The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown

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Nice to see Diehl listened to me, unlike that @Thief guy.

40 Year Old Virgin was my 21. Carell is a funny dude and it is basically vintage new school comedy.

Not seen Pee Wee. Maybe as a kid but literally don't remember at all.

Nice to see Diehl listened to me, unlike that @Thief guy.

40 Year Old Virgin was my 21. Carell is a funny dude and it is basically vintage new school comedy.

Not seen Pee Wee. Maybe as a kid but literally don't remember at all.
If I ever become a host, I'm going to intentionally wait till the last second out of spite for you

Have seen so far: 6 - The 40 Year Old Virgin - Decent movie, a few laughs here and there. I think Carell did good in the movie.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure – Saw this movie when I was a kid but only remember a couple of parts in the movie. Not a movie that I would rewatch, since I really wasn't a fan of Pee Wee. I would rather stick with Mr. Bean, now that's a silly goofball that knows how to make people laugh atleast for me anyways.

Have not seen so far: 4
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Pee-wee's Big Adventure has gone done busted up my 100% record of having seen this stuff again man. Is everyone okay with Paul Reubens now? I mean, he has gone on and done things. I'm not all that clued into what's up with all that. I've never seen him in anything - and from what I've learned thought he was a pretty crap person. I'll stand corrected if that's wrong.

None from my list still.

Seen 9/10

For some reason I only remember what ruined his initial career (which if he wasn't a weirdo child entertainer, it probably wouldn't have mattered).

For some reason, I didn't catch the later issue. I'm reading the Wikipedia entry on it, which sounds sympathetic towards him, which only having that to go on, is really the only thing to have to shape my opinion of it (one of those, the facts on the ground are probably relevant, and I'm dependent upon the wiki article for accurately portraying the facts on the ground).

I forgot the opening line.
For some reason I only remember what ruined his initial career (which if he wasn't a weirdo child entertainer, it probably wouldn't have mattered).

For some reason, I didn't catch the later issue. I'm reading the Wikipedia entry on it, which sounds sympathetic towards him, which only having that to go on, is really the only thing to have to shape my opinion of it (one of those, the facts on the ground are probably relevant, and I'm dependent upon the wiki article for accurately portraying the facts on the ground).
It gets almost impossible to tell a person's culpability these days. Even the law is prone to eagerly accepting plea-deals which end up being nowhere near how guilty or innocent a person really was.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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Seen 7/10, with neither having a chance to be on my list.

I haven't seen Pee Wee since release, and really have no urge to see it.

40 Year-Old Virgin was pretty damned funny, but not a favorite.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

It gets almost impossible to tell a person's culpability these days. Even the law is prone to eagerly accepting plea-deals which end up being nowhere near how guilty or innocent a person really was.

It also reads like it was an offshoot of the Jeffrey Jones scandal, which I've never heard anything saying that wasn't a real scandal.

Throw in the alleged material being vintage, gay erotica, and it being 2004, that can easily set off the gay = pedophile stereotype panic (the issues surrounding Jones at the time wouldn't have helped in the matter).

But then again, maybe the official story of what's written in wiki isn't the full story.

I know I watched Pee Wee's Big Adventure at least once as a child, but since then I've all but forgotten about its existence and I definitely don't remember what I thought of it. I can say though that I was never a fan of the tv show so I doubt this made much impression on me either.

Similarly, I know I watched The 40 Year-Old Virgin once after my mom bought the DVD, but beyond its iconic "Kelly Clarkson!" scene, I remember nothing.

Stated in the opening thread, that my second twenty-five will outscore the ballot sent in. It will be kept to myself until the countdown is complete.

Comedy is my favorite genre, by far. So, expect shitty commentary to follow...

My ballot: *0/10 (1-ptr hit)
My 2nd ballot: 2/10
Seen: 6/10
1-ptrs seen: 16
Put on watch list: 2

"40 Year Old Virgin" and "Fargo" both made my second ballot, where as the real ballot sent in is still a virgin. "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" was seen shortly after release. Some funny scenes, but his shtick got old real fast. Same can be said for "Austin Powers".

Not a bad starting ten, as a whole.I give it a solid 3/5.

Oh yeah, the movies.

40 Year Old Virgin - I saw it, not in theaters, but I can't remember when. I think by that point I had seen Superbad in theaters already. I think my general opinion on all of the Apatow-related comedy I've seen is, generally, I'll laugh. It doesn't leave me with a great need to revisit it or run out and feel the need to see the next one immediately. It's been quite a while since I've seen one though. So, generally positive, no strong opinions though. Seeing as how his style did define comedy for a while, I guess it shouldn't be surprising something of his would end up on the list somewhere.

PeeWee - I saw this as a wee child and saw the subsequent TV series before it was cancelled. I can't remember a damn thing about it, because I was so young. Once people show me clips or reference scenes, that small part does come back to me. A little like riding a bike. It is one I'm mildly curious to see it again (but so mild it probably won't happen unless I'm in a situation where someone else is asking for it), just because it was early Tim Burton and I kind of grew up on early Tim Burton. So there is some odd curiosity there.
But I guess that counts as, "having seen" this movie.

