The MoFo Top 100 of the 60s: Countdown

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Well this is disappointing. I watched Persona awhile back when I first started getting into Bergman. I was really blown away by the story and the imagery. Really powerful stuff. I had hoped it would crack the top ten. I had it at #1.

Cool Hand Luke I watched in high school but had all but forgotten about. I rewatched it shortly before the deadline and was quite taken with the characters and the story. Great stuff. I had it #9.

My List
1. Persona (#11)
2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (#101)
3. Woman in the Dunes (#19)
5. Planet of the Apes (#14)
7. Harakiri (#27)
8. Onibaba (#62)
9. Cool Hand Luke (#12)
10. Through A Glass Darkly (#81)
11. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (#21)
18. In Cold Blood (#78)
21.The Jungle Book (#88)
22. Easy Rider (#38)
23. The Virgin Spring (#67)
25. Something That Didn't Make the One Pointers List

I absolutely love Cool Hand Luke. It was my number 4. I love Luke, love his sexiness, his insolence, his insouciance . For me it comes in as a perfect film like the other two films from my top 5 that've appeared already - Mary Poppins and Oliver , pure entertainment.

Cool Hand Luke was my #14! I thought it was much better than expected and it had a certain kind of vibe to it that I really liked. The egg scene is obviously classic, but I liked a whole lot about it and Luke was a very interesting character to follow.

Persona was my #19. Bergman generally makes movies I find solid but doesn't truly connect with. I connected more with this one but on top of that it was a really weird and ambitious film, which will need a few rewatches. But it was good enough to make my list even so...

I tried to do a write-up on Persona but it's not an easy film to write about

MovieMeditation presents...
total movie count ........... current day count
139 .......................... 129


May 9th

—— 1966 ——
—— drama ——

Bergman is not an easy director for me to click with,
and it seems like I generally admire and respect his work more than I genuinely love it

I usually end up rating his films quite highly, but that is mostly because I think he does so many things right, cinematically, that even if I don’t actually find it to be truly great in the sense of being a personal favorite, I do think of it in the sense of truly great cinema. He makes some fine films indeed and this one is no exception, though I must say it is a little different than some of his other works. But even with the strange stylistic and artsy approach, this is still so undeniably Bergman.

His style is simply so recognizable, that even when it is covered in something you can easily spot it. In terms of the actual film I really enjoyed it, though I think it became too much towards the end, explaining and double-explaining everything to such an extent that it became a little tiresome. Overall it was a very interesting watch though, and I want to watch it again some day perhaps.



Here is my list so far...

3. To Kill a Mockingbird #13
4. High and Low #23
8. Planet of the Apes #14
10. For a Few Dollars More #22
11. For a Fistful of Dollars #51
12. Le Samourai #24
13. How the Grinch Stole Christmas #101
14. Cool Hand Luke
16. Harakiri #27
17. The Sound of Music #37
19. Persona
20. The Virgin Spring #67
21. The Birds #18
23. From Russia with Love #87

Persona was my #5. I saw it once a couple years ago and was blown away. I'm not ready to revisit it yet.

4. Yojimbo
5. Persona
8. Le Samourai
10. The Virgin Spring
11. For a Few Dollars More
12. Z
14. The Wild Bunch
15. The Battle of Algiers
16. Lolita
17. Breathless
18. A Fistful of Dollars
20. Planet of the Apes
22. Goldfinger
24. To Kill a Mockingbird
25. Death Rides a Horse (one pointer)

I don't completely love Cool Hand Luke as a whole, but it has some great scenes, and it's a very enjoyable movie.

There were at least 4 60's Bergman films I liked more than Persona, but that's no knock because he had 7 from the decade that I enjoyed quite a bit. I didn't vote for any of them.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
It's been a while since I don't comment on the films being ranked...

From the last 25 movies, I haven't seen Peeping Tom, The Innocents, Night of the Living Dead and Planet of the Apes. I haven't finished La Dolce Vita, I watched 1 hour of it, I had to stop and didn't have the chance to get back to it.

