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KasperKristensen 04-21-09 12:11 PM

What Did You Dream Last Night?
Ever written down your dreams? Why not do it here? We already have a very personal support group thread, and it seems like people don't mind sharing. Remember, however, that this is a public place and everyone will be able to read what you write (you already know this, but for good measure and all...).
I won't, and can't, get into the psychological aspect of dreams. Just bear in mind some believe that dreams can tell something about your current psychological state. (You probably knew this too.)
So share! We'll either make jokes about your dreams or analyze you to pieces. Either way should be good fun!

"Hey, 'ooh, 'eey, who is this guy he aint gonna tell his dream and expect us to?"

Well, you've got a good point fictional complainer, with an unrecognizable Italian accent!
I haven't been able to remember my dreams for a while. But I do remember one from a couple of weeks back:

I was in a semi-dark room with dark cages on one side and a long tent on the other side, which was separated into smaller rooms via those mosquito nets. Myself and a group of other people were standing in the middle of the room and I realize that red eyes were blinking from inside the cages. Then an alarm went off and the people rushed inside the tents. I was now alone in the middle of the room, and these unknown people were screaming at me to get inside my part of the tent. So I made a run for the tent but halfway there the cages opened. I didn't see what came out of them until I had thrown myself into the tent and tried to close it with the zipper. Turned out to be cats who were trying to get into my tent, however I don't remember them attempting to scratch me. But I panicked anyway and started kicking them out and close the zipper at the same time. Then - massive change in the atmosphere - I look to my right and a pretty girl is just sitting in the other tent-room smiling at me... Then I woke up.

Your turn.

n3wt 04-21-09 12:41 PM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
My wife bought me Rock Band for the 360... :)

linespalsy 04-21-09 12:53 PM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
it's been a few weeks now since i had a dream that i can remember but the other night my girlfriend woke me up by chortling really loudly in her sleep, so i asked her what was going on and she said (still half-asleep) that it was nothing. then she said that it was just that the "second story" was really funny and that i was in it. i kicked over a trainset while wearing holographic jeans. when i asked her to describe "holographic jeans" she said they were gold. i couldn't get any more out of her and in the morning she didn't remember the dream or our conversation.

KasperKristensen 04-21-09 03:12 PM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
I totally forgot about Sexy when creating this thread. I have a hunch that you'll make this thread rather entertaining mate. Prove me psychic. :p

Daffodil 04-22-09 03:55 AM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
From what I remember, I dreamt there was a zombie apocalypse and I took refuge in K-Mart and Will Smith was there - I got his autograph.

zedlen 04-22-09 04:03 AM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
Originally Posted by Daffodil (Post 522869)
From what I remember, I dreamt there was a zombie apocalypse and I took refuge in K-Mart and Will Smith was there - I got his autograph.
I had the same dream but Will Smith turned out to be Gemma Arterton. We killed zombies and other stuff..

mack 04-22-09 04:10 AM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
before yesterday, I upgraded from my latest really fast, smart HP to another HP that was even faster, smarter and better. I was going to take my old HP to my church so I could work on the webpage and do more of my audio/video editing there (i am transferring all their files to digital).

So yesterday evening I had a dream that I was in the church computer lab with my donated computer and gangs broke in to rob the church and kill everyone in it. The only reason I wasnt killed is because I was behind the door that swang open into the computer lab.

Suffice to say, I am never taking my computer there or working there alone again. :nope:

Today, I had a dream that my little brother caused me to fall off a very high ladder. My little sister was begging him to stay on the ladder to anchor it for my safe descent, but he wouldnt. The ladder fell, and I fell with it,but I landed on my feet. Everyone told me that it was the most graceful fall off of a ladder that they had ever seen. My sister and I then when home (where oddly enough my entire family lived there), and came in the back door. It was past midnight and everyone was asleep. I walked through the front and discovered the Front Door was not only ajar, it was being held open by an old McDonald's bag. I was horrified and scared and blamed my little brother. Instead of closing the door I went up to scold him and tell him to close it. I then left and went somewhere else with my sister. When we came back, I discovered the Front Door was still ajar. And my computer was sitting in front of it calling to anyone passing by to come in and take it.

Suffice to say, I am now completely on the look out for a situation in which I am more looking to place blame, than to just fix it. Fixing the problem (closing the door), is far more important and critical than placing blame (scolding my bro and waiting for him do it).

martian leader 04-22-09 04:12 AM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
I did have a weird dream the night before last. Just can't remember what it was about. :(

Oh I was in Bodega Bay INN. I met the puppets too. It was a fun dream. :D :yup:

Sexy Celebrity 04-22-09 12:22 PM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
Originally Posted by martian leader
Oh I was in Bodega Bay INN. I met the puppets too. It was a fun dream. :D :yup:
Are you kidding? Your brain plays Puppet Master 24/7?

