The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
If you ever watch it let me know, I would give it another shot if you give it a
I'll let you know if I watch it.

He should stick to being a tattoo!

I don't know why anyone would want any tattoo, but if someone wanted a tattoo, why would anyone want that tattoo?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I don't know why anyone would want any tattoo, but if someone wanted a tattoo, why would anyone want that tattoo?
It was a "punishment" on a hidden camera show called Impractical Jokers - the losers on that episode had to get tattoos chosen by other participants on the show (without knowing what they were).
One guy named Sal ended up with Jaden Smith tattooed on his thigh.

I thought this had to be fake (who would allow themselves to be tattooed with "anything" - knowing their friends would come up with the worst thing imaginable - without knowing exactly what it was?). So I thought the tats must be temporary ones - but this Jaden Smith tattoo has reappeared on the show multiple times, so it seems it was indeed a permanent tattoo.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
It was a "punishment" on a hidden camera show called Impractical Jokers - the losers on that episode had to get tattoos chosen by other participants on the show (without knowing what they were).
One guy named Sal ended up with Jaden Smith tattooed on his thigh.

I thought this had to be fake (who would allow themselves to be tattooed with "anything" - knowing their friends would come up with the worst thing imaginable - without knowing exactly what it was?). So I thought the tats must be temporary ones - but this Jaden Smith tattoo has reappeared on the show multiple times, so it seems it was indeed a permanent tattoo.

Well that explains it. The only person stupid enough to get that tattoo is the person who's stupid enough to make that kind of a bet.

Let the night air cool you off
My list has 28 films in it still. I am having a hard time trimming the fat. To help myself out, I already eliminated some great films that I just felt weren't really sci-fi despite the tag on IMDb. King Kong and Death Race 2000 are the two big ones that would have been high placements for me, but I don't really think they are sci-fi. If somebody can convince me otherwise, I may add them back to my list.

I'm almost done. I would love to see Arrival before sending in a list, just in case it's as good as some say it is, but I've already run out of room and need to cut a few. So long as I've not turned in a list, I have a good excuse to rewatch some of these to make double sure about including them or not.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks, I knew it was on the first post, but we asked and received an extension to the deadline, so I wasn't sure if Nope had updated the info on the first post or not.

5 weeks left! I better be watching me some more sci-fi

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Thanks, I knew it was on the first post, but we asked and received an extension to the deadline, so I wasn't sure if Nope had updated the info on the first post or not.

5 weeks left! I better be watching me some more sci-fi
The original due date was January 10th, but I pushed it back to February after you guys asked.

Can I get a sci-fi or not ruling on Mauvais Sang
I'm pretty sure Nope said he's open to whatever someone thinks is science fiction, and since it has science fiction elements, it should qualify.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Can I get a sci-fi or not ruling on Mauvais Sang
It is not listed as Sci-Fi on IMDb. I don't know much about the film, and haven't seen it, so it's up to you guys whether or not it should be approved.