The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame II


I love movies but there are some I just dont care to see.. why watch something someone recommends that I know I wont like.

For F***s sake, God Forbid someone recommend me a Bradly Cooper film.. My sister tries all the time. Ugh!!

The trick is not minding
I love movies but there are some I just dont care to see.. why watch something someone recommends that I know I wont like.

For F***s sake, God Forbid someone recommend me a Bradly Cooper film.. My sister tries all the time. Ugh!!
So I’m hearing I should nominate Bradley Cooper films from now on in the HOF 😜

So I’m hearing I should nominate Bradley Cooper films from now on in the HOF 😜
Yeah and you won't see me participate anymore now..

There are many actors I don't care to see their films...

Bradley Cooper - can't stand to look at his face
Ben Stiller isn't funny
Will Farrell isn't funny
Oliver Jackson-Cohen now is behind James Spader in actors I DONT LIKE.

There are many more.

maybe this is why I watch foreign films.

The trick is not minding
Yeah and you won't see me participate anymore now..

There are many actors I don't care to see their films...

Bradley Cooper - can't stand to look at his face
Ben Stiller isn't funny
Will Farrell isn't funny
Oliver Jackson-Cohen now is behind James Spader in actors I DONT LIKE.

There are many more.

maybe this is why I watch foreign films.
You know I am very obviously kidding with you , right?

You know I am very obviously kidding with you , right?
Yes but perhaps not others...

I know you wouldn't do anything to piss me off.. but... I don't trust many.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I do love the idea of this HoF, but I don't think I'm a good match for it. I'm terrible at picking out films for other people, and have a hard enough time deciding on just a single nomination, so I can't imagine how difficult finding a film for each person would be.

I'll take another stab at updating my lists just in case I decide to join anyway. But given how few musicals and documentaries I'll have ticked off once I finish going through them, I'm also afraid that everyone will nominate one of those for me, and this will be an incredibly long and painful HoF that'll be very tempting to just outright quit.
Just let us all know: NO MUSICALS for Cosmic. Of course, one or two of us may do it JUST to mess with ya
I do like what @Miss Vicky did and post a list of what you DON'T want to see and maybe a few points in the right direction for possible genres and/or types of films.
Not that I'll pick the RIGHT film for Vicky, (see nearly everything I've ever nominated lol) it is a great idea to drop some hints to help others pick and choose for ya.

I'm in. Of course.
I will keep the time limit since things get hectic this time of the year and the shorter films will work far better for me.
Not too many restrictions since I got a lot of great surprises in the first one but I will say that for what DOES work:
There are some Westerns I missed out on during the recent Countdown so if someone has trouble picking, that may be a good spot to grab from.
So is War related films and Historical/Time Period films works great as well.
I do enjoy Musicals.
Detective, Mystery, Gangster films are solid choices and if you find one that is not from the U.S, even better still.
In fact, Foreign films in general, except Middle Eastern ones. They never seem to work for me. Not sure why. My favorites (not necessarily in this order) France, England along with Scottish and Irish, Norwegian, Russian, Asian films especially South Korea, and Australian films. Italian films are hit and miss but not a deal-breaker.
Also, there are a couple of Must See! films that have not been checked off so if you come across one that you think I really need to see -- give it a shot.

For what NOT to pick: NO Adam Sandler or Ben Stiller or any of their "friends" like Owen Wilson films, and pretty much most of the comedies in the past two decades. Can't stand them. I DO like comedies from the 80s all the way back to silent films.
No modern Horrors though I do enjoy an old time ghost story or gothic horror from the 60s and older, or if there is one of that nature in a more recent one, I'll be curious to try it out. Some examples were Insidious and Mother.
I'm so-so on Documentaries but it's not a deal breaker.

Oh, and ease up on really emotionally hard to watch films. I've seen some great ones in the HoFs, but if they can be avoided in this -- YAY
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

People can consider this as a free pump for the thread if they want to, but I'll just want to clear some things as it seems there's been some misunderstanding regarding my position. This is not an attempt to change anything either. I'll reply to cricket's post because it allows a well-structured response.

It's cool but I don't get it, especially with you since there's a couple of thousand films to choose from.
First of all, I'm not that worried about what's nominated for me (though, I'll return to that later). I'm more concerned about people like you, @Siddon and probably some others who've seen the vast majority of the films on the lists. In other words, my worry is primarily about not being able to nominate something I personally consider both fitting and worthy.

