at least two sequels in the works, so you'll want to be ready for them. The voice cast for the upcoming Minions movie includes Michael Keaton, Sandra Bullock, and Jon Hamm.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Not only is the music great, but the animation is spectacularly "different" (for want of a better word) in oh so many ways. I'm much more impressed with the look of Yellow Submarine now than when I was younger.

I know I'm infamous for being a cry-baby, but I bawled at parts of Despicable Me. In fact that was one of the problems with the sequel - Gru was no longer "despicable". It should have been called Spicable Me, but that would have confused everybody and gotten the company accused of racism and poor grammar instead of good humor.