So, from the ones I have seen:

31. Playtime
I understand why many people here love it, but it's definitely not my thing. There's some funny moments, of course, I just don't find funny every single second of this as most people do. I have no problem with being ranked so high though.

30. The Great Escape

It's one of the few historic themed movies I enjoy. It's historically accurate (for Hollywood, relax HK!). The whole cast is great and the script is amazing. It did not make my list but it was close. Fair place on the countdown.

29. Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf

This one was 5 or 6 spots away of my 25. It's an experience, more than a movie. The acting from the main cast is legendary, at least. The script is also one of the best I've ever seen. It didn't quite immersed me as it should but it's a brilliant piece of cinema.

28. West Side Story
There's not a lot of musicals I truly enjoy. My favorite was the 36th of this list, which I still think it should rank higher. West Side Story is not one I hate, in fact I quite like it. The setting and the music are great and the beginning is stunning. I don't like it enough to considerate it to my list but it definitely deserves a spot on this countdown.

27. Harakiri

My nomination to the 7th HoF and a movie which was a certain to rank high on this countdown. It's my favorite Samurai movie of all time, though I haven't seen the The Seven Samurai yet, and I think it should swap spots with Yojimbo on this list. It was my #8.

26. The Hustler
A very good movie that I watched right before sending my list in. It wasn't close to make my list but it wasn't far away too. The script is good, Paul Newman is fantastic and the ending is incredible. Fair place on the countdown.

24. Le Samorai

A nice atmospheric masterpiece by Melville that I find quite hard to rate. The same happened with the other Melville I saw, Army of Shadows. It didn't make my list.

23. High and Low
I still have to a watch a lot by Kurosawa but this one is my favorite so far. It was my first watch of 2015 and my first Kurosawa. I remember finishing it and feeling I just attended to a film class taught by a very good teacher. It was my #17.

I'll continue this later. I'm off to see Verdes Anos, the most important portuguese movie of the XX Century and a movie I should have watched for this countdown... I almost want to hate so I don't feel ashamed I didn't vote for it.

I had Cool Hand Luke at #7.

I saw Persona years ago... didn't really get into it at the time. I've wanted to see it again just to be sure.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Had Cool Hand Luke @ #9

VERY curious to see the top 10 play out. Should have about 2 more of mine show up. So. . . about 15/25 not too shabby
but only 45/90 seen, that ain't too good.

1. The Great Escape #30
2. Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid #21
3. The Hustler #26
4. The Wild Bunch #15
5. The Lion in Winter #77
8. Le Samourai #24
9. Cool Hand Luke #12
11. True Grit #72
14. Planet of the Apes #14
17. Oliver! #90
22. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf #29
22, Italian Job #85
25. Bonnie & Clyde #45

You know, now that I think about it, I don't actually think I've seen Cool Hand Luke. Persona is probably my favourite Bergman, although I'm not enough of a fan to have it on my list.

Had Persona at #5. Shoulda been a top 10er.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

And one more from my list. Cool Hand Luke was my number 15. Newman was great, and I actually prefer this flick to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

1. Will show. Top 10 More then likely
2. Nope
3. Le Samourai (1967) #24
4. Night of the Living Dead (1968) #20
5. A Fistful of Dollars (1964) #51
6. Planet of the Apes (1968)
7. High and Low (1963) #23
8. The Hustler (1961) #26
9. Will show. Possibly at #1.
10. The Manchurian Candidate (1962) #34
11. The Battle of Algiers (1966) # 69
12. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (1962) #73
13. Red Beard (1965) #60
14. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) #29
15. Cool Hand Luke (1967) #12
16. True Grit (1969) #72
17. Doubt it
18. Could be Number 1
19. The Wild Bunch (1969) #15
20. The Great Escape (1963) #30
21. Yojimbo (1961) #17
22. Could be number one, top 5 at least I would think
23. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) #13
24. Peeping Tom (1960) #33
25. Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966) (1 Pointer)