Lemme guess, your future kids' names are gonna be Tunneler, Blade, Leech Woman, Torch, Six Shooter, etc.

martian leader 04-22-09 03:33 PM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 522965)
Are you kidding? Your brain plays Puppet Master 24/7?

Lemme guess, your future kids' names are gonna be Tunneler, Blade, Leech Woman, Torch, Six Shooter, etc.

Yeah maybe. I may even name them Neil,Megan, Elsa, Andre, Rick,etc.


TylerDurden99 04-17-12 08:54 AM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
Jeff Goldblum lip synching "Wild Wild West" by The Escape Club, with flames from hell as a backdrop. It was the most random thing I've experienced in my sleep and I had to post about it.

The Rodent 04-17-12 09:01 AM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
I had a dream last night that I had George Lucas in a headlock and was smashing him over the head with the corner of the DVD box from Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace.

bouncingbrick 04-17-12 09:45 AM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
I dreamt that I was in a job interview at a TV station to be a security guard but instead of telling them that I wanted to be a security guard that I wanted to work for them doing TV production. I directed them to my youtube page (which is real) to watch some of the work I did for the US Air Force. At first they laughed at me because I went in for one interview and started interviewing for something else. The entire news crew was there watching my interview and laughing, but, at some point, I convinced them that I was passionate about getting the job and that I knew what I was talking about. Then, just as I was about to get the job, I made them a big pan of a spicy chicken dish that I love from the local Chinese food buffet. I woke up before I could try the food I cooked.

Meanwhile, in the real world, I am unemployed but I have a job interview today. I hate when my dreams directly reflect my real world anxieties. I have enough stress, brain, let me have happy dreams with hot ladies and super powers!

bouncingbrick 04-18-12 09:26 AM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
I was at a house I've never seen before. I think there was a bar-b-que or something going on. The house was here in St. Louis where I live, but there were tons of people I know that live all over the world. There were people I knew in the military who live all over the US and abroad. My sister-in-law and her husband were there, and they currently live in Japan. I was trying to stay and enjoy myself but I had something that I needed to do. I have no idea what it was since I don't have a job and I seemed aware of that in the dream, but I kept having to tell people that I was leaving.

When I finally did leave I had to run an errand for my sister. IRL, my sister is married to a hoosier (where I live a hoosier is a derogatory word similar to redneck or hick). His family is pretty hoosiery too, but they are nice enough. In my dream when I got to the house to pick things up for my sister, my brother-in-laws sisters and mother were there along with several other women. There was also a man there that I didn't know. It turns out the women were holding him captive and decided to keep me too. They broke out some clear alcohol and we all started drinking. My "brilliant" way of escaping was to try to out drink them because I'm a bigger person than all of them and I figure I can hold my booze better than them.

I woke up about three drinks into this. I do remember feeling very drunk and stumbling against the table. Anyone else have dreams about being not sober?

Oh, BTW, I remember about 90% of my dreams, so I may fill this thread with crazy nonsense.

Before the above dream, I dreamt about being at my mother-in-laws house and we were watching their new HDTV when UFOs started flying over the house. Some of them exploded and I remember being terrified because my kids were there with us and I was sure that the falling debris would hurt my children. I was also filled with a general sense of dread that I may actually see one of the aliens. For some reason I did not want to see what they looked like.

Hey, everyone, take a look into my psyche!

The Rodent 04-18-12 09:36 AM

Re: What Did You Dream Last Night?
That's wierd, my dream last night was about being at an old factory workplace, yet the people there were from a different old workplace.
I was hiding in the machinery because I shouldn't have been there and was going to get shot if I was caught.
I went outside to hide and saw funny lights in the sky that looked like shooting stars but they were acting like they were controlled by something. Turns out they were UFOs.
Then I woke up.

Miss Vicky 04-18-12 11:20 AM

All I can remember of my dream is that it had something to do with rats. The only thing specific I can remember is that in the dream one particular rat (Dawg, one of my pets) had escaped his cage and was attempting to crawl up my arm.

It wasn't a nightmare, per se, but if Dawg ever were really trying to climb up my arm, I'd be pretty freaked out. He's evil.

Sexy Celebrity 04-18-12 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by bouncingbrick (Post 805408)
I dreamt that I was in a job interview at a TV station to be a security guard but instead of telling them that I wanted to be a security guard that I wanted to work for them doing TV production. I directed them to my youtube page (which is real) to watch some of the work I did for the US Air Force. At first they laughed at me because I went in for one interview and started interviewing for something else. The entire news crew was there watching my interview and laughing, but, at some point, I convinced them that I was passionate about getting the job and that I knew what I was talking about. Then, just as I was about to get the job, I made them a big pan of a spicy chicken dish that I love from the local Chinese food buffet. I woke up before I could try the food I cooked.

