The MoFo Top Neo-noir Countdown - Preliminary Thread

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Been out all day but I just saw I got a handful of new ballots, yay! I will update the thread tonight, but let's not drop the ball!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I posted this on the Film Noir countdown, but I'll post it here too...

When I first joined MoFo I read a post by Yoda where he was talking about 'giving back to the MoFo community by contributing in someway'. I took that to heart and started 'joining in'...The community at MoFo is it's heart and it's of the big features of MoFo is the countdowns. But if these countdowns are going to continue to be viable we need as many people as possible sending in voting ballots. Thief and I are spending alot of our free time to do these countdowns, they're not for us, they're for the MoFo community and we need your help.

I get it that not everyone has seen or likes old 1940-59 noir movies and so can't send in a noir ballot. But everyone here has seen movies by Tarantino, Coen Brothers, Nolan, Lynch, Scorsese, Fincher, Ridley Scott, etc, etc! I mean everyone can make a Neo Noir ballot and it only takes 15 minutes. But I think I know what stops some people, they believe they're not 'expert' enough to vote....No one is an expert, no person's opinion on movie taste is better than your own. Don't second guess yourself people, you're better than you know!

I just googled Top Neo Noir Movies and found a bunch of list and spotted a ton of movies I've seen and loved...and that's how I made my neo noir ballot and did it quickly.

The deadline is tomorrow, Sunday 25th, please take a few minutes and join in by sending voting ballots. Thank you.

Was my ballot sufficient? I never heard otherwise, so I assume it's good.
Same here. I sent it off ... I want to say ... yesterday ... maybe?

Check this thread it has the number of ballots received for each countdown we've ever done.
Movie Forums: Movie Countdowns Archives - Links & Info
Hmm, we're still low, but not that far from the bottom-end of that average, I guess.

A system of cells interlinked
Hmm, we're still low, but not that far from the bottom-end of that average, I guess.
I am still watching noirs as we speak, and will get my ballot in as soon as I can!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Hmm, we're still low, but not that far from the bottom-end of that average, I guess.
End total 40-42 ballots? More than the Pre-1930, Directed By Women, Comic Book and Millennium countdowns.

A system of cells interlinked
Down to 27 titles...cutting these last two is damned tough!


I can't believe that Citizen has 47 ballots, and I just have 42! I would've thought Film Noir was more niche. C'mon, people. Help me beat Citizen

A system of cells interlinked
I can't believe that Citizen has 47 ballots, and I just have 42! I would've thought Film Noir was more niche. C'mon, people. Help me beat Citizen
Yea funny, I thought neo would easily pull out ahead in interest. Shows what I know! Then again, maybe the genre is just to bleak and nihilistic for some.

"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."