How do you primarily use MoFo?


How do you use MoFo?
44 votes
Desktop, with the desktop style
0 votes
Desktop, with the mobile style
4 votes
Mobile device, with the mobile style
6 votes
Mobile device, with the desktop style
54 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I almost responded asking what you meant. Then I realized there was a poll incoming.

Desktop. Desktop style.

There is nothing wrong with the mobile version (in fact, it's better than many mobile sites I've seen), but like browsing any site with my phone, it's not super easy to navigate for me by default because it's using a phone. Plus, I like to post on here (have you guys noticed that? ). I don't think forums are greatly suited for phone use, but that's probably just me personally - no doubt plenty use the mobile version. I think cricket does a lot.

Yeah, I think even a perfect mobile style would be pretty clunky compared to desktop. That said, even though I think ours is pretty good, it could be better, and I'm probably going to take another pass at it soon for some incremental improvements.

I'm asking mostly because our total analytics show mobile use basically on par with desktop use, and my theory's been that that's more visitors, rather than active posters, and want to get a sense of how big that gap might be.

The tougher question, even if I establish that, is whether that's because people on mobile just want to read/find information and not post, or whether they don't post because it's awkward and I need to make it a little easier.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Desktop, desktop style. Easier to open tabs, to type things, to cut and paste things like reviews etc. and I can refer to any lists or anything I have on my computer. I sometimes look at it on my mobile (especially if I am following a countdown and want to see what films have been added) but rarely log in or respond on mobile.

I voted the same as Swan, primarily because I am The Omniscience and use his set-up when he's distracted.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I have pretty robust statistics on this for total visitors, but am curious how they line up with the numbers for regular users.
I'd love to see the stats (maybe in a day or two) -- to see how accurate this poll is.

I'd love to see the stats (maybe in a day or two) -- to see how accurate this poll is.
In December, traffic from mobile devices was actually very slightly higher than traffic from desktops (though it was the other way around in November). For the entire year of 2017, it was almost equal.

Out of interest do you think the majority of traffic is from regulars or lookie-loos Yods?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Desktop/desktop but use mobile if I'm in bed or briefly check in on mobile at work.

I write my movie reviews for another forum on desktop and copy/paste the same to MOFO on desktop . If it is a Hollywood movie review I hardly have to change it . If it is a Bollywood movie review then I have to change it for westerners to understand it . All is done on desktop .

But other than for reviews I mostly use mobile with desktop style for MOFO.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I thought you'd be able to tell automatically ie your computer would pick up if someone was using one or the other, or changing?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Mobile in desktop. Usually once a day on my laptop as well. I spend waaaay too much time on Mofo.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Desktop, desktop style. Sometimes I'll read a little bit on mobile, but I almost never sign in on mobile unless I have to respond to something quickly. (And if I have to sign in on mobile, I usually sign in using Hubby's account because it's his cell phone.)

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Out of interest do you think the majority of traffic is from regulars or lookie-loos Yods?
I see that currently at this moment, 31 users are members, 435 (House of Representatives?) are guests.

I've always wondered about this.. Is it people's aversion to signing up? I'm guessing some are doing research.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Desktop, desktop style. Sometimes I'll read a little bit on mobile, but I almost never sign in on mobile unless I have to respond to something quickly)
The same here, but its rather because of mobile which is quite old.

Out of interest do you think the majority of traffic is from regulars or lookie-loos Yods?
Depends on which type of traffic. For visits, it's mostly non-regulars, and even non-members. But members rack up far more pageviews, obviously, so I think the majority of impressions are probably still members. Particularly since MoFo is an unusually "sticky site," which is to say the people who use it spend a lot of time on it.