

One example doesn't exactly give much context for what you've looked at. Matt's personal list is not characteristic of the rest of our lists in any sense that could give you a generalised perspective. It sounds to me like you're just looking for confirmation bias by giving one example of a list you don't like. There's no point in arguing, but a debate serves a purpose if you're willing to listen to other people and learn. You don't have any obligation to tell us that you don't like our lists. Are you trying to make people feel bad? Why not just keep it to yourself?

I mean to actually advocate that we should stop making lists even if they're all terrible, is incredibly ignorant. To actually try and advocate that they are all terrible is even worse. Would you stop doing something you enjoy just because one person in the world doesn't like that you're doing it?

Can you understand that we do it for fun and that there's nothing wrong with prioritising favorite movies?

Who do you think you are that we should conform to what you want us to do?
First off, I'm pretty sure everyone has already forgotten my first post mentioned Buzzfeed. I don't only hate the lists that occupy every corner of the Movie Forums, I hate all internet lists equally.

Second, I've been a member here for quite some time and I spent tons of time going through all the endless lists in the Reviews section of these forums. I'm not generalizing one list, I'm poo-pooing them all. As of writing this there are 10 list threads on the front page of the Reviews sub-forum and a whopping four threads that are the title of a film that is being reviewed. Sheesh.

I'm not trying to take away your fun and I'm not advocating that you should stop making lists. However, I wish there were less of them. We really don't have to compartmentalize and rank every single thing, do we? Did we really need a Top 10 Battle Scenes or Top 50 Superheroes? Wouldn't those threads have worked just as well as "Battle Scenes I love/Share your Favs" or "Superheroes I'd love to see adapted for the big screen?"

Miss Vicky, I want to elaborate a bit more as to why I post on this site. I really love films, but more from an artistic appreciation perspective or as a means to escape. I enjoy talking about individual films, how they made me feel, what the artist was trying to say, things of that nature. I also love to talk about the more visceral experience of genre films or geek out with my inner fanboy about comic adaptations or Star Wars. Look at the last thread I started:


It got some attention, but clearly I should have named it "Ten real life stories that should be movies"

Also, I love to trash talk filmmakers I hate and pick fights with 90sAce.

Master of My Domain
Wow! You're putting Charlie's Angels above masterpieces? Even I'm not that big a fan of it.
Good ol' HK, always ruins it all eh?

Empire Strikes Back, Back To The Future, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, 100's of other films, Die Hard.

5 seonds to fix. You could do it MovieGal, trust your feelings.
You're both wrong.

It goes Die Hard, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Back to the Future, 100's of other films, Empire Strikes Back.

First off, I'm pretty sure everyone has already forgotten my first post mentioned Buzzfeed. I don't only hate the lists that occupy every corner of the Movie Forums, I hate all internet lists equally.

Second, I've been a member here for quite some time and I spent tons of time going through all the endless lists in the Reviews section of these forums. I'm not generalizing one list, I'm poo-pooing them all. As of writing this there are 10 list threads on the front page of the Reviews sub-forum and a whopping four threads that are the title of a film that is being reviewed. Sheesh.

I'm not trying to take away your fun and I'm not advocating that you should stop making lists. However, I wish there were less of them. We really don't have to compartmentalize and rank every single thing, do we? Did we really need a Top 10 Battle Scenes or Top 50 Superheroes? Wouldn't those threads have worked just as well as "Battle Scenes I love/Share your Favs" or "Superheroes I'd love to see adapted for the big screen?"
You are illogical to a frustrating degree. I'm not going to argue with you anymore.

The point is we make lists because it's fun. If you don't like it, that's no reason for us to do it any less. It's fine if you want to say we should shelve it because you don't like it, in a tongue and cheek sort of way, as participation in the thread. But to actually argue it to the degree that you are is silly.

I can't be bothered because I'm lazy, but surely someone should've made a top ten lists list by now? If only to poke the bear.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

A system of cells interlinked
Doesn't this site have a negative rep system?.
Not anymore. The neg rep system was the cause of endless problems pretty much the entire time it was running.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

and I always get hung up on the number ranking thing, you have no idea how much that bothers me...
OK, I'm going to give the kid this one. If you dig around on this board, you will see that I've tried to do a favorites list twice in my past here. Long long ago. I barely started either one of them. Hell, I can't even do a top 25 favorite MoFos. I can't do that. I love too many of them the same. The best I've ever been able to do is give a number one favorite of these things. That's as far as it goes.

