

One of my coworkers is in quarantine because her father tested positive.

Fortunately I haven't worked with her since March 7th, but her quarantine is up soon and she's due back at work next week. I'm freaking out a little.

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One of my coworkers is in quarantine because her father tested positive.

Fortunately I haven't worked with her since March 7th, but her quarantine is up soon and she's due back at work next week. I'm freaking out a little.
Sorry about that. I truly wish this was all over.

Trouble with a capital "T"
One of my coworkers is in quarantine because her father tested positive.

Fortunately I haven't worked with her since March 7th, but her quarantine is up soon and she's due back at work next week. I'm freaking out a little.
Sorry to hear that. I believe with quarantine the person is given long enough to be sure she's negative, so I'm sure you'll be OK...but I can see that's worrisome.

Can you wear a face mask at work, is that an option at all?

BTW, he literally said "This is a flu. This is like the flu" just over a month ago.
It's not a "flu" in that it is not the influenza virus. It is "like the flu" in many respects in that it's transmitted in most the same ways, it has almost all of the same symptoms and works like a virus, but we are learning that it may be different in other respects.

For sure, but whether someone says that as a way of explaining how the virus works, or in a reflexive attempt to downplay its potential threat, is an important bit of context.

Suffice to say, there was quite a shift between late February and even mid-March.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Well this thing finally hit close to us. My mother inlaw and my wife's nephew (they live in same house) have tested positive. They both live on Long Island. Tommy (nephew) is around 10 years old and has asthma already so I hope there are no issues there. My mother-in-law has been sick and has been desperately trying to get them all tested but she is still working. She is a teacher and is working from home doing online education stuff. There are 3 other people in the home and they are all quarantined understandably.

Their spirits seem good but my wife is very worried. I hope everything turns out fine and I am trying to stay positive for Devorah. I am looking into trying to send them a care package so I hope I can do that soon.

Hope everyone stays safe out there, be smart .
Sorry to hear about losing a friend, best wishes to their family. It really does sneak up on some. My wife wishes she could go up to NY to see family, but she is not able to for many reasons. Not even sure she would be allowed but I hope the family stays out of the critical stage because I know I would not be able to stop her in going if they get really sick.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they're feeling better, and they get through it okay.

Don't let your wife come to Long Island. She's safer where she is now. If I remember correctly, your relatives are in Suffolk County. Their numbers are going up too fast. They reported over 900 new cases in the last 24 hours.

Suffolk County, NY Reports

Just in case I'm remembering wrong, here's the info for Nassau County, NY too.

Nassau County, NY Reports and Cases Map

Sorry to hear, hope everyone comes through ok. My brother-in-law was tested the other day and the whole family of 8 quarantined, still waiting to hear the results.
I hope their tests come back negative, and they're okay.

Just lost a friend to COVID-19 last night. He was about my age and had been in NYC a few weeks ago. Developed COVID-19 and then the accompanying pneumonia, to which he succumbed last night.

I hadn't seen this coming. Not happy today. Won't be happy tomorrow, either. Be safe out there, people!
I'm so sorry to hear that. It's frightening to read about this every day, but it must be even more heartbreaking when it hits home like this. I wish there was something we could do or say to make it better.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

This happened here today:

"Escambia County Commissioner sends mass email calling for loosening coronavirus measures."

Really, no wonder people around here don't give a crap.

Here is the whole article for those interested, I am posting here because the page has a bunch of no ad blocking restrictions to be able to view, it is from our local paper.
Registered voters in Escambia County received an email from Escambia County Commissioner Doug Underhill on Monday calling for loosening social distancing measures as federal public health experts warn the worst of the coronavirus crisis is in the weeks ahead.

Underhill said he sent the email to all voters in the county who provided their emails when they registered, all members of the Florida Legislature and all Florida county commissioners to share what he said were facts about COVID-19.

In the email, Underhill said he believes the facts "support caution, but not fear and frenzy."

Underhill said he wants to reopen the county's beaches, which are currently closed through April 2, and called on the governor to allow restaurants to return to on-site dining at 50% capacity.

