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Dying for some DaganoamIspellingthisropa info. So many love this game, but when I look at it ...

So, I may never be done with Fallout 4...but I'm pretty close. All the DLC is finished. I even ran through the last two a second time so I could play them with a slightly less OP character and then with my ridiculous one. I've used the jetpack to fly around lots of roof tops and found some fun stuff there. I'm coming up on level 150. There are really only a couple of things I'd like to do:

1. Try some more settlement building ideas I had.
2. Play on hardcore/survival mode for a bit.

I'd have done the first already, but I've mucked something up with my mods so that I'm missing basic construction options, along with the walls of my house. And my guess is I'll get a dozen hours out of hardcore mode, though there's always the chance I'll love it. Very little chance I'll play very deep into the game with it, though.

So, while I'm sure I'll return to it and all that, I've finally started playing other things with more seriousness. Specifically, Just Cause 3 and Obduction.


Pretty good so far. Pretty game, and the puzzles have felt organic. They're largely environmental, which is what I expect from a Myst game (even though this isn't officially a Myst game). I wish there were more overt puzzles sprinkled in, since the mix of the two usually works well, but so far so good. I'm something like 6 hours in, and a little stuck, but to this point every time I've been stuck I've just run around some more and eventually unstuck myself without any help, and the ways I've moved forward have felt fair.

Just Cause 3

Oh, Rico. How I've missed you.

When I fired this up again it felt weirdly clunky at first, and I'm not sure I had much fun in the first hour. But, like last time, I liked it more as I went, and once I got comfortable with the controls it started to be fun again. It even did that thing where I'm so focused on freeing settlements that I'm unconsciously hunched forward, and only notice when I finally stop playing and lean back and realize I have a horrible crick in my back. Always the sign of a great game.

So far it's pretty much what I wanted: Just Cause 2...but more of the same, with modest improvements. There does seem to be fewer opportunities for blowing stuff up, in that most of the settlements I've found seem smaller and further between, but I've only played a half-dozen hours, so that's probably just my imagination and/or a small sample size.

The missions are pretty lame, and I've avoided doing many of them, but I know I have to if I want some upgrades. The best part remains just flinging the parachute open, swinging around the island, and scanning the distance for propaganda towers and other things I can blow up.

The People's Republic of Clogher
True. It'd be an even bigger waste of money than me buying two Raspberry Pis (correct spelling ) and two Pi Zeroes in the past month.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

there's a frog in my snake oil
How's the performance now? Seemed to be pretty atrocious at launch. And how's the wingsuit?
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Performance: middling, but I'm not annoyed if it stutters every minute or two for a second. I'm sure it would be infuriating to lots of people. I did have a problem with it crashing the first time I tried to continue my game after the initial play session. I figured the online stuff had something to do with it, so I tweaked a setting (though the online stuff still pops up, bleh), and decided not to move around at all until it had scrolled off the screen initially. Worked fine, and now I move right away and it's still good. So: good enough for me.

Wingsuit: I actually found it frustrating right off the bat. I'm 90% sure I'll love it when I just force myself to practice a little, though, but I haven't yet.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I've stuck a bit of Titanfall 2 footage up for those intrigued by the game

It's not entirely representative of the overall vibe, all coming from the ramped up ends of Attrition matches, where everything's at its most hectic. More Mech than foot action too (as filming lag was killing my foot skills, honest ). The last bit of footage gives a feel for the parkour though, and how tight the 'reach the dropship' end stage can get

The three bits are:
-Hot Mech on Soldier action (Scorch vs a nest of pesky pilots)
-Last ditch Mech vs Mechs & AI drones
-The 'get to the chopper' Epilogue

In the Beginning...
Lately, I've been kicking around the idea of joining Twitch and broadcasting a run-through of some older PC games. I don't have much of a reason other than to revisit some of my favorites for nostalgia's sake, and to share them with younger gamers who maybe never experienced them or knew they existed.

So I'm here gauging interest. Would you watch? I don't anticipate any long marathon sessions; probably 2-3 hours each night, a few nights per week. Obviously I could just record a "Let's Play" and post on YouTube, but there's something about the communal nature of Twitch that seems more fun and compelling.

If I do it, I'll likely start with Riven. I recently played through its predecessor, Myst (and actually completed it for the first time), so I'm eager to move on to the sequel. I used to own it back in the 1990s and played it quite a bit, but I was too young to really threaten the game's steep difficulty.

So, what say you? Does watching a live playthrough of a 20-year-old puzzle game appeal to anyone?

For me, it would mainly depend on the timing. But yeah, I'd be interested, and I'd be interested in the old games in particular, actually. If you plan on playing a few hours several nights in a row, odds are good I'd want to tune in for at least part of it. Let us know what your username is, what you're planning, etc.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I'm not part of Twitch. Can you only follow along live? I've never made it through Riven and keep thinking it's time I gave it the ol' college try (once I finish Quern, which reminds me a lot of Riven in its looks). So I'm not sure I'd want to peek too much at what someone else is doing because it'd be spoilery for me (having never finished the game on my won).

It's liveish. Maybe a 30-40 second delay. You can watch without joining, too, though if you sign up (pretty easy) you can subscribe and get notified when games/people come online.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Nice to see VR sneaking some decent experiences in... Rift + controllers (with pointy finger tech) + Super Hot makes sense (13m15s)...

(EDIT: Ahahaa, that screengrab is awesome )

The sculpting software at the start really does make me think people could be sculpting 3D content as a norm in 10 years. But Super Hot definitely shows promise of actual fun gameplay you couldn't match with standard kit, even if it is apparently super-short too

Nigh everything else that came after still screamed inevitable-Kinect-heat-death tho


Don't know what to think of the new Niddhogg, which GB also looked at recently. The varied weapons look good. Otherwise it seems to play essentially the same, with a few movement tweaks, and weird blobby muppet aesthetic instead of the clean retro Prince of Persia vibe.

The People's Republic of Clogher

Raspberry Pi + Bluetooth SNES controller + RetroPie = Something of the same price but a heck of a lot more capable than the NES Mini.

This one will go from the late 70s Atari 2600 to the mid 90s PS1 pretty much flawlessly.

My project for this year (because I've got no reason to upgrade the PC in 2017) will be building a PiCade. One of these:

The spacing of the PEW and LAZOR button may take a little adjusting to, but overall a solid setup.

Not much of a gamer but I've gotten sucked back into WoW lately. Digging Legion. Does anyone on here play?

there's a frog in my snake oil
Woot! First contact made in Elite

^^Click for Close Encounters moment^^

And here be the player getting pulled out of Witchspace, another novelty.

It's almost certainly just another puzzle to be solved for now (which genuine NASA bods will apply themselves too, and from which very little gameplay will arise, beyond sciencing the **** out of it). But these alien pods are getting bigger . Is pretty badass to see something in motion and threatening-looking after the more passive puzzles to date.


Soz Swan nope, have never really tried WoW. The way a friend of mine girded his loins with grinding before Legion dropped makes me think it's probably too late too

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Got Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1 and yet I'm still playing Rocket League.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

there's a frog in my snake oil

(Titanfall 2 campaign gets pretty darn good after the standard intro stuff. And the multiplayer is def the most refreshing one I've played in an age. Def get into it . Here's me doing some dodgy parkour to 'get to the chopper' after a failed round, if that helps )