We need a sub-forum for "lists."
I'm giving him this one, too. Mainly because it's funny.

I keep hearing this and I'm afraid it's bollocks and I'll prove it.

Die Hard, The Empire Strikes Back, Back to the Future, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

There you go. Took about 5 seconds.
I love you, honey. That was so funny.

Did I just rhyme?

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Not anymore. The neg rep system was the cause of endless problems pretty much the entire time it was running.

In what way ?. Arguments who just problems within it's feature.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm liking Bouncing Brick He's got some good points, though he uses a sledge hammer to make those points! But what the heck, I kinda agree with this statement:
...We really don't have to compartmentalize and rank every single thing [in a list], do we?..:
I've noticed that too, the internet is homogenized and condensed into a 10 second 'sound' bite with Top 10 things we should know, read, watch etc, etc...No one hardly discusses ideas at depth these days and I miss deep discussion.

But Brick, remember, you catch more flys with honey than vinegar.
Lists, Seriously, shove your lists up your butts...
You do have a way with words

...and I always get hung up on the number ranking thing, you have no idea how much that bothers me...
MovieGal said that too....I actually agree, there's no way I can make a top movie list, as I equally love many, many films. Sure Citizen Kane is great but is it my number 1? I could have a 1000 movies as number 1s.

So ya, I get that part about list. B U T on the flip side a count down list makes for some drama and so that's why it's used. I'd rather see a list than nothing at all.

Brick, if you really hate all the list on the internet, just wait tell you get older like me, then you won't'll be thinking how time flies and stuff that once bugged the hell of you won't matter much.

Hey bouncingbrick, surely you like this list, right? . . . .

10 Favorite Horror Films from Gatsby the Non-Horror Fan

I think this list is very creative. There are suggestions, first time viewings, and reviews. It's very neat.

Ranking favorites is difficult, but not at all impossible. I've done two personal lists and put together ranked lists for various MoFo Countdowns.

I pared down my lists and ranked them by asking myself a series of questions and deciding on positions based on my answers:

Do I like this movie more or less than the movie currently above it?
Does this movie have nostalgic value?
When did I last watch this movie?
How much desire do I have to watch it again?

Those of you hung up on ranking could also just do a personal list that isn't ranked. There have been plenty of those done as well.

Personally, I love making lists. Making lists is practically a hobby of mine. I do it all the time. I spend hours upon hours writing up reviews and contemplating the various qualitative features of this movie and that movie and thinking very carefully about how valuable they are to me and why I like them as much as I do. It's very personal. To criticise something that is that personal... It ticks me off a bit. It's just plain rude.

Personally, I love making lists. Making lists is practically a hobby of mine. I do it all the time. I spend hours upon hours writing up reviews and contemplating the various qualitative features of this movie and that movie and thinking very carefully about how valuable they are to me and why I like them as much as I do. It's very personal. To criticise something that is that personal... It ticks me off a bit. It's just plain rude.
I accept that.

Also, I'm glad to see at least a little bit of meeting me in the middle. I want to know how many people here like the Buzzfeed style lists that have taken over the internet over the last 5 years. Take the lists out of these forums and base your opinion entirely on the click-bait list trend. I bet far more people are suddenly on my side.

Plus, CitizenRules, I would lose my troll cred if I was too nice.

I want to know how many people here like the Buzzfeed style lists that have taken over the internet over the last 5 years.
I like them, provided the subject interests me and the page in question isn't so ad heavy that I have trouble loading it.

I want to know how many people here like the Buzzfeed style lists that have taken over the internet over the last 5 years. Take the lists out of these forums and base your opinion entirely on the click-bait list trend. I bet far more people are suddenly on my side.
I'm about to sound really old, maybe . . . but what in the hell did you just ask?

I'm about to sound really old, maybe . . . but what in the hell did you just ask?

Or just click anywhere at Buzzfeed. It's all the same nonsense...