Meanwhile, in the real world, I am unemployed but I have a job interview today. I hate when my dreams directly reflect my real world anxieties. I have enough stress, brain, let me have happy dreams with hot ladies and super powers!
You have the skills to impress others and make them give you your dream job (you can make a big pan of spicy chicken dish from the local Chinese food buffet) but it seems like you don't believe in these skills, don't want to test them out, don't want to try them (you woke up before you could eat the food you cooked.)

You need to eat your own chinese food and then you'll be ready to share it with others and get the job you want.

The Rodent 04-18-12 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 805816)
You have the skills to impress others and make them give you your dream job (you can make a big pan of spicy chicken dish from the local Chinese food buffet) but it seems like you don't believe in these skills, don't want to test them out, don't want to try them (you woke up before you could eat the food you cooked.)

You need to eat your own chinese food and then you'll be ready to share it with others and get the job you want.

Analyse this:

A recurring nightmare about having to move something incredibly small, about the size of a book, sometimes it's as small as a marble, yet it is incredibly heavy and I have trouble carrying it.
I then have to lift it onto a shelf or a wall that is above head height but can't...

... all the time this is going on I hear a shouting voice (no words, just a loud shouty voice) that is pressuring me into failing my task and I get more and more stressed and the object gets heavier and heavier.
Eventually I wake up and I'm soaked in sweat.

Sexy Celebrity 04-18-12 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by bouncingbrick (Post 805723)
I was at a house I've never seen before. I think there was a bar-b-que or something going on. The house was here in St. Louis where I live, but there were tons of people I know that live all over the world. There were people I knew in the military who live all over the US and abroad. My sister-in-law and her husband were there, and they currently live in Japan. I was trying to stay and enjoy myself but I had something that I needed to do. I have no idea what it was since I don't have a job and I seemed aware of that in the dream, but I kept having to tell people that I was leaving.

When I finally did leave I had to run an errand for my sister. IRL, my sister is married to a hoosier (where I live a hoosier is a derogatory word similar to redneck or hick). His family is pretty hoosiery too, but they are nice enough. In my dream when I got to the house to pick things up for my sister, my brother-in-laws sisters and mother were there along with several other women. There was also a man there that I didn't know. It turns out the women were holding him captive and decided to keep me too. They broke out some clear alcohol and we all started drinking. My "brilliant" way of escaping was to try to out drink them because I'm a bigger person than all of them and I figure I can hold my booze better than them.

I woke up about three drinks into this. I do remember feeling very drunk and stumbling against the table. Anyone else have dreams about being not sober?
It has something to do with you embracing your own inner hoosier -- your own redneck self. Your wild man. Your "real man" side. Perhaps you are already embracing this. Perhaps it's why you can't "leave" yet -- you are currently being held captive by primal forces.

Look at you and your Nelson Muntz avatar -- that's a redneck boy. You are in the full redneck zone. Note that the house you were at was serving barbeque, which is a real redneck food.

The redneck man you didn't recognize was yourself. All of the women were reflecting your sexuality. You are becoming a man.

Originally Posted by bouncingbrick
Before the above dream, I dreamt about being at my mother-in-laws house and we were watching their new HDTV when UFOs started flying over the house. Some of them exploded and I remember being terrified because my kids were there with us and I was sure that the falling debris would hurt my children. I was also filled with a general sense of dread that I may actually see one of the aliens. For some reason I did not want to see what they looked like.
There is something alien, foreign and "out of this world" going on with you and your life and you fear it disrupting the lives of your children.

Sexy Celebrity 04-18-12 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 805820)
Analyse this:

A recurring nightmare about having to move something incredibly small, about the size of a book, sometimes it's as small as a marble, yet it is incredibly heavy and I have trouble carrying it.
I then have to lift it onto a shelf or a wall that is above head height but can't...

... all the time this is going on I hear a shouting voice (no words, just a loud shouty voice) that is pressuring me into failing my task and I get more and more stressed and the object gets heavier and heavier.
Eventually I wake up and I'm soaked in sweat.
Quite easy. There is a small thing you need to do - something really simple - but to you, it's 1,000 times heavier and difficult to put away.

Whoever is the shouting voice - whether it's you or someone else - is the cause of this psychological growth stunt. Subconsciously, it speaks to you - shouts at you - fails you. It is only making your problem worse and worse.

Since you mentioned a book, and a shelf... consider the possibility that some book might be the key to overcoming this problem. Do you have a book on a shelf somewhere that might be of help? Or a book that will offer some sort of clue? I'm not sure what else to say... this thing changes sizes, yes? What else changes sizes? Perhaps you're just growing.

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