Ballot count: 2
Seen: 9/10

I saw The 40-Year-Old Virgin in the last few years, and it was fine, though not terribly memorable. It does really bug me, pedantically, that there's no hyphen between "40" and "Year" on the poster.

I'm sure I saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure when it came out, but I have no memory of it. Loved the show.

Stated in the opening thread, that my second twenty-five will outscore the ballot sent in. It will be kept to myself until the countdown is complete.

Comedy is my favorite genre, by far. So, expect shitty commentary to follow...

My ballot: *0/10 (1-ptr hit)
My 2nd ballot: 2/10
Seen: 6/10
1-ptrs seen: 16
Put on watch list: 2

"40 Year Old Virgin" and "Fargo" both made my second ballot, where as the real ballot sent in is still a virgin. "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" was seen shortly after release. Some funny scenes, but his shtick got old real fast. Same can be said for "Austin Powers".

Not a bad starting ten, as a whole.I give it a solid 3/5.

Though, if your top ballot ends up more closely aligning to the consensus, then maybe it's a good sign you haven't seen any of your picks yet. I'm not even sure if my #1 is going to make the list, (I currently think it will), but my intuition is it's total points aren't going to be much higher than the current range we're in.

Wrt Austin Powers, my honest opinion of the film is, "I actually can't remember the film well enough to remember my opinion of it." It's too overshadowed by my recollection of the series in the end, then Shrek (I'm not a fan in my memory of that one), and then just stopping at the trailer of the Love Guru.

However, I did watch all three Austin Powers movies, and watching Buffy at the time, I remember being a fan of Seth Green, so, I must have presumably liked it at the time at least. I was also much younger and laughed at different, stupid shit.

The one joke I remember at the high level concept that I still like in my mind, "well, we did buy this little coffee business a few years ago and it's profits greatly dwarf the amount we're trying to extort the world for."

Though, if your top ballot ends up more closely aligning to the consensus, then maybe it's a good sign you haven't seen any of your picks yet.
Exactly. The longer you go without seeing your favorites, the higher-risk it is. Either they missed entirely or a lot of other people voted for them.

I didn’t find The 40 Year Old Virgin funny when I saw it, and I think there are a lot better dumb comedies from that mid 2000s era.. but this is probably the most subjective genre so to each their own

Haven’t seen Pee-Wee and don’t really plan to
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yahoo! Finally one from my ballot...I had as my #17 Pee-wee's Big Adventure. I love that movie and I've seen it several times, heck I'm due for a rewatch. I happen to think Paul Rubens as Pee Wee Herman was a comic genius, all he has to do is talk and he cracks me up.

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OK so neither 40-Year Old Virgin nor Pee Wee's Big Adventure made my list - or my alternates, but they are both fantastic choices. I think there are funnier Apatow movies, but 40-Year Old Virgin was a huge comedy moment - it's easy to forget how big a film that was. And Pee Wee - really great movie, even better on rewatch, but I honestly forgot about it in considering my top 25 - that reflects more on the number of insane possible choices than the movie, though.

We watched Pee Wee's Big Adventure a lot as kids. I think we had it on Betamax. I've only seen The 40 Year Old Virgin once when it first came out but liked it. I think a rewatch is possible in the near future.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

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No votes. I generally don't f*ck with Judd Apatow as director, writer, or producer (did anyone else here see The Bubble? what a f*cking trash fire) but I suppose I can give him credit for coming up with at least one sufficiently novel high-concept comedy with The 40-Year-Old Virgin, even if it does ultimately serve as a blueprint for the kind of overlong, insufferably improv-reliant comedy that he's run into the ground for the better part of 20 years. As for Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, I thought I could get into it even without being familiar with the show (it being well before my time and all that) but man I just remember being mostly bored and not amused by the whole experience.
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40 Year Old Virgin is a solid comedy as far as I remember. Not great or truly a classic in my eyes, but it’s one of the better to come out during that time…

As for Pee Wee, I have seen clips but never entire projects. And it doesn’t strike me as my kind of humor. While I love Mr. Bean, which is also a kind of weird childish man with funny voice type comedy, I feel like Pee Wee is more… American, I guess. Then again, I’ve never seen much, so I can’t really judge it. But I’m in no hurry to see any.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The 40 Year Old Virgin is a solid romantic comedy which has as much sensitivity as it does gross-out moments. True, it's a little long, which is a slight problem with 2000s comedies, but it still delivers big laughs for all age groups.

Pee-wee's Big Adventure is wonderful. The character is such a wacko and some of the F/X are so intentionally awful they're hilarious. Many highlights (the opening, Large Marge, the swimming pool, the Alamo tour, the dinosaurs, "Tequila", E.G. Daily's sweetness, "I Know You Are, But What Am I?", etc.) Didn't vote for either.

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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