Underhill told the News Journal that he has received positive praise for the email from "other Republican and conservative leaders throughout the state" but did not specify who.

"It's time for us to start getting a different kind of dialogue, not fear and anger dialogue, but the data-driven dialogue," he said.

In his email, Underhill said that based on the state's testing, the contraction rate for COVID-19 is lower than first feared, and while some models showed higher contraction rates, health experts, including those on President Donald Trump's coronavirus task force, have said that with social distancing measures in place, the rates of the virus spread would slow.

Even with social distancing, the virus remains contagious. Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told Atlanta public radio station WABE on Monday that the virus is probably three times as infectious as the flu.

Redfield also said the percentage of people who get the coronavirus and show no symptoms but still transmit the virus may be at 25%, and it appears people with symptoms become contagious as many as 48 hours before they start experiencing symptoms.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said that even with social distancing measures in place, the United States could still see 100,000 deaths from the virus.

"It would not have been a good idea to pull back at a time when you really needed to be pressing your foot on the pedal as opposed to on the brakes," Fauci said on CNN.

Also in his email, Underhill said that at the time, there had only been one hospitalization from Escambia County's 30 confirmed cases, which he said didn't show a large impact on the health care system. His email did not include the number of hospitalized cases in neighboring Santa Rosa County, whose residents often use Escambia County hospitals.

Since his email, Escambia County has now 94 confirmed cases with two hospitalizations, and Santa Rosa County has 44 cases with seven hospitalizations and two deaths, according to numbers released by the Florida Department of Health on Tuesday evening.

Health experts don't expect the number of cases to peak in most of the country until mid-April.

Federal officials have said that a projection from the University of Washington Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation influenced the decision to extend social distancing guidelines until April 30. That model doesn't show coronavirus cases peaking until May 3 and projects a shortage of 297 intensive care unit beds in Florida on that day.

Ali Mokdad, a professor at the University of Washington, told the Miami Herald that the model assumes Florida will implement a stay-at-home order by next Monday, an action that Gov. Ron DeSantis has resisted.

Underhill also claimed as fact that the state's environment is "not as conducive to COVID-19," despite the largest outbreak of the virus occurring in the warmest part of the state with more than 3,600 case in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties, as of Tuesday morning.

Health experts such as Fauci have said publicly that it is too early to know if hot climates affect the virus. The World Health Organization in its published lists of "myth busting" about the coronavirus states the virus has been reported in countries with hot weather, and hot weather does not prevent the spread of the virus.

Underhill rejected the idea that his email contradicted health experts, saying much of what has been put out to the public is driven by computer models.

"Modeling and simulation has been grossly misused ever since the Al Gore era," Underhill said. "And we've seen that there's a lot of things that can be proven by modeling and simulation (that) end up not happening in real world."

The email was sent through Underhill's campaign account, despite him not being an active candidate.

"I used that email address because our county government continues to resist modern communication methods, such as social media, and mass emailing," Underhill said.

He defended sending the email and said the public has a right to know what's in his mind on public policy decisions.

"The citizens have a right to know what's in the mind of the five men (on the County Commission) who makes decisions that affect their ability to feed their children," Underhill said.


Why even take a chance ????- it does not take much for people to need a reason to go out and he is giving them all one.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Least Trump didnt mention in a speech reguarding people have died as People In Body Bags. I swear politicians have to be worst at inspiring hope and knowing how to comfort grieving people.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Did your friend have any illnesses before got Covid19 that might hurt his immune system already. Sometimes Dr sadly miss illnesses or weak Immune issues if a person has no symptoms
Not that I'm aware of, no. He was doing about as well as everyone expected, going through the usual stages, and then suddenly took a bad turn yesterday during the day, and things progressed rapidly after that. He died last night.

@Sedai. Our guv'ner here in Washington a few days ago said out loud during his presser that he is looking at cellphone tracking data to see where people are congregating. So, that is already happening my man.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Congregation of Muslims in Indian capital city Delhi spreads hundreds of cases in India. Right wing alleges deliberate attempt to spread coronavirus---coronajehad