Hollywood Reporter Critics Pick the 50 Best Films of the 21st Century


Hollywood Reporter Critics Pick the 50 Best Films of the 21st Century (So Far)

Only one super-hero movie on the list

One Lynch

Get Out is the 10th best film of the new century, apparently

Some good movies there amongst lots of mediocrity. I'm not mad at #1. I've seen it twice and it's indeed a masterpiece and a powerful final statement. But #1 of the 21st century? I dunno.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

It's an alright list, but I'm most impressed with the respect for Bridesmaids, Far From Heaven, Marie Antoinette, which rarely get any notice on these types of lists.

Some great films there, then the usual films appear way too high. 'Get Out'? Come on.

Some glaring omissions though. No Pawlikowski films, no Happy as Lazzaro, No Zama, No Quo Vadis Aida, Capernaum, The Rider, Sweet Bean, Aftersun, The Painted Bird, Dancer in the Dark, Lights in the Dusk, Werckmeister Harmonies, Oasis, Failan, Poetry, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Lilya-4-ever, Cache, The Lives of Others, Revanche, The Son, Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, The Child, Adaptation, Suzhou River, Russian Ark, The Headless Woman, Red Road, Still Walking, About Elly, Tar, Elephant, No Country for Old Men, and many more, all chasms better than Get Out.

Great to see 'Timbuktu' mentioned though - I hardly ever see that on anyone's lists.

Seen a lot of them, but hopefully things will get better than this list....we got a lot of century to go.

Man it must be nice to write history with the idea of only recognizing the wokest of woke films

love to know what the mandated percentages were for female, gay, black, LGBT, and politics.

  1. 'Weekend' (2011) (gay)
  2. 'Black Panther' (2018) (black)
  3. 'Time' (2020)(black)(political)
  4. 'Bright Star' (2009) (female)
  5. 'Pariah' (2011)(gay)(black)(political)
  6. 'Bridesmaids' (2011) (female)
  7. 'Things to Come' (2016)(female)
  8. 'Grizzly Man' (2005)(political)
  9. 'Never Rarely Sometimes Always' (2020)(female)(political)
  10. 'Pan’s Labyrinth' (2006) (latin)
  11. 'Summer of Soul' (2021)(black)
  12. 'I Am Not Your Negro' (2016)(black)(political)
  13. 'Children of Men' (2006)(political)(latin)
  14. 'Wendy and Lucy' (2008) (female)
  15. 'Lovers Rock' (2020)(black)
  16. 'The Favourite' (2018)(gay)
  17. 'The Social Network' (2010)(political)
  18. 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' (2019)(gay)
  19. 'The Return' (2003)
  20. 'Manchester by the Sea' (2016)
  21. 'Marie Antoinette' (2006) (female)
  22. The Death of Mr. Lazarescu' (2005)(political)
  23. 'A Serious Man' (2009)
  24. 'At Berkeley' (2013)
  25. 'Y Tu Mamá También' (2001)(gay)(latin)
  26. 'Call Me by Your Name' (2017)(gay)
  27. 'Timbuktu' (2014)(black)(political)
  28. '35 Shots of Rum' (2008)(black)(political)
  29. Before Sunset' (2004) (female)
  30. Parasite' (2019)(political)(asian)
  31. 'Far From Heaven' (2002)(gay) (female)
  32. 'Drive My Car' (2021) (female)(asian)
  33. 'Shoplifters' (2018)(political)(asian)
  34. 'Talk to Her' (2002)(latin)
  35. 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' (2004)
  36. 'The Power of the Dog' (2021)(gay)
  37. 'Wall-E' (2008)(political)
  38. 'Burning' (2018)(asian)
  39. 'Moonlight' (2016)(gay)(black)(political)
  40. 'Boyhood' (2014)
  41. 'Get Out' (2017)(black)
  42. '4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days' (2007) (female)(political)
  43. 'In the Mood for Love' (2000) (female)(asian)
  44. 'Brokeback Mountain' (2005)(gay)
  45. 'Spirited Away' (2001)(asian)
  46. 'Mulholland Drive' (2001)(gay)
  47. 'Zodiac' (2007)
  48. 'The Gleaners and I' (2000) (female)
  49. Inside Llewyn Davis' (2013)
  50. 'Yi Yi' (2000) (asian)
This is reverse order....no Anderson, Scorsese, Tarantino, Boyle, Garland, Aster, Eggers, Nolan, Russell and Spielberg

things that make you go hm....

The trick is not minding
Nope. No “hmmm…” here. It’s a list and subjective one at that. Considering that many of these films actually are pretty great.

I mean….criticizing the films for being Asian? And for being political? (You’ll probably hate the political films of the 60’s and 70’s then, no need to subject yourself to them).

Nope. No “hmmm…” here. It’s a list and subjective one at that. Considering that many of these films actually are pretty great.

I mean….criticizing the films for being Asian? And for being political? (You’ll probably hate the political films of the 60’s and 70’s then, no need to subject yourself to them).
It's cute that you think political films came from the 60s and 70s. But this list is like...lets just forget The Godfather, Jaws, The Exorcist, Star Wars, West Side Story and Annie Hall.