My List: 18
Seen: 48/90

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
So, continuing my last post:

22. For a Few Dollars More

One of the 5 Spaghetti Westerns of my list. 2 of them are going to appear soon (I guess it's not hard to guess which ones, right) and the other 2 won't make it. It's the first true masterpiece by Leone, one of my favorite directors. In a Fistful of Dollars, everyone seemed quite inexperienced yet while on this one, Eastwood seems more sure of himself, the soundtrack is gorgeous and you can see the concept Leone had in mind, besides all the shooting and ketchup. Lee van Cleef was a tremendous addition to the cast. My #18.

21. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Definitely the funniest western I've ever seen! A great double perfomance by Newman and Redford, with a very interesting cinematography (the sepia scenes are great). That ending is one of the best scenes ever. It didn't made my list but it definitely could have.

19. Woman in the Dunes

A movie I feel that contains a lot more than what I actually took from it. The concept is clever and the philosophy behind it is fascinating but it didn't resonate in me the way I feel it should. I'll give it another chance soon.

18. The Birds

This one is far from being my favorite Hitchcock. I get it, it's a hymn to suspense, it's visionary, it's a technical marvel, bla bla... I just don't see what most people see in it. I don't doubt it's there, I just don't see it, except from a couple of interesting scenes.

17. Yojimbo
I watched A Fistful of Dollars before this one, which was probably a mistake because I felt the story worked better with guns than with swords. It's still a Kurosawa so it is a great movie by definition. There's some great cinematography and really funny scenes. A bad-ass movie that didn't made my list but it was one of my final cuts.

I was expecting La Dolce Vita to rank higher than this one. I understand why this is so glorified but it really didn't do much for me. Mastroianni is great, as always, but apart from that... Another movie that needs another chance.

15. The Wild Bunch

I'm not usually a fan of American Westerns. This one left me with mixed feelings. I felt it had some pacing issues and some details I didn't like, such as those laughing scenes. The last half an hour though is glorious! A movie I respect enough for thinking it's fair being so high but in which I didn't vote.

I'll continue tomorrow, hopefully before the #10 is revealed.

Top 10 guess-

10. Rosemary's Baby
9. Dr. Strangelove
8. Midnight Cowboy
7. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
6. The Graduate
5. Lawrence of Arabia
4. Once Upon a Time in the West
3. The Apartment*
2. Psycho
1. 2001

I'll play.

10. Midnight Cowboy
9. The Apartment
8. Rosemary's Baby
7. The Graduate
6. Dr. Strangelove
5. Once Upon a Time in the West
4. Lawrence of Arabia
3. Psycho
2. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
1. 2001

1. Psycho
2. The Good the Bad and the Ugly
3. 2001
4. Dr. Strangelove
5. Once Upon a Time in the West
6. Lawrence of Arabia
7. The Apartment
8. The Graduate
9. Rosemary's Baby
10. Midnight Cowboy

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
1. Psycho
2. 2001
3. Strangelove
4. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
5. Once Upon a Time in the West
6. Lawrence of Arabia
7. Rosemary's Baby
8. The Graduate
9. The Apartment
10. Midnight Cowboy

Trouble with a capital "T"
My Top 10 Prediction:

1 Psycho
2 Lawrence of Arabia
3 The Apartment
4 2001
5 The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
6 Once Upon a Time in the West
7 Rosemary's Baby
8 Dr. Strangelove
9 The Graduate
10 Midnight Cowboy

Top 10 prediction:

1. The Good the Bad and the Ugly
2. Psycho
3. Dr. Strangelove
4. Once Upon a Time in the West
5. 2001
6. Lawrence of Arabia
7. The Graduate
8. The Apartment
9. Rosemary's Baby
10. Midnight Cowboy

I didn't have Psycho in my top 25.