What Did You Dream Last Night?


Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I had a horrible nightmare last night. A few months ago, in reality, I loaned my friend some of my best DVDs (GoodFellas, American Psycho, The Rock), and last night I dreamt he gave them all away. Its one of the only times I've woken up from a dream screaming.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

That somehow I had ended up 200years in the future the world was run by women and men were slaves (before we start assuming this was a sexy dream, it was not) the only men I met was Gibbs (from N.C.I.S.) and Kevin Rudd (former Australian prime minister and leader of the resistance against the female oppressors). I'm a little hazy on the details but for some reason it was up to us to fight back and show that in the past men weren't slaves and should be free'd

I dreamt about Dark Knight Rises.
Can't remember exactly what happened, but it had nothing to do with what I've read about.

Might be because I watched the first two before going to bed.


I had this weird funny dream last night about Movieforums and I thought I might just as well share it.

I dreamed that @Yoda was on some kind of European tour, visiting all the MoFos who lived outside of America.
Completely unexpected, he arrived on my driveway with a huge American car. I welcomed him into my house and we decided to smoke some cigarettes in my garden, talking about American politics, religion and some other MoFos he had already visited (including @Mr Minio in Poland and @Daniel M in Wales, who he got drunk with in London somehow).
After a while, Yoda somehow had to leave pretty urgently. He complimented me on my fluent English and then took his car and drove away.

Later in my dream I got a call that Yoda got drunk in Bruges and somehow spent the night at my grandmother's apartment. He also convinced her the next morning, while having a hangover, to become more involved in the Catholic church again.

Random stuff.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

You talked about politics in your dream? No wonder you were asleep.

Him complimenting your perfect (written) English in the podcast thread was definitely what inspired this. haha.
No way. I compliment Cob on his English all the time. I take full responsibility!

Him complimenting your perfect (written) English in the podcast thread was definitely what inspired this. haha.
I've made that exact same conclusion.

The rest of the dream is pretty weird, though. In reality, I imagine Yoda as a pretty composed person, but in my dream he was chaotic as hell. Almost like a rocking roll star caricature. Europe must've changed him.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I had an 8.30 dentist appointment, so naturally had dentist dreams combined with being late for early appointment dreams even though it was like 7am when I checked time, also mix in a bit of Game of Thrones as I'm reading the books atm

I had a boring dream with a friend i've not seen in about a year in it and some person i've never seen in my life. Nothing really happened but it made me wonder if people in your dreams who you don't recognize but clearly are someone i mean i can still picture this person from that dream last night, are maybe people you've walked by in the street that day and glanced at for a couple of seconds and your brain has registered them.

I dreamed that the alarm clock had woken me up. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and saw that I still had three hours to sleep so I went back to bed. Three hours later when the alarm clock rang I did not know if I had gone to the bathroom or if it was all a dream ... I'm still in doubt

I had a boring dream with a friend i've not seen in about a year in it and some person i've never seen in my life. Nothing really happened but it made me wonder if people in your dreams who you don't recognize but clearly are someone i mean i can still picture this person from that dream last night, are maybe people you've walked by in the street that day and glanced at for a couple of seconds and your brain has registered them.
The human brain can worry and/or remember at least 7 things at a time, so as we brush aside 1 problem or thought another 1 will replace it, so you could be right that you prob saw this person in the street and then they were in your dream, more so if you saw this person late evening.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Last night I had a dream that a hamburger was eating me!!!

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I dreamt that I become the owner of Microsoft.

some other MoFos he had already visited (including @Mr Minio in Poland
Can't think of any witty or kinky response, so I'm just gonna highlight this.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.