MOFO 80's Teen Movie Hall of Fame


Hi Everyone - MovieGal here,

The rules are simple

- The film must have been made from 1980 to 1989.
- It must contain a lead character who is a teen.
- The film can be set in any era such as "Back to The Future" or "Outsiders"
- It can be of any genre - 80's Teen Horror is most welcome to join with Teen Romance, Teen Comedy and Teen Action.
- Everyone who nominates a film, will watch and rate the other nominee's film.

I want to make this a fun Hall of Fame so please any open discussions about music from the films, quizzes and even our own fun stories of being a teen is welcome.

I was a teen during this time and I graduated high school in 1985 so perhaps I will even share my senior picture from then. This is open to everyone, remember the more the merrier!

Enjoy and Have Fun!!!!


The Results are in!

8th Place
Grease-2 27 points
Nominated by Citizen Rules

7th Place
Akira 32 points
Nominated by Siddon

6th Place
Once Bitten 33 points
Nominated by MovieGal

5th Place
Teen Wolf 37 points
Nominated by TheUsualSuspect

4th Place
Crossroads 46 points
Nominated by ynwtf

3rd Place
My Bodyguard 52 points
Nominated by gbgoodies

2nd Place
Three O' Clock High 54 points
Nominated by Joel

The Winners are!

1st Place - Tie

Better Off Dead 62 points
Nominated by Edarsenal

Say Anything 62 points
Nominated by Rhys


And the Nominations are............

Citizen Rules Voting list sent in
Three O'Clock High
Can't Buy Me Love
Once Bitten
Better Off Dead
Say Anything
Teen Wolf
My Bodyguard
Weird Science (optional movie)
Stand By Me
Grease 2

Edarsenal 10/12
Weird Science (optional movie)
Stand By Me
Better Off Dead
Say Anything
Once Bitten
Three O'Clock High
My Bodyguard
Grease 2
Teen Wolf

GBG 8/12
Can't Buy Me Love
Better Off Dead
Say Anything
Teen Wolf
Once Bitten
Grease 2

Joel 12/12
All Movies here

MovieGal 12/12
Once Bitten
Can't Buy Me Love
Better Off Dead
Weird Science (optional movie)
Teen Wolf
My Bodyguard
Stand By Me
Say Anything
Three O'Clock High
Grease 2

Rhys 11/12
My Bodyguard
Can't Buy Me Love
Once Bitten
Three O'Clock High
Say Anything
Stand By Me
Better Off Dead
Teen Wolf

Sedai Dropped Out

Siddon Voting list sent in
Grease 2
Can't Buy Me Love
Teen Wolf
Say Anything
Stand By Me
Better Off Dead
Once Bitten
My Bodyguard
Three O'Clock High

Smudge 1/12 Dropped Out
Teen Wolf

Usual Suspect 10/12
Once Bitten
Stand By Me
Better Off Dead
Three O'Clock High
Can't Buy Me Love
Grease 2
Say Anything
My Bodyguard

Velvet 2/12 Dropped Out
Say Anything

Ynwtf 7/12
Better Off Dead
Three O'Clock High
Stand By Me
Once Bitten
Teen Wolf
My Bodyguard

A BIG thanks to @Citizen Rules for helping me. We have been talking about this on and off for a while... You are a great support and friend.

I'll have to give this one some serious thought. I have a feeling that I'd hate majority of nominations but will need to investigate a bit further than my prejudices. Right off the bat I can't think more than a handful I've liked so no promises about joining but it's possible.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Actually, that sounds kind of fun. I graduated in '82 so there's a good chance I've seen a large chunk of films from then that I watched during that time and it may be a lot of fun to do a revisit.

In fact, right off the top of my head, I may already have a nom ready to go.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I'll have to give this one some serious thought. I have a feeling that I'd hate majority of nominations but will need to investigate a bit further than my prejudices. Right off the bat I can't think more than a handful I've liked so no promises about joining but it's possible.
No surprise there.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I hope someone nominates Heathers...I have yet to see it.

Odds on how many John Hughes films get nominated?
I'm picking last. I want to make sure I pick a rarely seen film.

Most know Pretty In Pink and The Breakfast Club are 2 of my favs and they will be up for grabs. I think I have my nom already.

I'll have to give this one some serious thought. I have a feeling that I'd hate majority of nominations but will need to investigate a bit further than my prejudices. Right off the bat I can't think more than a handful I've liked so no promises about joining but it's possible.
You should join. You might find some new ones you enjoy.

Trouble with a capital "T"

On or around November 1st, Citizen Rules and I are co-hosting a MOFO 80's Teen Movie Hall of Fame.

The rules are simple

- The film must have been made from 1980 to 1989.
- It must contain a lead character who is a teen.
- The film can be set in any era such as "Back to The Future" or "Outsiders"
- It can be of any genre - 80's Teen Horror is most welcome to join with Teen Romance, Teen Comedy and Teen Action.
- Everyone who nominates a film, will watch and rate the other nominee's film.
Great job MovieGal. I like the whole 80s teen theme, so many awesomely cool teen movies from the 80s, this will be fun!

I like that there's 3 weeks to decide on a movie nomination. That gives me lots of time try and pick a good one

I'll have to give this one some serious thought. I have a feeling that I'd hate majority of nominations but will need to investigate a bit further than my prejudices. Right off the bat I can't think more than a handful I've liked so no promises about joining but it's possible.

Actually, that sounds kind of fun. I graduated in '82 so there's a good chance I've seen a large chunk of films from then that I watched during that time and it may be a lot of fun to do a revisit.

In fact, right off the top of my head, I may already have a nom ready to go.
You and MovieGal are youngins I did graduate from high school in the 80s too

I hope someone nominates Heathers...I have yet to see it.
Join & nominate it! I love that film. So you know you have one postive review on it.

Im in sounds great

A system of cells interlinked
I am IN!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I hope someone nominates Heathers...I have yet to see it.

Odds on how many John Hughes films get nominated?
Hughes will pretty much be a given for high school 80's flicks. lol Which is fine there are some great ones by him.
And having someone nominate Heathers would be great. Been forever since I saw that one and I have a feeling you'd kick outta of it. And if not, well, "F@ck me gently with a chainsaw."

@Citizen Rules said: You and MovieGal are youngins I did graduate from high school in the 80s too

Whatever, grandpa does The Home know you're using their computer?

You are older but by very little, my friend.