But really it's the lying from these critics

Our only parameters: All six of us had to love, like or at least respect every film on the list. And we did not consider anything from 2022; it just felt too soon (translation: after the forever-long awards season, we needed a breather from talking about Tár, Everything Everywhere All at Once and the rest of ’em).

Picking the movies we love the most, while being mindful of variety and inclusivity, significance and staying power, was difficult (we know: world’s smallest violin). We wanted our list to reflect the breadth of world cinema and of our tastes, but we also didn’t want to placate or pander or allow fear of Film Twitter or Outrage Twitter (or any Twitter) to weigh on our process.

The trick is not minding
It's cute that you think political films came from the 60s and 70s. But this list is like...lets just forget The Godfather, Jaws, The Exorcist, Star Wars, West Side Story and Annie Hall.

But really it's the lying from these critics
Don’t be obtuse. No where did I say they came from those decades. I chose those decades because those were far more political than the previous decades.
Far more being the key word here.

Age quod agis

Don’t be obtuse. No where did I say they came from those decades. I chose those decades because those were far more political than the previous decades.
Far more being the key word here.

Age quod agis

You are coming at this like this list was subjective. My issue with these lists they aren't really subjective they are more serving an objective. That objective is to blacklist and gatekeep art. I have a huge problem with this which is I suppose my "political opinion". This is from the "Hollywood" reporter and yet they seem to have contempt for Hollywood films.

The trick is not minding
You are coming at this like this list was subjective. My issue with these lists they aren't really subjective they are more serving an objective. That objective is to blacklist and gatekeep art. I have a huge problem with this which is I suppose my "political opinion". This is from the "Hollywood" reporter and yet they seem to have contempt for Hollywood films.
I think the issue is you may be projecting your issues into this list. Many of these films have been acclaimed from the start, before “woke” was being passed around.
Mulholland Drive was hailed as a masterpiece from the start, and the lesbian themes were an afterthought. Everyone was more interested in deciphering the plot.

Deciding several of these films are included merely as being Asian is terribly dismissive, and the equivalent of grasping low hanging fruit. It’s an easy posture to make without considering it’s impact, don’t you agree?

Nope. No “hmmm…” here. It’s a list and subjective one at that. Considering that many of these films actually are pretty great.

I mean….criticizing the films for being Asian? And for being political? (You’ll probably hate the political films of the 60’s and 70’s then, no need to subject yourself to them).

Take note of how there is no actual discussion of whether the films might actually be deserving in regards to their quality (you know, the thing that actually matters)

Take note of blanket generalizations like 'political' as a negative which is vague enough to mean absolutely nothing.

Take note of either zero awareness or acknowledgement that when it comes to the strong showing of Asian films on this list, that Asian films were already long fashionable to both the hip critics and general audiences long before woke even existed as a thing for annoying people to constantly whine and complain about in really embarrassing ways

Take note that there is never any acknowledgement that there have always been biases to be found in what art is approved of from generation to generation, or if the fact that the previous hundred years of almost exclusively white male and straight subject matter was maybe also a product of these biases (bet there wasn't much complaining about this though....things to make you go hmmm indeed)

And that is just scratching the surface of how pointless any of this is to respond to, since it's clear no thought has gone into it, and it's coming exclusively from someone's knee jerk emotional reaction (towards what we can each have our own theories)

There are loads of annoying and stupid things that have been born out of this supposed woke culture. Lots. Anyone should be able to find legit examples of these problems without fishing for them in every ****ing movie that is made or list that is listed. The fact that the argument presented here is so weak speaks volumes to the desperation some people have to find their boogeyman absolutely everywhere
This shit doesn't even qualify for an eyeroll emoji.

I think the issue is you may be projecting your issues into this list. Many of these films have been acclaimed from the start, before “woke” was being passed around.
Mulholland Drive was hailed as a masterpiece from the start, and the lesbian themes were an afterthought. Everyone was more interested in deciphering the plot.

Deciding several of these films are included merely as being Asian is terribly dismissive, and the equivalent of grasping low hanging fruit. It’s an easy posture to make without considering it’s impact, don’t you agree?

Being right isn't an issue it's a feature. Mullholland Drive was not a masterpiece when it came out...over the years people have pushed it up but when it came out it was a top ten film but a mid top ten film. A number of critics didn't even have it in the top ten.


Now my "issues" with BS lists like this can be traced back to a film like Mullholland Drive. It's a good film but Lord of the Rings is a classic, The Royal Tennenbaums is just like YiYi (the alleged best film of that year) yet Wes Anderson doesn't seem to have been good enough to crack the top fifty.

The masterpiece that came out that year was Memento...I remember because I was able to see the film in the theater because it got a wide release. You know what film didn't get a wide release....Mullholland Drive.

Championing Memento is one thing but saying it's better than Mulholland Drive because the latter didn't get a wide release...?

And Drive My Car is "female"? How so?