If you join a specialty HoF, it's much more limited with the amount of films that people are even aware of, and I think the most boring thing is watching something you just watched or something you already didn't like.
You may have noticed that I've skipped quite a few specialty HoFs. If I have a good reason to expect that I don't enjoy the majority of the nominations, I'll pass. No issue there.

Maybe you're thinking it would be great if we could just pick any movie you haven't seen? At least this selection has had some type of consensus as opposed to one member's opinion, and we all have our own personal watchlists already for movies that are out in left field.
A good portion of my favorites is well outside any consensus. The majority of the films on these lists I'm already aware of and a large portion of them are unwatched because I don't have the interest to see them. I'm way more interested in the unknown personal favorites like Al-mummia in the ongoing general HoF.

There were a whole lot of new personal favorites discovered the last time around, and plus the selection process is way more fun.
As I said, I'm not trying to change anything and I'm happy it's working for everyone involved. I don't expect to enjoy this so I'll pass.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I am in for this and will start compiling ideas of films to nominate for the rest of you.

I am fairly easy about the type of films nominated for me, but I won't watch Funny Games, Pink Flamingos or Cannibal Holocaust, so don't bother nominating those. Horror is not my favourite genre, although I wouldn't rule it out completely.

Beyond that I will try to keep an open mind!

Looking forward to it

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sent in my noms for everyone who has signed up so far. I didn't go with a theme this time so hopefully I won't come in last again.
We're not suppose to send in noms yet...

There's 2 parts to start this. First you have to join. You have until Saturday morning the 24th to do just that.

Once Sunday morning the 25th comes, we will know who the members are, and then everyone can send their personal recommendation nominations to me.

We're not suppose to send in noms yet...

I honestly didn't even read that. I just sent them right away like I did last time.
Up to Cricket whether he wants to accept them or not. I'll wait until the right time to nominate for anyone else who signs up in the meantime.

Trouble with a capital "T"

I honestly didn't even read that. I just sent them right away like I did last time.
Up to Cricket whether he wants to accept them or not. I'll wait until the right time to nominate for anyone else who signs up in the meantime.
Ha, I didn't read it either! That's how I knew, because I also had sent Cricket my noms...which he rejected

Not that I'm expecting any of these to be picked but here are a few movies I've watched parts of and turned off because I thought they were, to be nice, not too good ( I don't check off a movie unless I've seen it all the way through):

Marty, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Wild Bunch, Harold and Maude, Goldfinger, Deep Red, Eyes Wide Shut, Dick Tracy, Alphaville, Oliver!, The Sons of Katie Elder, Billy Madison, My Dinner With Andre, Shakespeare in Love, The Birth of a Nation, Bowling for Columbine, Educating Rita. That's about all of them.

And if you're thinking "Boy, HF hasn't seen many *Woody Allen/James Bond/Charlie Chaplin* movies. HF should see more!" you are wrong. If nominated, I'll watch em, sipping on a giant tub of of vodka and prune juice through a very long straw, but watch out for your nom next time around. I'm sure it'll be right up your alley! Just kidding...a little

Not that I'm expecting any of these to be picked but here are a few movies I've watched parts of and turned off because I thought they were, to be nice, not too good ( I don't check off a movie unless I've seen it all the way through):

Marty, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Wild Bunch, Harold and Maude, Goldfinger, Deep Red, Eyes Wide Shut, Dick Tracy, Alphaville, Oliver!, The Sons of Katie Elder, Billy Madison, My Dinner With Andre, Shakespeare in Love, The Birth of a Nation, Bowling for Columbine, Educating Rita. That's about all of them.

And if you're thinking "Boy, HF hasn't seen many *Woody Allen/James Bond/Charlie Chaplin* movies. HF should see more!" you are wrong. If nominated, I'll watch em, sipping on a giant tub of of vodka and prune juice through a very long straw, but watch out for your nom next time around. I'm sure it'll be right up your alley! Just kidding...a little
I had The Wild Bunch as 1 of my like 12 possibilities for you but went with something else.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I don't care about the time limit, but please remember I had 3 movies that were 3 hours long last time!!!!!
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