MoFos - Identify Your Gender!


Mister sounds better. Just imagine -em -er Minio. Or Miss Minio. Jeez.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Corrected it for ya.

EDIT: I misread your number one film as 'The World According to Guap'.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I belong to the gender that grew up watching uncensored BIZARRE episodes and really, really enjoyed them.

Clean version here, just in case...

I think I've said this somewhere before, but I tend to assume everyone online is a guy unless they have a username with a female identifier in it (like Miss Vicky for instance).

If someone has a female avatar that is really sexy looking, I assume it's a guy. But if they have a female avatar that is not sexualized, I might be more inclined to think that they're female. In either case, I'll use whatever pronoun I see other people using in relation to them until corrected.

I myself am female, but I completely understand why people would assume I'm a guy. I'm not exactly ladylike in behaviour (especially not IRL where I swear like a drunken sailor), and my tastes and hobbies are typically associated with being masculine.

It never bothers me when people think I'm male. If I was someone else I'd probably think I was male too.
I thought you were male, Cosmic.
Why? Stereotypes.

You have Dr. Strange as your avatar. Comic Geeks (that label itself being a completely negative stereotype) are typically male (that assumption itself being a stereotypical biased generalization).

I know that it's a complete stereotype nowadays, yet when I was in my comic collecting heyday it was rare to find a girl that was into comics (and if you did she was usually very weird and would end up becoming a rocket scientist or a lesbian... or both).

I am rife with stereotypes. (It's my favorite font! And if there isn't a font named that, there should be.)

I mean, people still think I'm a guy.
Jupp,have to add you to my list then i thought you were a guy,cos of your av
Britney is my favorite

I thought you guys were joking at first. MM is a guy, he's posted pictures of himself.
He is too tall to be a girl. He's like 194 cm, which would make it statistically improbable for him to be a girl.

I thought you were male, Cosmic.
Why? Stereotypes.

You have Dr. Strange as your avatar. Comic Geeks (that label itself being a completely negative stereotype) are typically male (that assumption itself being a stereotypical biased generalization).
That's completely understandable.

I pretty much always have male avatars (even on Skype) because male characters are just typically more interesting than female ones, probably due to most writers being male. I don't know if I can even name any female characters I really like across any medium.

I've made a number of costumes for Halloween, theme parties, and comic and sci-fi conventions, and all but one of them were male. For a convention earlier this year I went as Kimmy Schmidt (from the Netflix show), not because I really like that show or anything (I just think it's fine), but I didn't have the money to buy any materials and wanted to go as a recognizable character who just wears regular clothes. Also I didn't have any wigs and didn't want to dye my hair so I needed to choose a red head. If I had the money, I was going to make a classic Doctor Strange costume instead.

I know that it's a complete stereotype nowadays, yet when I was in my comic collecting heyday it was rare to find a girl that was into comics (and if you did she was usually very weird and would end up becoming a rocket scientist or a lesbian... or both).
It might be a stereotype, but a lot of people (at least around here) still think that way. Apparently I look "normal" (I don't wear licensed clothes, but my bag does have a lot of comic, video game, and movie pins on it) so people are usually surprised by my hobbies when I start talking about them. At shops or events people tend to think I'm just there because I'm someone's girlfriend, which is one thing I do actually find offensive.

I am a bit weird though. But I'm not a rocket scientist lesbian. "Rocket Scientist Lesbians" does sound like a pretty fun, campy low budget movie...or a porno. Or both.

I mean, people still think I'm a guy.
Jupp,have to add you to my list then i thought you were a guy,cos of your av
Nah, I always just adored Bardem's haircut in that one. A total turn-on!

Of course I'm a dude, people are too easy these days; especially since I pulled the same joke a few months ago.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Alright, time to let the cat out of the bag. I am male but I identify as female when there is any heavy lifting to be done.